Memory Allocation and circular-arc graphs Presented By Mohammed Alali ST: STRUCTURED GRAPHS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS - CS 6/75995 Dr. Dragan
Introduction Problem formulation [13] : We have a program P and a number of available registers N: Can each of the temporaries/variables of P be mapped to one of the N registers such that temporary variables with interfering live ranges are assigned to different registers? NP-Complete
Register Allocation: Definition Register allocation = assigning registers to values (i.e. Variables, constants …) [12] Done by the compiler. Crucial low level optimization (2x-7x faster than cache) [12] : Big performance improvements. Optimality = minimizing the number of registers [8] : More compact design which increases register utilization.
Register Allocation: Definition The register allocation phase of the compiler stands between [19] : The optimization phase and the final code assembly and emission phase. Intermediate Language (IL) assumes unlimited number of registers. Optimization phase eliminates references to storage: more data in registers. Register Allocation phase maps the unlimited symbols to the +/-32 registers. When necessary: Spill to memory & reload later. Optimization Phase Register Allocation Phase Code Assembly Phase Emission/Executable
Register Allocation: Process Description It mainly depends on the concept of variable Liveness. A variable is ”live” if it holds a value that may be used in the future [6]. If two variables are LIVE simultaneously, they cannot be allocated to the same register. Control Flow Graphs (CFG) analysis: Def. : All paths that might be traversed through a program during its execution Essential to compiler optimizations and static analysis. Nodes Coalescing: The process of combining two nodes/values. [20] : a.If-then-else. b.While loop.
Register Allocation: Process Description Nodes Coalescing Example: Not always effective: May increase chromatic number (more registers). [21]
Register Allocation: Process Description Basic Example [12] : We have a program P with 6 variables: a = c+ d e = a + b f = e – 1 Lets assume that a and e will die after being used. Then a and e locations can be reused. Therefore, we can allocate a, e and f to one register (r1): r1 = r2 + r3 r1 = r1 + r4 r1 = r1 - 1 Number of registers used = 4 for 6 variables.
Register Allocation: Traditional Solution Chaitin et al. (1981) basic steps [19] : Compute variable liveness to get the number of names. Build the interference graph Perform nodes coalescing when possible. Attempt to find a 32-coloring of the graph. If one cannot be found Modifying the program (spilling) and its graph until a 32-coloring is obtained.
Register Allocation: Traditional Solution Example [12] : Compute variable liveness
Register Allocation: Traditional Solution Example [12] : Construct interference graph where: Nodes = variables Edges = lifetimes of variables. Formally [8] : Let V be the set of variables in the program. An interference graph G =(V,E) is defined, where (u, v) ∈ E indicates that variables u and v interfere, i.e., their lifetimes overlap and thus require separate storage resources. Two variables can be allocated to same register if no edge connects them a fb ce d {b,c,f} {a,c,f} {c,d,f} {c,d,e,f} {c,e} {b,c,e,f} {c,f} {b}
Register Allocation: Traditional Solution Example [12] : Coloring: Colors = registers K-Colorable: K = number of machine registers. If the IG is k-colorable, there’s a register assignment that uses no more than k registers. 4 colors are needed. a fb ce d {b,c,f} {a,c,f} {c,d,f} {c,d,e,f} {c,e} {b,c,e,f} {c,f} {b}
Register Allocation: Traditional Solution Example [12] : a fb ce d
Register Allocation: Traditional Solution Complexity? [12][19][21] : NP-Complete! Chaitin et al. [19] proved that the problem is NP-Hard using reduction from the Graph Coloring problem in general graphs. Because every graph is the interference graph of some program. Heuristics through elimination and spilling could help. [21] Still a powerful technique.
Register Allocation: Traditional Solution Some other known algorithms/approaches [15] : Using Integer Linear Programming and may run in worst-case exponential time, such as the algorithm of Appel and George [14]. Other algorithms use polynomial-time heuristics, such as the algorithm of Briggs, Cooper, and Torczon [16]. The Linear Scan algorithm of Poletto and Sarkar [17]. And many others …
Question : Can we do better? Yes. Two Important properties should be satisfied: Static Single Assignment (SSA) Circular arc models (Chordal Graphs).
Circular-arc graphs : Definition A circular-arc graph is the intersection graph of a set of arcs on the circle [1][9]. A graph G is called a circular-arc graph if [9] : There exists a family C of arcs such that Then, its circular-arc graph is G = (V, E) where And G(F) is called proper circular-arc graph if no arc is contained in any other [5][1]. They are a natural generalization of interval graphs [2]. [9]
Circular-arc graphs : Definition General assumptions [1] : All arcs are closed (contain both endpoints). No arc consists of the whole circle. The families of arcs are all finite. Some Applications [5] : Compiler design and optimization. Allocating bandwidth in all-optical WDM. Scheduling. [9]
Circular-arc graphs : Complexity Recognition [7][11] : Initially conjectured by Booth recognition is NP-complete [3]. Tucker disproved this with an O(n3) algorithm [1]. Hsu improved this to O(nm) -- m is the number of edges [6]. Eschen and Spinrad further improved this to O(n2) [4]. McConnell (2003) gave the first linear O(n+m) recognition algorithm [7]. Colorability: NP-Complete (Garey et al [2] ). 3-Colourability: Polynomial (Garey et al [2] ). [9]
Circular-arc graphs : Challenges? Circular-arc models does NOT always produce Chordal graphs. Therefore, we have to transform program P to SSA form [13]. Conflict Graphs Circular arc Graphs Chordal Graphs Interval Graphs [9] [22]
Static Single Assignment (SSA): Definition SSA is an intermediate representation used in many compilers like gcc 4 [13]. If a program is in SSA form, then every variable is assigned exactly once Each use refers to exactly one definition [13]. SSA construction algorithm is used to build transform non-SSA to SSA. Eg. Cytron et al [23]. [25] Non-SSASSA SSA Simple Example:
SSA and Chordality: Author’s Claims Bouchez and Hack (2006) proved the result that strict programs in SSA form have Chordal Interference Graphs. ( Hack’s Ph.D. Dissertation ). [13][21] Chordal graphs can be colored in linear time. [13][26] He utilized Dominance property to redefine liveness of variables. A variable v dominates v’, if all paths from Dv to v’ contain v. A program P is strict if each usage of a variable v is dominated by Dv.
SSA and Chordality : Steps Summary “ Before a value v is added to a PEO, add all values whose definitions are dominated by v A Post order walk of the dominance tree defines a PEO A pre order walk of the dominance tree yields a coloring sequence IGs of SSA-form programs can be colored optimally in O(k · |V|) Without constructing the interference graph itself “ [27][21]
SSA and Chordality : Simple Example [27] [27] :
SSA and Chordality : Simple Example [27] The Circular-arc model will look something like this: b a c d e a b c d e
SSA and Chordality : Simple Example [27] How can we create a 4-cycle {a, c, d, e}? Redefinition of a violates SSA property.
SSA and Chordality : Simple Example 2 [27] The -function breaks cycles in the IG
SSA and Chordality : Simple Example 2 [27] The -function breaks cycles in the IG
Remarks: This leads to a single pass register allocator architecture looking like [21] No iterations. SSA separate spilling from coalescing [27] Both remain challenging. Implementation: [21]
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References 24. Maw-Shang Chang, Efficient Algorithms for the Domination Problems on Interval and Circular-Arc Graphs, SIAM Journal on Computing, v.27 n.6, p , Dec [doi> /S ]
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