English: Thursday, December 13, Handouts: * [Refer to your Holiday Letter rubric] 2.Homework: * Finish writing your holiday letter * Goal today: Place copy around your illustrations and edit to make elements fit. 3.Assignments due: * Do you have your flash drive with you today?
Lesson Goal: Learn to strategize in preparation for writing a holiday letter. Outcomes: Be able to... 1.List and analyze the most interesting events of their lives this past year. 2.Organize their listing into an outline. 3.Write and illustrate a compelling family holiday letter for their relatives and family friends. 4.Mail copies of their holiday letter with Christmas or New Year’s cards.
Starter #1 Last week each one of you responded to this question: If you had to list the most interesting, memorable, or humorous things that have happened to you and/or your family this year, what events would you describe? * List them as they come to mind. * When you have finished, number them chronologically. Re-read your Holiday Letter rubric and follow the steps listed under “Procedures.” Your PDF version of the letter is due this Friday, by the end of class. Your printed version of the letter is due next Monday, at the beginning of class. NO late work, NO excuses. [You will have had ample time to complete this.]
Starter #2 Follow these steps in this order: 1. Edit [make corrections on] your rough draft while Mrs. D checks your work. (The RD was homework and is due now.) 1.Peer reviews: Have a classmate proofread your letter. 2.Get Mrs. D’s permission to use a computer or laptop and type your letter. 3.Make sure you save your work to your flash drive. 4.After you type up your rough draft, you will have to proof your typed draft to make sure you have no typos or other errors. 5.Your PDF is due Friday and must be saved in two places: * On your flash drive, so you can copy it at home. * In Mrs. D’s file folder, so she can grade your PDF. 7. Your printed letter is due Monday, at the beginning of class.