Tribal Engagement in National Climate Programs National Tribal Forum on Air Quality May 13, 2014 Kathy Lynn University of Oregon Environmental Studies Program Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project Garrit Voggesser National Wildlife Federation National Director Tribal Partnerships Program
Tribal Climate Change Policy Initiatives Funding Legislative and Administrative Principles Tribal Climate Change Resources in the PNW Traditional Knowledges and Climate Change Tribal Sovereignty and the Trust Responsibility Questions for you!
TRIBAL PRINCIPLES CONCERNING FEDERAL ACTIONS TO ADDRESS CLIMATE CHANGE Tribal Principles Background – Federal Climate Legislation Purpose of New Principles Principle Themes Sovereign partners in assessing and addressing climate change. Provided adequate resources to assess and address the adverse impacts of climate change. Access to the financial, technical, and other resources necessary for renewable energy and energy efficiency. AK Native Villages, Coastal Tribes, and Relocation. Equitable representation on committees and workgroups. Establish a high level interagency-tribal government task force to close relationship gaps with federal agencies and implement climate solutions. Address exclusion of tribes from federal natural resource programs. Set-aside of resources for tribes in legislation, administrative actions, and current and future natural resource programs.
Climate Change Funding Department of Interior, Cooperative Landscape Conservation FY 2009-FY 2014, $135-$170 million available annually to Interior Agencies Little to No Funding Provided to Tribes in first 4 Years BIA Trust Land is 10% of DOI Land Base Tribal Lands = 16% of Total Acreage of Agency Lands in the CLC Program Tribal Lands include 11 million acres more than the NPS, yet NPS received 50 times more funding in FY 2012 FY 2013 BIA Climate Funding -- $1 million = Less than 1% percent of total funding FY 2014 BIA Climate Funding -- $9.947 million Advocating to Ensure the Same Amount is Available in FY 2015 AgencyAcres (in millions) BLM258 FWS150 BIA/Tribes95 NPS84 Total587
Climate Change Funding Recommendations for FY 14 BIA Funding Endorsed by 12 Tribes and Organizations Representing 90 Tribes Task Force to Improve Communication with Tribes on Federal Initiatives. Establish a Consistent Funding Stream. Nation-Wide Training Program on Climate Planning and Implementation. Ensure that climate research and data, data access, and decision support tools is communicated and tailored to meet tribal needs. Develop interagency coordination to align federal agency efforts to formally engage tribes in those efforts in a clear and consistent manner. Improve tribal consultation to mitigate and minimize the direct impacts of climate change. Sponsor a National Tribal Adaptation Forum. Support the respectful and appropriate application of traditional knowledge.
PNW Tribal Climate Change Resources PNW Tribal Climate Change Project Increase awareness about the impacts of climate change on tribal culture and sovereignty and foster collaboration and opportunities for tribes to engage in regional climate initiatives. Develop tribal climate change profiles and resources Coordinate the PNW Tribal Climate Change Network Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals Spring 2014 Webinar Series Fall 2014 Climate Adaptation Training Oregon Climate Change Research Institute Northwest Climate Science Center Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
Provide up-to-date information on climate change related grants Grant name Agency Deadline Description Category (Adaptation, health, renewable energy, etc.) Funding Amount Eligibility Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide
Tribal Engagement in Northwest Climate Initiatives: NW Climate Science Center and North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative NW Climate Science Center North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Climate Change Resources: 2014 National Climate Assessment 2013 Northwest Climate Assessment 2014 National Climate Assessment 2013 Northwest Climate Assessment
Traditional Knowledge Considerations: The role of traditional knowledges in climate change initiatives Guidelines for bridging traditional knowledges in climate research and collaboration with public agencies Protection for traditional knowledges
What is Traditional Knowledge? Community Traditions, Rituals Practices, and Moral Values Intergenerational World View of Interrelationships with the environment Often expressed orally through Language, stories, legends, folklore, songs, taboos, and laws Transmitted interpersonally by showing to individuals entrusted with care Sharing Through Rules and Practices of Governance TK Image courtesy of Gary Morishima
The role of traditional knowledges in climate change initiatives Understanding climate change impacts Considering implications of climate change mitigation strategies Identifying tribally-relevant adaptation strategies
Understand key concepts and definitions related to TKs What is Traditional Knowledge? Who are the holders of TKs? How are TKs relevant to climate change? Free, Prior and Informed Consent
"Free" implies indigenous control over decisions related to consent free from force, intimidation, manipulation, inducements, coercion, or other pressure by any government, agency, company, or external entity in a process that is unbiased and neutral as to outcome. "Prior" means that indigenous peoples must be engaged before alternatives are identified and actions or decisions are made. "Informed" means that all relevant information must be made available and provided in language/forms understandable to indigenous peoples and that indigenous peoples must have access to independent information and experts on law and technical issues upon request. "Consent" means that Indigenous Peoples have the right to say "yes" or "no" at each stage of the decision making process.
Indigenous Rights and Sharing Traditional Knowledges Tribes and knowledge holders have the right to participate or NOT participate in federal collaborations involving TKs Solar Fountain Source: Siletz Tribal Energy Program
Risks in sharing Traditional Knowledges Potential for misappropriation or misunderstanding of traditional knowledges.
Guidelines and Best Practices Engage tribes and non-tribal entities in understanding the role of traditional knowledges in climate initiatives, and risks associated with sharing TKs. Ensure that grant proposals clearly articulate how traditional knowledges will be shared and protected in federal-tribal collaborations.
Resources Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledges in Climate Change Initiatives (forthcoming). Williams T, Hardison P Culture, law, risk and governance: contexts of traditional knowledge in climate change adaptation. Climatic Change. October 2013, Volume 120, Issue 3. Vinyeta, Kirsten; Lynn, Kathy Exploring the role of traditional ecological knowledge in climate change initiatives. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-879. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Nakashima, D.J.; Galloway McLean, K.; Thulstrup, H.D.; Ramos Castillo, A.; Rubis, J.T Weathering uncertainty: traditional knowledge for climate change assessment and adaptation. Paris: UNESCO, and Darwin: UNU. 120p
Tribal Sovereignty in the face of Climate Change Tribes are “Co-Tenants” of Natural Resources Under the Trust Doctrine While Others Procrastinate and Sit Idle, Tribes Can be the Drivers of Change
Questions for you: Question about Tribal Climate Change Principles? What kind of guidance to tribes do you think is most important in regards to traditional knowledge and climate change? What kind of guidance to public agencies do you think is most important in regards to traditional knowledge and climate change?
For More Information: Kathy Lynn - PNW Tribal Climate Change Project Garrit Voggesser National Wildlife Federation Tribal Partnerships Program