Release Overview Webinar SelectSite / HigherMarkets 12.3 Wednesday, October 17, 2012
W HAT WE ’ LL T ALK ABOUT TODAY Administrative Topics Spend Directo r Approvals AP Miscellaneous Reporting
R ECOMMENDED B ROWSERS / O PERATING S YSTEMS SciQuest is now providing a list of recommended browsers and operating systems. As before, this information is available from the Product Release Library. The primary change with this release: Firefox 3.6 is no longer recommended PlatformOperating Systems Browsers Windows XP Vista Windows 7 Internet Explorer (IE) 7, 8, and 9 Chrome – latest version - automatically updated by Google Firefox – latest version – automatically updated by Mozilla Opera 10 and higher Mac OS 10.x Safari 4.0 and higher Firefox – latest version – automatically updated by Mozilla iPad iOS 4, 5 Safari – embedded browser within the iPad
W HAT ’ S N EW IN S ELECT S ITE ? Spend Directo r
P RODUCT S HOWCASE E NHANCEMENTS Home Page View: 12.3 brings more flexibility in how you display suppliers and forms on the home page Option: Show icons on stickers to indicate punch-outs and forms
F ORMS IN THE P RODUCT SHOWCASE Forms today: Only in “Showcased Services” area Limited control in terms of user visibility 12.3 Forms in the Showcase: Works like all other “stickers” Can be made visible by role, department, business unit, or specific users
Personas allow users to shop for more than one Department and Business Unit The Persona shopping experience will be the same as if the user changed their Business Unit or Department in their profile. The user is able to select the appropriate persona and shop with the available forms, favorites, and showcase assigned for the department or business unit. N EW C ONCEPT : S HOPPING P ERSONAS
P ERSONA S ELECTION Personas are available for selection The selected Persona is identified with the icon and displayed on the page
P ERSONA A CCESS : S ETUP Administrators can grant persona access by selecting the appropriate assignment using the Access tab in the user profile. NOTE: This tab was previously labeled document access. All current document access assignments are not impacted with the changes to the Access tab.
P RODUCT S EARCH F EEDBACK N OTIFICATION Administrators can now receive an when shopper’s submit feedback regarding product search.
W HAT ’ S N EW IN S ELECT S ITE ? Approvals
What do approvers review? Purchase Requisitions (Requisition Manager) Purchase Orders (Requisition Manager) Invoices (AP Director/Settlement Manager) Sales Orders (Supplies Manager) For the 12.3 release, we’ve focused on two areas for approvals improvement: 1.The approvals interface 2.Order consolidation A PPROVAL E NHANCEMENTS Approvers are the second largest user group in SelectSite.
N EW A PPROVALS I NTERFACE You can choose to see approvals by folder (like today) or in list form Filter the approval documents by supplier, by folder, by custom field, and more The numbers to the right of the filters indicate how many documents fit that criteria Control your view: show/hide details and collapse folders
N EW A PPROVALS I NTERFACE Sort options for your approval documents Aging Information is displayed and available for approvers and administrators to see
N EW A PPROVALS I NTERFACE Single outbox tab for all approvals that have been reviewed Three new sub-tabs for approvals
N EW A PPROVALS I NTERFACE Separate tab for notifications Three new sub-tabs for approvals
N EW A PPROVALS I NTERFACE Assign a substitute approver when you will be unavailable – for a single folder or all folders Three new sub-tabs for approvals
W HAT ’ S N EW IN S ELECT S ITE ? Reporting
N EW P ERMISSION FOR V IEWING R EPORTS New permission allows access to cycle time and invoice reports for non- administrators. Great idea for AP team! Permission name: View Operational Reports
N EW R EPORT : PR TO PO C YCLE T IME This new cycle report measures the time between when a PR was created and the original PO creation date – not including any revisions. Report name : Time from PR submission to original PO revision
N EW R EPORT : I NVOICE S OURCE B Y S UPPLIER This new report helps organizations understand how invoices are being received from suppliers. Suppliers invoices can be created manually, electronically, automated, or through import.
N EW R EPORT : I NVOICE C YCLE T IME This new report measures the time it takes for an invoice to be created (submitted) to completion. The Goal: Find efficiencies in invoice processing time
R EJECTED L INES E XCLUDED FROM M ATCHING Rejected lines are no longer included in matching calculations Matching will only occur on lines that have not been rejected Approvers will no longer have to manually approve every invoice with rejected lines Time saver for AP Processors!
W HAT ’ S N EW IN S ELECT S ITE ? Miscellaneous
Document Attachment as filter criteria for Document Search Management of (Account) Code Favorites through user import Organizations can create new supplier classes (in addition to the 100 pre-defined classes that SQ provides) M ISCELLANEOUS E NHANCEMENTS
Thank you for attending the SelectSite/HigherMarkets 12.3 Release Overview Webinar! 28