A European and National Context for Waste Esther Kiddle Director TK Associates 28 November 2013
Agenda Waste Management Resource Security Thoughts for the Future
Waste Management
EU and UK Legislation
Positive Impact of Waste Management Between 2000 and 2008: the waste sector alone grew more than 20%. jobs in recycling grew by almost 80%. WRAP have published a study that estimates that full implementation of EU waste legislation would: save € 72 billion a year; increase the annual turnover of the EU waste management and recycling sector by € 42 billion; and create over 400,000 jobs by 2020.
Resource Security
In the 20th Century, the WORLD experienced a: 4 fold increase in population (currently over 7 billion) 23 fold increase in economic output 12 fold increase in fossil fuel use 9 fold increase in water use 8 fold increase in the extraction of material resources 23 fold increase in the extraction of ores and minerals
EU27 Exports and Imports (2011) Rest of the World (ROW ) Total Trade from ROW to EU27 In 1999: 1, 340 Mt In 2008: 1,798 Mt In 2011: 1, 629 Mt European Union (EU27) Total trade from EU27 to ROW In 1999: 397 Mt In 2008: 536 Mt In 2011: 568 Mt Biomass Trade Balance 67 Mt Manufactures Trade Balance 14 Mt Fuels/mining products Trade Balance 1,181 Mt 126 Mt 193 Mt 207 Mt 221 Mt 203 Mt 1,384 Mt
EU27 Resource Use, Extraction and Import Domestic Material Consumption ● a measure of the total amount of materials directly used by an economy. ● increased by 7.9% between 2000 and ● Of the 8.2 billion tonnes of materials consumed in 2007: »minerals accounted for 52%; fossil fuels 24%; »biomass 21%; and metals 4%. Domestic Extraction ● the extraction of materials from within a country's territory. ● increased by 4.9% between 2000 and Physical Trade Balance ● increased by 26.5% between 2000 and 2007.
Resources – the Future By 2050: world population will be 9.1 billion three times more material resources 70% more food, feed and fibre. In the next 20 years: we will need 40% more energy and water. Material costs in some advanced European economies already make up more than 40% of total costs in manufacturing industries (compared to less than 20% for labour costs).
Expect the Expected and Prepare for the Unexpected Stronger promotion of what we’ve got: measures to promote ‘high quality recycling’ recognition of the link between EoW & Recycling separate collection: paper, metal, plastic and glass by 2015 (technically, environmentally and economically practicable); the overall 50 percent by weight target for the preparing for re-use and the recycling of waste by Additional: Expect new targets, new materials, exclusions and more standards. Flexible, innovative, future thinking.
Any Questions? Thank you for listening Esther Kiddle Julie Thomlinson