TECH PREP Transitioning from Secondary to Postsecondary Dr. Kathy J. D’Antoni WV
Proposed Tech Prep Definitions Tech Prep Program An approved coherent sequence of academic and technical occupational courses within a Career and Technical Education program that is articulated to a two year certificate, degree, technical diploma or apprenticeship program at the postsecondary level. Secondary Tech Prep Student A student who is enrolled in a Tech Prep program that is carried out under a formal written articulation agreement. Postsecondary Tech Prep Student A secondary Tech Prep concentrator (defined as a minimum of two Carnegie units) who has matriculated to the postsecondary institution and is enrolled in a two year certificate, degree, technical diploma or apprenticeship program.
West Virginia Issues Secondary and Postsecondary Information Systems did not Communicate Articulation was not Working Parental/Student Awareness Career Development
The EDGE A dynamic initiative that allows students to establish a college transcript while till in high school. It promotes the blend of academic and technical courses to raise the achievement of students and to increase the college-going rate and more importantly college-going success.
WV EDGE EDGE – Earn a Degree-Graduate Early Free College Credit Immediate College Credit Transcript Established Career Pathways Established Created State-wide Articulated Programs Secondary and Postsecondary Faculty Collaboration
Tech Prep Data Number of Tech Prep Students Transitioning Number of Tech Prep Students in Developmental Education Average Class Load for Tech Prep Students Number of Tech Prep Students earning an associate degree or certificate
Quality of EDGE Students Report EDGE Student Remediation Averages Developmental English 9% compared to a system-wide average of 23.5%. Developmental Math 20% compared to a system-wide average of 38%. Other Developmental Courses 22% compared to a system-wide average of 42.5%. EDGE Students carry an average 2.68 GPA with a course load of 14 credit hours per semester. EDGE Student Remediation Averages Developmental English 9% compared to a system-wide average of 23.5%. Developmental Math 20% compared to a system-wide average of 38%. Other Developmental Courses 22% compared to a system-wide average of 42.5%. EDGE Students carry an average 2.68 GPA with a course load of 14 credit hours per semester.
West Virginia Participation Rates 2002 – 2003 School Year 23% of High Schools & Technical Centers Participated 2003 – 2004 School Year 46% of High Schools & Technical Centers Participated 2004 – 2005 School Year 70% (108) of High Schools & Technical Centers Participating 73% Increase in Student Participation* * The new participation numbers include students that may be enrolled in multiple EDGE courses or are enrolled at a Technical Center and High School simultaneously. 2002 – 2003 School Year 23% of High Schools & Technical Centers Participated 2003 – 2004 School Year 46% of High Schools & Technical Centers Participated 2004 – 2005 School Year 70% (108) of High Schools & Technical Centers Participating 73% Increase in Student Participation* * The new participation numbers include students that may be enrolled in multiple EDGE courses or are enrolled at a Technical Center and High School simultaneously.
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