STD’s What you need to know Sexuality PowerPoint 4.6
Basic Facts Sexually transmitted diseases can be spread through sexual intercourse, oral sex, other intimate act involving the genitals, or in some cases any skin-skin contact Sexually transmitted diseases have become extremely common among teens Nearly 4 million US teens develop an STD each year
Herpes Herpes simplex is a common and usually mild recurrent skin condition. It can cause "cold sores" or "fever blisters" on the mouth or face--what is called oral herpes. It can also cause similar symptoms in the genital area, which is known as genital herpes. You can pick up herpes through skin to skin contact, sexual intercourse or oral sex with an individual. Kissing is also a risk – even if sores are not present Sores may come and go – but the herpes virus stays in the body for life
Chlamydia Chlamydia is a common and curable bacterial infection In the United States, Chlamydia is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted disease (STD), particularly among sexually active adolescents and young adults. Chlamydia is passed primarily during anal or vaginal sex. It is less likely to be transmitted through oral sex. Even if a person with Chlamydia is treated and cured, they can be reinfected if they are exposed to Chlamydia again. It can also be passed from mother to newborn as the baby passes through the infected birth canal. This can result in eye infections, pneumonia or other complications
Chlamydia (continued) Symptoms of Chlamydia may include genital discharge, pain during urination, pain during intercourse Untreated Chlamydia infections in women may lead to: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). (PID is a serious infection of a woman's reproductive organs. Left untreated, PID can cause infertility.) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Untreated Chlamydia in men may lead to: Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) Infertility Untreated Chlamydia in infants may lead to: Blindness Complications of pneumonia, which can include death
HPV – Human papillomavirus In the United States, HPV is considered to be the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD). Some studies estimate that the majority of the sexually active population is exposed to at least one or more types of HPV - although most do not develop symptoms. Because HPV is so common and prevalent, a person does not need have to have a lot of sexual partners to come into contact with this virus.
HPV – Human papillomavirus (cont) There are many different types of genital HPV. Only certain types of HPV are linked with cervical cancer. These are usually called "high-risk" types. The types of HPV that cause raised external genital warts are not linked with cancer. These are called "low- risk" types HPV spreads through direct skin-skin contact with an infected individual HPV can cause genital warts. There is no cure for HPV
GONORRHEA & SYPHILIS GONORRHEA - Similar to Chlamydia - A treatable bacterial infection of the penis, vagina, or anus that causes pain or a burning feeling as well as a pus-like discharge. SYPHILIS - A treatable bacterial infection that can spread throughout the body and affect the heart, brain, nerves if not treated. Spread during oral sex or sexual intercourse, and can be spread through non-sexual contact such as toilet seats and towels
AIDS HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is the virus that causes AIDS. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. HIV can be transmitted through the blood, sexual fluids, or breast milk of an HIV-infected person. People can get HIV if one of these fluids enters the body and into the bloodstream. The disease can be passed during unprotected sex with a HIV- infected person. An HIV-infected mother can transmit HIV to her infant during pregnancy, delivery or while breastfeeding. People can also become infected with HIV when using injection drugs through sharing needles and other equipment. Over time, infection with HIV can weaken the immune system to the point that the system has difficulty fighting off certain infections.