English I February 11 th – February 15th
Daily Oral Language # 6 Proofreading Sentences: a.) manny has wrote a article called website designing which will appear in the march issue of laptop magazine b.) nathaniel don’t have no interest in learning mai and I to use that there computer yet hes willing to learn the to of us how to load that there new software
Daily Oral Language # 6 Correct Sentences: a.) Manny has written an article called “Website Designing,” which will appear in the March issue of Laptop magazine. b.) Nathaniel doesn’t have any interest in teaching Mai and me to use that computer, yet he’s willing to teach the two of us how to load that new software.
Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 11 Agri(0) = fields Bene, bon = good Foli, phyll= leaf Luc, lum, phot(o)= light Therm(o) = heat Tox= Poison Bene, bon beneficial In English class, we were told that keeping writer’s notebooks would be beneficial to our thinking ability. good
Greek & Latin Review – Competition! 1. Take out the dictionary 2. Each group needs to find as many words with the root assigned (Table 1: agri(o), Table 2: bene/bon, Table 3: foli/phyll, Table 4: luc/lum/phot(o), Table 5: therm (o), Table 6: tox) and write them down in your notebook (with the meaning!) 3. The group with the most words at the end of 10 minutes will get a treat
WordMeaningSentence Now, let’s create some sentences using the words
Identify the Greek/Latin roots in the following passage: I have always been interested in nature and agriculture, so my biology teacher thought it would be beneficial for me to visit the mountains in the autumn to see the fall foliage. She said it would help me understand how a chemical called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis happen. I always thought that something toxic was killing the trees, but I was wrong!
Your Turn! Using the words you found in the dictionary, write a short story like in the previous exercise. It should have at least 4 new words..
It’s poster time! Each table is going to create a poster for 1-2 roots. The poster should include: the root, a picture describing the root, a word from the dictionary and a sentences using the word Cooperate- work together connection – the act of linking In science class we were able to see how worms and other insects live symbiotically to help the environment. with, together co, con, syn, sym
Daily Oral Language # 7 Proofreading Sentences: a.) the centurion community choir want to learn this land is your land for the choral competition b.) your should use on third cup of sugar according to the cookbook
Daily Oral Language # 7 Correct Sentences: a.) The Centurion Community Choir wants to learn “This Land is Your Land” for the choral competition. b.) You should use one-third cup of sugar according to the cookbook.
Academic Language 1 - Fiction Plot: the series of events in a story Conflict: the problem that the main character faces Setting: the time and place of the action Theme: the message about life or human nature that the author wants to communicate Narrator: the voice that tells the story Point of View: Relationship of the narrator to the story. ◦ First person point of view: narrator is a character in the story. Personal pronoun “I” ◦ Third person limited: narrator reveals the thoughts, feelings, and observations of only one character as “he” or “she” ◦ Third person omniscient: all knowing point of view. Narrator not a character in the story. Knows everything about the characters and events
Elements of Plot Please complete the re-teaching worksheet. Use page 28 in your textbook if you need help. Now let’s try making our own plot diagram! Watch this video and follow along with your lyrics… Fresh Prince of Bel Air
INDEPENDENT READING Please get the book that you selected for independent reading and read SILENTLY for the next 20 minutes. When I tell you that time is up, please fill out your worksheet (a summary or your thoughts on what you read – at least 5 sentences NOT copied from the book) and put it in your IR folder.
Daily Oral Language # 8 Proofreading Sentences: a.) marie asked has joanne lent you the article job hunting successfully or have katya and you read it already b.) tony should have gave we boys the movie reviews to right for the school newspaper however some other students writed it
Daily Oral Language # 8 Correct Sentences: a.) Maria asked, “Has Joanne lent you the article ‘Job Hunting Successfully,’ or have Katya an you read it already?” b.) Tony should have given us boys the movie reviews to write for the school newspaper; however, some other students wrote them.
Academic Vocabulary 2 - Fiction Tone: an author’s attitude toward a subject, character, or the audience Symbol- An ordinary object, event, person or animal to which we have attached extraordinary meaning and significance ( importance) Motivation – reasons for a character’s behavior Characterization – the way a writer creates and develops characters personality ◦ Indirect- the author shows a character’s personality (Sam fuddled with his papers while beads of sweat dripped down his face.) ◦ Direct- the author tells exactly what the character feels (Paul was infuriated.) Mood- The emotion or feeling that the audience experiences while reading. Figurative language: metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification
Conflict and Suspense Please complete the re-teaching worksheet on conflict & suspense. You can use page 29 in your textbook if you need help. 1. Doug vs. earthquake External 2. Annie Marcoux vs. Zoning Board External 3. Man vs. bear External In what passage is the suspense least intense? Why? PassageConflictInternal or External
Foreshadowing and Flashback Please complete the re-teaching worksheet. Use page 28 in your textbook if you need help.
Greek & Latin Review Match the words to the correct definition WORDDEFINITION 1. Agrichemical1. A blessing. 2. Benediction2. To supply or brighten with light. 3. Chlorophyll3. Warm; hot 4. illuminate4. A pesticide used on farms. 5. Thermal5. Poisonous 6. Toxic6. The green coloring matter of leaves and plants.
CLOSE READING, p Make sure to have a dialogue with the text.
Daily Oral Language #9 Proofreading Sentences: a.) I was suppose to have took the biggest of the too boxes of equipment but I forget and left them laying on the floor b.) has the speaker phone rang that loud before or did your sister turn up the volume to here it in her bedroom
Daily Oral Language #9 Correct Sentences: a.) I was supposed to have taken the bigger of the two boxes of equipment, but I forgot and left it lying on the floor. b.) Has the speaker phone rung that loudly before, or did your sister turn up the volume to hear it in her bedroom?
Quickwrite Is Fear Our Worst Enemy? Think about a time when you have had to face your fear(s) in order to achieve a goal. Write about the event using descriptive details and how you responded during that situation.
Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy? Power point presentation
Vocabulary Practice Review the meanings of the vocabulary words. How might each word relate to a story about a soldier’s experience in combat? Write a short paragraph that describes what a soldier might do, see, think, or feel. Be sure to use all of the vocabulary words in your paragraph.
CLOSE READING, p Read all of the story. 2. Read again and answer the following questions in short phrases or sentences: 1.Where does Paul Berlin pretend to be? 2.How long has Paul been in the war? 3.What does the soldier named Toby give to Paul? 4.What does Doc Peret say is the reason that Billy Boy Watkins died? 5.Why does Paul laugh when he remembers the details of how Billy Boy died?
Pg Holt Interactive Reader After Reading Activity Elements of O’Brien’s StyleExample Dialogue that sounds natural, like actual speech Vivid, realistic description of what Paul sees A mix of long and short sentences to communicate Paul’s thoughts and feelings
Daily Oral Language #10 Proofreading Sentences: a.) I like the jeans that leanne bought a wanamakers warehouse with the embroidered cuffs b.) will you be reading the prelude the autobiographical poem in your english Class this semester
Daily Oral Language #10 Correct Sentences: a.) I like the jeans with the embroidered cuffs that Leanne bought at Wanamaker’s Warehouse. b.) Will you be reading The Prelude, the autobiographical poem, in your English class this semester?
Greek and Latin Quiz #1 Sentence & Fragments Quiz