Grade 4 Stand-Alone Items
8 What is the meaning of the word coax as it is used in the sentence? A friendly group of children tried to coax the new girl to join their basketball game. Ο A. Persuade Ο B. Remind Ο C. Trick 8 What is the meaning of the word coax as it is used in the sentence? A friendly group of children tried to coax the new girl to join their basketball game. Ο A. Persuade Ο B. Remind Ο C. Trick Comprehension 4: Understand and apply content vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text (Reading GLE 1.3.2, 1.2.2) 2012
9 Which sentence uses personification? Ο A. The fog was so thick it was hard to see. Ο B. The rain fell until it turned the soil into mud. Ο C. The angry thunder grumbled through the night. 9 Which sentence uses personification? Ο A. The fog was so thick it was hard to see. Ο B. The rain fell until it turned the soil into mud. Ο C. The angry thunder grumbled through the night. Analysis 6 Literary Specific: Demonstrate understanding of authors use of literary elements (character, setting, plot, genre, etc.) and literary devices (simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, etc.) (Reading GLE 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.3) 2012
7 Read the sentence below that includes a cause and effect. Bailey rolled the dice, moved his game piece three spaces on the board and was excited to discover he won the game. What is the cause in the sentence? Ο A. Bailey won the game. Ο B. Bailey became excited. Ο C. Bailey moved his game piece. 7 Read the sentence below that includes a cause and effect. Bailey rolled the dice, moved his game piece three spaces on the board and was excited to discover he won the game. What is the cause in the sentence? Ο A. Bailey won the game. Ο B. Bailey became excited. Ο C. Bailey moved his game piece. Analysis 8: Make connections (cause and effect) within a text (Reading GLE 2.3.1) 2011
8 Jayden has chosen deer as the topic for his research paper. Which of these resources would be the best source of information for his paper? Ο A. Encyclopedia Ο B. Thesaurus Ο C. Atlas 8 Jayden has chosen deer as the topic for his research paper. Which of these resources would be the best source of information for his paper? Ο A. Encyclopedia Ο B. Thesaurus Ο C. Atlas Analysis 9: Analyze usefulness of resources (Reading GLE 2.3.2, 3.1.1) 2011
12 Mai is writing a report about the life cycle of frogs. Which of these books would be the best source of information for her paper? Ο A. Food for Frogs Ο B. Frogs All Around Us Ο C. The Adventures of Mr. Frog 12 Mai is writing a report about the life cycle of frogs. Which of these books would be the best source of information for her paper? Ο A. Food for Frogs Ο B. Frogs All Around Us Ο C. The Adventures of Mr. Frog Analysis 09: Analyze usefulness of resources (Reading GLEs 2.3.2, 3.1.1) 2010
13 Which statement is an opinion? Ο A. Math is the best subject. Ο B. Multiplication is a math subject. Ο C. Math is a subject Mr. Walsh teaches. 13 Which statement is an opinion? Ο A. Math is the best subject. Ο B. Multiplication is a math subject. Ο C. Math is a subject Mr. Walsh teaches. Analysis10: Analyze authors purpose (including distinguishing between fact and opinion) and evaluate effectiveness for different audiences (Reading GLEs 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4) 2010