HUMANS Organs of the Nervous system in Humans- Brain Spinal Cord Nerves Nervous system has 2 parts, the periphal and central nervous system. The periphal system is made up of neurons, it takes in sensory information from the external enviroment and emotional information from the brain. The Central Nervous Sytem is made up from the brain and the spinal cord. It coordinates everything that goes on in your body. From keeping your heart beating and chewing your food.
HUMAN The both parts of the nervous system depend on each other. The peripheral system tells the central nervous the information to do the job while, cental nervous system responds to its messages.
BONY FISH Organs of the Nervous system in Bony Fish- -Small Brain -Spinal Cord -Cerebellum Coordinates body movement Cerebrum helps with the sense of smell The nervous system of the fish works the same as the human nervous system. The peripheral system getting information outside while the nervous system receives it and it instruct what the fish body does. Fish have similar well developed eyes and color vision as humans controlled by the optic lobes of the nervous system from the brain.
BONY FISH One thing that’s different in their nervous system is that bony fish has a lateral line system that detects motion. Detecting that motion it sends signals through the nervous system, telling the fish there's a living thing in the area. All this information goes to the nervous system that highly develops around the brain.
BIRD Organs of the Nervous system in Birds- -Cerebellum- coordinates body movement. -Optic Lobe- control what the bird sees -Medulla- controls heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure. Mid Brain consist that mostly goes to nervous system are the cerbellum,optic lobe, and medulla. Nerves
BIRDS Everything included in the bird nervous system could affect the majority of the bird. For Example, If the spinal cord were to break of the bird. The nervous system wouldn’t be able to send messages throught the body to move. Therefore the bird will become paralyzed. One thing the nervous system helps the bird is to hunt. The eyes of the bird find the prey sending a message for a bird to take off through the nervous system. Gets over the prey then the periphal system tells the brain to close its claws and the central nervous gets the message and the birds close its claws.
HUMAN VS FISH Similarity- All same input and output functons Eye vision Differences- Lateral line system
HUMANS VS. BIRDS Similarity- Eyes connected to nervous sytem Nervous system control what it does Differences- Different output actions
SOURCES s/lizards/libraryarticle.asp?ItemID=270&SubjectID=11 0&categoryID=1&SubjectName=Animals s/lizards/libraryarticle.asp?ItemID=270&SubjectID=11 0&categoryID=1&SubjectName=Animals approach/how-the-brain-central-nervous-system- and-peripheral-nervous-system-work-together approach/how-the-brain-central-nervous-system- and-peripheral-nervous-system-work-together midbrain.htm midbrain.htm