T e a c h e r s D i s c o v e r i n g C o m p u t e r s Integrating Technology in the Classroom 3 rd Edition Chapter 5 Integrating Multimedia and Educational Software Applications
2 CHAPTER 5 OBJECTIVES bDefine multimedia bDescribe types of media used in multimedia applications bExplain the different uses of multimedia applications bDiscuss multimedia applications on the Web
3 CHAPTER 5 OBJECTIVES bIdentify various K-12 software applications bSpecify what is meant by an interactive multimedia application bExamine the uses of multimedia authoring software programs bExplain why multimedia applications are important for education
4 WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? bThe combination of the following elements: text, color, graphics, animation, audio, and video bMultimedia software bInteractive multimedia
5 This Interactive multimedia software application helps students learn about the human body
6 Any clickable object in a multimedia presentation can function as a link
7 WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? bText Create words, sentences, and paragraphs Textual effects Menus
8 WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? bGraphics Illustrate concepts more vividly than text Visual learners Navigation elements Clip art Presentation graphics and multimedia authoring packages
9 WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? bAnimation A graphic that has the illusion of motion Animation and Virtual Reality Animation
10 WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? bAudio Music, speech, or any other sound Capture with microphone, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, radio, or other audio input device MIDI Purchase audio clips
11 WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? bVideo Photographic images that are played back at speeds of 15 to 30 frames per second and provide the appearance of full motion Video compression Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG)
12 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bInvolves the use of multimedia technology in education, business, and entertainment bSimulations
13 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bComputer-Based Training (CBT) Reduced training time and cost Teach new skills Courseware Instant feedback
14 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bComputer-Based Training (CBT) Self-pace study Unique content Unique instructional experience One-on-one interaction
15 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bElectronic Books and References Electronic book –Digital text that uses links to give the user access to information –E-book
16 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bElectronic Books and References Electronic reference –Digital version of a reference book –Photographs, audio and video clips, and detailed illustrations –Often used in health and medicine
18 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bHow-to guides Include step-by-step instructions and interactive demonstrations to teach practical skills Landscaping example
20 bMultimedia Newspapers and Magazines (E-zines) Digital version of a newspaper or magazine Distributed via CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or the World Wide Web Electronic magazines (e-zine) Companion Web sites MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS
22 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bEntertainment and Edutainment Games Music Interactive music Edutainment - both educational and entertaining
25 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bVirtual reality (VR) Use of a computer to create an artificial environment that appears and feels like a real environment and allows the user to explore and manipulate the environment Specialized headgear, body suits, and gloves VR on the Web
27 The Web allows students to take virtual tours of many historical places all over the world
28 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bInformation Kiosks Computerized information or reference center that allows you to select various options to browse through or find information Touch screens
29 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bMultimedia and the World Wide Web Part of the Internet Online radio stations Movie rental sites Games
30 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bWeb-Based Training (WBT) and Distance Learning Web-based training –Computer based training on the Web –Many organizations use WBT –Free or fee-based
31 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bWeb-Based Training (WBT) and Distance Learning Distance Learning –Web-based education –Web-based course –Web-enhanced course
32 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bColleges and Universities Students attend class from home or at any time that fits their schedule
33 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bHigh Schools Prevent school overcrowding Pool resources Link students Web-enhanced courses Interact with subject area experts
34 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bProfessional Development Training Easy and more convenient way to train teachers Self-paced Instructor-led
35 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bSoftware products used to support teaching and learning of subject-related content bInteractive multimedia applications bMany designs, forms, and curriculum levels
37 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bComputer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) Software to help teach facts, information, and/or skills associated with subject-related material
38 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bDrill-and-Practice Software First supplies factual information Uses repetitive exercises Also known as skills-reinforcement software Remediation
39 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bEducational Games Contain rules that allow the student to compete between other students or the game Problem-solving environments
40 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bTutorials Help individuals learn to use a product or concept Software with built-in tutorials
41 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bEducational Simulations Models some event, reality, real-life circumstance, or phenomenon Educational computer simulations on the Web
42 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bIntegrated Learning Systems Complete educational software solution in one package –Pre-tests –Instruction based on diagnostic data –Continuous monitoring –Variety of formats –Multiple levels
44 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bApplications for Students with Disabilities Visual materials Closed captioning or sign language Students work at their own pace
45 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bCurriculum-Specific Educational Software High quality interactive and multimedia educational software Installed on school networks Available on the Web
46 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bCreativity Students can completely control the design of their projects Some applications provide ideas and pre-made backgrounds
47 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bCritical Thinking Stimulate students to use critical thinking skills Students are presented with a problem and a variety of ways to solve the problem
48 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bEarly Learning Designed for PK-3 students Provides a jumpstart on learning Engaging graphics and a variety of activities
49 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bESL/Foreign Language Provides K-12 students with assistance in learning English and other languages
50 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bLanguage Arts Support students throughout the reading and writing process Encourages students to learn critical skills
51 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bMath and Science Math applications –Help students learn mathematics –Skill practice and problem solving
52 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bMath and Science Science applications –Helps students learn a variety of science concepts
53 K-12 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS bSocial Studies Encourage higher- order thinking skills
54 CREATING AND PRESENTING MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bObtaining Graphics for a Multimedia Application Color scanner Scanner software Digital cameras PhotoCD system
56 CREATING AND PRESENTING MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS bMultimedia and Web Authoring Software ToolBook Authorware Director PowerPoint Hyperstudio
57 PRESENTING MULTIMEDIA bLarge Monitors or Televisions Least expensive way to present multimedia Many teachers have a 27- or 32-inch television for classroom presentation Mounted on rolling carts Some computers require a special converter
59 PRESENTING MULTIMEDIA bData Projectors Projects the image from your computer screen onto a large screen Expensive and not practical for every classroom
60 PRESENTING MULTIMEDIA bInteractive Whiteboards Increasingly popular SMART Board™ –Project image onto board –Touch sensitive surface is used to control any computer application –Write notes or draw diagrams SMART Recorder™
62 WHY ARE MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS IMPORTANT FOR EDUCATION? bAppeals to a variety of learning styles bStudents retain 50% of what the see and hear bStudents retain as much as 80% when they see, hear, and interact with the learning environment
63 WHY ARE MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS IMPORTANT FOR EDUCATION? bStudents become actively involved in the learning process
64 CHAPTER SUMMARY bDefine multimedia bDescribe types of media used in multimedia applications bExplain the different uses of multimedia applications bDiscuss multimedia applications on the Web
65 CHAPTER SUMMARY bIdentify various K-12 software applications bSpecify what is meant by an interactive multimedia application bExamine the uses of multimedia authoring software programs bExplain why multimedia applications are important for education