Text 1 July, 2010 DCMS: Training Manual Interface and Master Data Management
9 October DCMS Web Application Interface and Master Data Management Training Manual
9 October Introduction DCMS is a system, demanded by HPCL to remain leader in the LPG industry of India. This manual makes the user acquainted with the Interfacing of Master Data of DCMS from JDE and Maintenance of Master Data in DCMS.
9 October Purpose This manual guides the HPCL Users towards Interfacing of Master Data from JDE and DCMS and also Maintenance of DCMS Master Data. Intended Audience HPCL Officers
9 October Organization of the Manual Section/Chapter NameShort Description Application LaunchingHow to Launch DCMS Web InterfaceInterfacing with Master tables in JDE Master ManagementManagement of Master Data in DCMS
9 October DCMS Web Application Login 1.To login to DCMS Web Application, one has to log in to the Online Help Desk with the Log In ID and Password provided to them. 2.To log in, one has to enter the following URL into the address bar of the Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or any other like Internet Browser: /DCMSWeb/index.aspx
9 October 2015 Login screen…
9 October On providing a valid User Name and Password and clicking on the Log In button, the User Roles list gets displayed asking the User to “Select Your Role”. 4.On selecting your correct User Role, the DCMS Home Web Page gets displayed. DCMS Web Application Login (Contd.)
9 October 2015 Login screen after clicking Log In…
9 October 2015 First screen after successful Login…
9 October 2015 Interface This section has three options: JDE Data View JDE Data Error View JDE – DCMS Interface
9 October 2015 JDE Data View 1.The JDE Data View option is available under the Interface option in DCMS Web Home page i.e. the first page that appears after a successful Login. 2.It has two sections; one prompts the User to “Select JDE Master Table” to be viewed. On selecting any one of the Master Tables, the table contents of the corresponding JDE Master Table gets displayed in the second section as demonstrated in the following section.
9 October 2015 JDE Table Selection…
9 October 2015 JDE Master Data…
9 October 2015 JDE – DCMS Interface 1.The JDE Data Error View displays the errors that occurred in each of the tables while interfacing between the Master Tables of DCMS and JDE. 2.The screen displays a number of procedures provided with corresponding Run options. Click on any one of the Run options, the corresponding procedure “fires” i.e. runs and loads the DCMS Interface with data directly obtained from the Master Tables in the JDE Interface.
9 October 2015 JDE – DCMS Interface (Contd.) 3.There are 8 major procedures that need to be fired in that order to derive the Master Data. These are: Load DCMS State Master from Interface Load DCMS District Master from Interface Load DCMS Taluka Master from Interface Load DCMS Town Master from Interface Load DCMS Distributor from Interface Load DCMS HPCLUsers table from Interface Load DCMS PaymentReceiptData from Interface Load DCMS InvoiceData from Interface
9 October 2015 JDE – DCMS Interface screen (showing Load Processes)…
9 October 2015 JDE – DCMS Interface (Contd.) 4.If after the initial loading, the Master Tables again might be needed to be loaded with the data from the JDE Master Tables from time to time, further options are provided to the users to ‘Refresh’ the tables. These clear the data currently present in the DCMS Master tables and loads fresh data from the JDE Master tables. The options are as follows: Refresh DCMS State Master from Interface Refresh DCMS District Master from Interface Refresh DCMS Taluka Master from Interface Refresh DCMS Town Master from Interface Refresh DCMS Distributor from Interface Refresh DCMS User Office Code UGMap from Interface Refresh DCMS PaymentReceiptData from Interface Refresh DCMS InvoiceData from Interface
9 October 2015 JDE – DCMS Interface screen (showing Refresh Processes)…
9 October 2015 JDE Data Error View 1.The JDE Data Error View displays the errors that occurred in each of the tables while interfacing between the Master Tables of DCMS and JDE. 2.On clicking the JDE Data Error View option, the following screen appears and prompts the user to choose the Master Table corresponding to which the errors are wanted to be viewed. 3.Upon selection of one of the options available in the dropdown as shown in the screen above, the details get displayed.
9 October 2015 JDE Data Error View screen…
9 October Master Maintenance The Master maintenance option can be found on the DCMS Home Web Page i.e. the first screen after a successful Login. This option is used by the HPCL Employees to view and edit the Master Tables currently in the DCMS Interface. The available tables will be shown in a dropdown by keeping the cursor on the option. The JDE-DCMS Interface are “fired”, the corresponding Master Tables are brought into the DCMS Interface and can also be viewed with the help of this option.
9 October Master Maintenance Screen
9 October Master Maintenance (Contd) 1.Click on any one of the options to view the corresponding table. 2.In the tables, you can not only view the data but also add or edit data as per requirements. These changes will get reflected at the Distributor’s terminal through the Online Updates and Synchronization process. Different screens under this option are described further:
9 October Item This option has three tables: Item Group. Unit of Measure. Item. Item Group: This table shows the list of all Item Groups that the Distributors are to make available to the Consumers. Click on Item Group of Item under Master Maintenance to view the screen. You can add or modify the details of an item in this screen.
