Political Participation in the Age of Globalization: The role of the culturally situated self on the analysis of political protest Erik H Cohen Jose Valencia University of Bar IlanUniversity of the Basque Country
Definition Power distance refers to the extent to which members of a given society expect and accept that power is distributed unequally in society. In high power distance societies, an emotional distance separates subordinates from authorities. In low power distance societies there is an expectation of relative equitable distribution of power.
The problem What is the relationship between non- institutional political participation or political protest and the cultural syndrome of power distance ?
Data from large-scale international surveys Third wave of the World Values Survey (1996) Human Development Index (UNDP 1998) Freedom House (1998)
Five specified types of political protest Sign a petition Join a boycott Attend a lawful demonstration Join an unofficial strike Occupy a building Where 1 = never, 2 = might do; 3 = I have done.
Factor analysis Factor Loadings.818 Signed a petition.830 Joined a boycott.724 Attended a lawful demonstration.736 Joined an unofficial strike.618 Occupied a building or factory
Correlations matrix Signed a petition Joined a boycott Attended a lawful demonstration Joined an unofficial strike Occupied a building or factory
Smallest space analysis (SSA) Uni-dimensional / coefficient of alienation =.24
Smallest space analysis (SSA) Two-dimensional / coefficient of alienation =.00
Profiles of political protest A sample Countries fitting profile Profile of political protest occupy buildingstrikedemonstrationboycottpetition (1) Sweden33556 (1) Basque34545 (2) Norway, West Germany (1) South Korea43445 (4) Australia, East Germany, Switzerland, USA 33446
Partial Order (POSAC) 98% of the profile pairs were correctly represented
Partial Order (POSAC) With categories of power distance as external variables
Conclusion / 1 1/The Factor Analysis verifies the strong link between the types of political protest. 2/The Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) shows a clear progression from the least involved and least demanding form of activity to the most involved and most demanding.
Conclusion / 2 3/The Multidimensional partial order analysis classifies the various countries along a diagonal from those with low levels of political participation to those with higher levels. 4/Lawful demonstrations are found to play a pivotal role in the typology of political protest, between the less involved anonymous types of protest and the more demanding and personally engaging types.
Conclusion / 3 5/A correlation (partial mediation analysis) was recognized between power distance and political protest. This seems to indicate that participation in these types of political protest is linked to the culturally mediated self organized around the distribution of power in society.
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