French Exploration and Settlements. WHY it Matters? European countries were completing for land in the 1600s What impact did the establishment of French.


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Presentation transcript:

French Exploration and Settlements

WHY it Matters? European countries were completing for land in the 1600s What impact did the establishment of French and Dutch Colonies in North America have on Naïve Americas?

New France Samuel de Champlain Made 11 voyages to explore the St. Lawrence River Founded settlement= Nova Scotia (it was a trading post) Later founded Quebec

New France Profited from FISH and FUR Beaver skins made into HATS were very profitable TRADED with the Native Americas Many hunters/traders married native women and started families

Decline of Fur trade The market was slow in Europe Conflicts people had about the Natives Women Settlers Lead to more farming

Exploring the Mississippi Jacque Marquette- French missionary Traveled into Lake Michigan (near current Green Bay, MI) To the Mississippi River And the Arkansas River connection He realized the rivers went south instead of west

Exploring the Mississippi La Salle Traveled the Mississippi River all the way to the Gulf of Mexico and claimed the whole river for Frances king, Louis XIV= LOUISIANA

Impact on Native Americans Europeans gave the Natives manufactured goods Cloth, iron pots, tools and guns Both the French and Dutch made ALLIANCE with naives Alliance is an agreement between parties that benefit them both French= Hurons, Dutch= Iroquios The native tribes would use the European weapons to fight/kill each other. Overtrapping of animals weakened the Native’s food chain