GERMANY By: Brittany
Major Cities Berlin: Capital of Germany, most ancient latitude north, longitude east. 3.4 million inhabitants, it is many times the size of other German nations, biggest city. Location of the Brandenburg gate. Located in Northeast Germany.
Hamburg, Germany. There are 1,739,117 inhabitants. Main attractions: Altonaer museum (4 star) Chile house (4 star) Museum of art and history (5 star). – Located in Northern Germany, on the Elbe River.
Munich, Germany Located in Southern Germany, home of the Alps Mountains, and the hometown of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Has many double- decker open-top buses. It is the beer capital of the world. Two royal castles hidden in the Bavarian Mountains.
German museums
Charlotte Zander Museum Was started in 1996 with over 3500 pictures and sculptures in it. The building was built by the French in, Charlotte Zander started her collection about 45 years ago. All of the paintings and sculptures were done by 321 different artist from 44 different countries. The museum has 3 floors and 43 different galleries.
Charlotte Zander Museum logo
German art. Edward Platt, self- portrait.
German fun facts There are more than 150 castles in Germany! There are a few that contain aristocrats but most are hotels, restaurants and ruins. Germany has over 300 kinds of bread Germans love their beer. They rank second in the world for beer consumption. If you want a beer you show your thumb. Your first finger means 2 beers. Be careful how many fingers you hold up! In World War II, a German sub was sunk by a broken toilet! There is a German artist who turns dried cow manure into wall clocks and small sculptures! Wow…that is recycling! Adolf Hitler helped create the Volkswagen Beetle!