General Supervision Overview of State Performance Plan Indicators 15 – General Supervision 20 – Timely and Accurate Data
This power point includes: 1. A description of each indicator; 2. The SPP targets for each year and whether our State met the targets; 3. Any additional pertinent information related to the indicator (if applicable); 4. A list of some of the improvement activities included in the States SPP/APR for the indicator;
5. A description of how the indicator might impact a districts determination level (as described in WAC A ); and 6. Contact information for questions about the indicator.
General Supervision Indicator 15: The States general supervision system (including monitoring, complaints, hearings, etc.) identifies and corrects noncompliance as soon as possible, but in no case later than one year from identification. (20 U.S.C (a)(3)(B)) Data for this indicator are collected and maintained by OSPIs special education department.
State Targets – Indicator 15 YearTargetActualMet Target? % Yes % Yes % Yes % Yes %TBD %TBD Note: Since this is a Compliance Indicator, States are federally-required to set the target at 100% for all years.
Timely and Accurate Data Indicator 20: State-reported data (including 618 and State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report data) are timely and accurate. (20 U.S.C (a)(3)(B)) Data for this indicator are maintained by OSPIs special education department.
State Targets – Indicator 20 YearTargetActualMet Target? (Different calculation was used in ) %98.3% No %95.5% No % Yes %TBD %TBD Note: Since this is a Compliance Indicator, States are federally-required to set the target at 100% for all years.
Required Reports for Ind. 20 Annual Performance Report (APR), including the required data and correct calculations for all 20 indicators; Child Count (due February 1 st ); Personnel report (due November 1 st ); Educational Environments (due February 1 st );
Required Reports (cont.) Exiting Data (due November 1 st ); Discipline report (due November 1 st ); State Assessment (due February 1 st ); and Dispute Resolution (due November 1 st ).
SPP/APR Improvement Activities Here are some of the improvement activities included in our SPP/APR to address these two indicators: Model state forms were created to assist districts with meeting compliance requirements; Evaluation and IEP Technical Assistance Module, including numerous compliance areas, was developed and disseminated to school districts;
Improvement Activities (cont.) District-level data across the SPP/APR indicators are posted to the web each fall; Revision of reporting instructions, combined with regional trainings, to clarify the data reporting requirements; Regional WAC trainings were conducted in the fall of 2007; Develop/collect technical assistance resources across all twenty performance indicators and make available to LEAs and the general public on OSPIs website;
Improvement Activities (cont.) New statewide process for timely correction of non-compliance was implemented in ; Ongoing training to districts regarding the collection and submission of data through the states data system; Annual training and OSPI bulletins to districts addressing the required data collection process; AND MORE…
Impact on Determinations Indicators 15 and 20 are both compliance indicators. District performance related to indicator 15 will impact a districts determination level with regard to criteria 2 (timely correction of non-compliance). District performance related to indicator 20 will impact a districts determination level with regard to criteria 3 (timely and accurate data). See the next three slides for more information…
Determination Criteria 2 – Timely Correction of Non-compliance DescriptionDetermination Level If OSPI determined that non-compliance existed in the district with regard to indicator 15, the district corrected the non-compliance in a timely manner. (Note: this non-compliance would be any area of procedural compliance that is not tied directly to one of the other 19 performance indicators). 1 (Meets Requirements) The district corrected the identified non- compliance related to indicator 15, but did not complete the corrections within one year of notification. 3 (Needs Intervention) The district did not correct the identified non- compliance related to indicator 15 – uncorrected non-compliance still exists in the district. 4 (Needs Substantial Intervention) Note: There are no determination level 2 criteria for this indicator.
Determination Criteria 3 – Timely and Accurate Data The data report must be both accurate and submitted on or before the required due date shown on the previous slide. DescriptionDetermination Level All of the required reports were on time and accurate. 1 (Meets Requirements) 4, 5, or 6 of the 7 reports were on time and accurate. 2 (Needs Assistance) 1, 2, or 3 of the 7 reports were on time and accurate. 3 (Needs Intervention) None of the reports were on time and accurate. 4 (Needs Substantial Intervention)
Contact Information For questions about indicator 15, contact Valerie Arnold at: For questions about indicator 20 and data reporting, contact Sandy Grummick at: For instructions regarding the required district-level data reports, visit OSPIs website at: