NIH Grant Project ChemEng 590B 2/21/13
Outline of Project 1.Come up with a creative tissue engineering topic to study, advance, and present via an NIH-style grant and class presentation. 2.3 groups of 4: after everything is graded: 50% of your individual, final grade. 3.Project involves 4 major parts: 1.A grant review panel, April 2 nd, in class (10%) 2.A specific aims page, which introduces me to your proposed topic, due April 11 th (10%) 3.A full paper grant, that must adhere to the guidelines for an NIH R03, R21, or R01 mechanism, due April 23rd (20%) 4.A presentation (sales pitch!) on your tissue engineering idea in front of the class. 2 days of presentations: April 23 rd and 25 th, in class. (10%)
Groups (I have pre-assigned you) Group 1: April 23 rd Ryan Colombo, Matthew Osso, Stephanie Polgar, Julia Tomaszewski Group 2: April 23 rd Lenny Brandon, Chris Carr, Manuel Escanciano, Timothy Ma Group 3: April 25 th Matthew McNulty, Adam Ramey, Kyle Reed, Anthony Valle ALL PAPERS DUE ON APRIL 23RD
How does one create a new idea? Lectures and Readings: ideas we discuss in class – Stem cells for building new replacement tissue – Driving or studying cell movement, growth, differentiation – Driving or studying cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions – Disease specific! – I HIGHLY RECOMMEND: you come talk to me in office hours about the feasibility of your idea New literature research: Library Resources
3 Grant Types to Choose From (NIH) These are your choices for style R03, – discrete, well-defined projects that realistically can be completed in two years and that require limited levels of funding ($50,000 per year) – Pilot or feasibility studies – Secondary analysis of existing data – Small, self-contained research projects – Development of research methodology – Development of new research technology – research plan is restricted to 6 pages R21, – introduction of novel scientific ideas, model systems, tools, agents, targets, and technologies that have the potential to substantially advance biomedical research – new exploratory and developmental research projects (Think: high-risk) – Also a two-year grant, at $275,000 over two years. – unique and innovative use of an existing methodology to explore a new scientific area – may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area – should break new ground or extend previous discoveries toward new directions or applications R01, – the original and historically the oldest grant mechanism used by the NIH to support health-related research and development – Large research projects, involving multiple students, and often multiple PIs – Anywhere from 2-5 years, at a maximum of $250,000 per year. – Must also be innovative and novel, but not necessarily high-risk. i.e. your preliminary data, literature knowledge, and other expertise makes it seem that you will definitely be able to complete all objectives – Major cash-cows of big research labs.
Your NIH Grant MUST Include: Go here for formatting (margins, font size, etc.): Biosketch for each team member. Research Plan. – 1 Page: Specific Aims. – 6 Pages (R03 and R21), or 12 Pages (R01), including: Significance (background, relevance to human health) Innovation (why it’s so novel, creative, what it will lead to) Approach (research methods planned), and including Preliminary Data Optional idea: Benchmarks for success Optional idea: potential pitfalls and solutions Optional idea: Future directions Optional idea: Timeline – References (not part of page limit)
Grant Review Day: 10% In class, we will spend 1 lecture acting like a grant panel (April 2 nd ). I have 3 of last year’s grants. Everyone in class can see each of the 3 grants. (posted online) Each group has been formally assigned to review just one of these grants. Before class (April 2 nd ), each member of the group should independently prepare ~1 page of notes (that you won’t turn in), that include the pros and cons of the grant idea. Each person should bring a copy of the grant as well to facilitate discussion. In class, we will go through each grant. For the grant you are officially assigned, you will talk, in class, from your seat, for about 5min, giving a short summary of what was good and bad about the grant. During this discussion, anyone in class can comment, but you’re only required to talk about the grant you were assigned. Within your group, assign one person to be the “scribe” for the group. During the discussion, the scribe will take notes on their laptop about what was discussed about the grant. This will be read aloud, at the end of the lecture, to the whole group. Please me this summary page for your grade by midnight, April 2 nd (same day). I’m looking for how detailed your reviews were. The summary should be no more than 1 page! Use this review to help you write your own grants!
Specific Aims Page: 10% Due April 11 th, in class – 1 page introduction of project. No more than 1 page! – It’s a good idea to come talk to me about your idea before you write this up and turn it in. – I have an example of a funded specific aims page (handout) – You can modify this after the graded feedback, because you will turn it in again with your final grant.
Note about Presentation Dates Dates: April 23 rd and 25 th Remember, this is a sales pitch for your idea. You need to get across: – The human health problem is real and needs novel solutions, approaches – The literature backs up the fact that your idea will work – That your idea is awesome and novel – That your idea will work if you are funded! (find preliminary data from the literature) Everyone must be at all the presentations. Groups will be partly graded by classmates, and turning your evaluation of the other groups is mandatory.
The most important thing you can do is….. 1.Proofread. Not just you, but get it done early and send to a peer. They can catch mistakes that you will miss. 1.Come talk to me!! This is what office hours are for. Send a group member (or even better, all of you) to talk to me once a week. I will give you critical feedback. Better during office hours then on your grade! a)I can also show you examples of my grants to help you with organization.