9 October Item Group Master Screen
9 October Item (Contd) Unit of Measure This table provides Units of Measure (UOM) Code and UOM Description details:
9 October Item (Contd) You can add or modify the UOM details in this screen. Item: This screen provides the Item details. 1.Open the Item Master screen. 2.Enter relevant data in the fields. 3.You can Add or Update Item Details by clicking the respective buttons as shown in the screen below:
9 October Item Master Screen
9 October Distributor This option has six tables under it. They are: Distributor. Distributor Item Mapping. Distributor Password. Distributor MAC Address. Distributor Search. Distributor Supply Plant Map.
9 October Distributor (Contd) Distributor: You can update and view the distributor details by providing the Distributor Code in the Distributor Master screen:
9 October Distributor (Contd) You can also search the Distributor Code from an LOV (List of Value) screen by clicking on the search icon next to the text box. You can view the following screen: Click on Select button against the Distributor Code whose details you want to view in the above screen.
9 October Distributor (Contd) Distributor Item Mapping: You can issue the required items to the distributor through this window:
9 October Distributor (Contd) Select the items to be issued by clicking on the corresponding check boxes followed by a click on Submit button. Distributor Password: This screen is used to Reset Password for Distributors. 1.Select the Distributor through Hierarchical search by selecting Zone, Region, Sales Area and Distributor from the corresponding dropdown. The following screen will appear:
9 October Reset Password for Distributor Owner Screen Click on the Reset Password hyperlink to view the next screen:
9 October Screen for Reset Password
9 October Distributor (Contd) Distributor MAC Address: This screen is used to display the MAC Address of a selected Distributor. 1. A distributor can be chosen by selecting the Zone, Region, Sales Area and Distributor from the dropdown. 2.You can add or delete the MAC address from the list whenever required. For adding, enter the MAC address and click on Add button. For deleting, click on the corresponding Delete hyperlink.
9 October Distributor MAC Address Screen
9 October Distributor (Contd) Distributor Search: This screen is used to search for Distributors based on their locations. 1.Select the Distributor through Hierarchical search by selecting Zone, Region, Sales Area and Distributor in this screen. 2.Click on the Distributor Id hyperlink to view the details about the distributor.
9 October Distributor Search Screen
9 October Distributor (Contd) Distributor Plant Supply Map: This option provides us the Plant Details based on location of the plant. 1.The plants are searched based on the City or State or both in which they are located. Thus, a plant that can possibly supply to a given Distributor can be found out.
9 October Distributor Supply Plant Map
9 October Distributor Supply Plant Map( Map Distributor) 2.Click on the Map Distributor hyperlink against the Plant Name, to include the names of the distributors who can avail service from that plant. The following section will appear:
9 October You can add the required details of the distributor to be mapped to the plant and click on Add. The mapping will be successful and you can view the JDE Distributor Code and Distributor Name mapped to that plant. Distributor (Contd)
9 October This option has only one table under it. User Access Configuration: This screen is specially meant for the setting and resetting the Passwords of ARB Vendors and Sub-vendors using the ARB Portal. The screen is shown as follows: Application Access Rights
9 October User Access Configuration Screen
9 October This option has three tables under it. They are: Role User Role Map Role Screen Map User Role
9 October Role Master
9 October HPCL User Role Mapping
9 October Role Screen Map
9 October Parameters This option has five tables under it. They are: 1.Look Up. 2.Account Heads. 3.Account Transactions. 4.Cancellation Reasons. 5.Complaint Types
9 October Look Up Master
9 October Account Heads
9 October Account Transactions
9 October Cancellation Reasons
9 October Complaint Types
9 October Masters from JDE This screen shows the contents of the different Master Tables obtained from the JDE Interface. 1.Select the Master Table whose contents you want to view from the dropdown. 2.On selecting the name of one of the Master Tables, its content gets displayed in DCMS Master Table View as shown below:
9 October DCMS Master Table View
9 October Nature Code Type Code Mapping This screen holds a table that not only shows the mapping between the different Nature Codes and Type Codes available but also displays a number of relevant details like Package Codes, Max and Min Cylinder and Regulator quantity for each pair as shown below:
9 October Nature Code Type Code Map Screen
9 October Create Notice This screen is used by HPCL Employees to create and circulate important Notifications. To create a Notice: 1.Write the Notice Details. 2.Select one or more types of intended recipients from among Distributors, HPCL Users, Vendors and Sub-Vendors. 3.Mention the Start Date and End Date of the Notification. 4.Click on the Save button.
9 October Create Notice Screen
9 October CTA Exception
9 October Plant It includes only one table i.e. Plant Search 1.This Plant option provides us with a single screen called Plant Search that enables us to search location of gas plants based on Distributor Information such as State, City or Plant Code. 2.After providing the Distributor Details, click on the Search button. The results are displayed as in the following screen:
9 October Plant Search Screen
9 October Cylinder Regulator Mapping This screen holds a table showing which Regulator should go with cylinders of which Package Code as shown below:
9 October Thank You