Overview of Practice-Based Learning opportunities in the study programmes Pekka Kämäräinen Presented at the 2nd international meeting of the Euronet-PBL project Istanbul
Contents Introduction 1.Basic models and approaches (3) 2.Integration into higher education curricula (2) 3.Organisation of students’ learning activities (1) 4.Reporting of the students’ learning results (1) 5.Assessment/Evaluation of the results (1) 6.Reflective commentary (1)
Introduction Why this overview: Work package 4/ Deliverable 10: Comparative analysis Differences between the models/approaches The interest to trace common characteristics behind the differences The interest to learn from different experiences
1. Basic models and approaches 1(3) Practice-based learning arrangements as central components in the study programmes? Company Action Projects of the MBA programmes at Sabanci University: CAPs as curricular core structres Praktikum arrangements at the vocational teacher education programmes of the University of Bremen: Praktika as curricular support structures (see the illustration by LD)
WiSeSoSeWiSeSoSe 1243 Bachelor WiSeSoSeWiSeSoSeWiSeSoSe self evaluation Company School Master School & Company School
1. Basic models and approaches 3(3) Practice-based learning arrangements as emerging features in the study programmes? University of Limerick: Co-existence between the Co-op learning placements, the Technical teacher placements and the On-campus PBL courses Aalborg University: Contrast between the On- campus PBL courses and the Praktik placements (for Bachelor students who are opting out of the Master phase)
2. Integration into higher education curricula 1(2) Different integration models: SU: CAPs as umbrella projects for the 2nd year of the MBA studies (seminars, workshops and ad hoc meetings support the company projects) UB: Praktika are incorporated into study modules (the Praktikum phases are linked to key content areas: vocational learning venues, subject didactics, use of research & development instruments)
2. Integration into higher education curricula 2(2) Different integration models: UL: Placements as separate but obligatory components (Co-op placements) AAU: Praktik placements as alternative options for On-campus PBL courses HIAK: Praxis placements as separate obligatory components (with a specific comptence- promoting function – the ”T-curriculum”)
3. Organisation of students’ learning activities (1) Sabanci University: Student teams working with company-specific R&D -oriented projects University of Bremen: Individual study projects negotiated with the host company University of Limerick: Different arrangements (Co-op placements vs. Technial teacher placements) Aalborg University : Individual study projects negotiated with the host company (the optional Praktik) Akershus University College: Individual working and learning placements negotiated with the host company
4. Reporting of the students’ learning results (1) Sabanci University: Oral reporting for accompanying courses/ workshops + Written reports (interim & final) University of Bremen: Oral reporting for the post-Praktikum seminar + Written final reports University of Limerick: Different arrangements (???) Aalborg University: Written final reports (for assessment) Akershus University College: Written learning experience reports (for assessment)
5. Assessment/Evaluation of the results Sabanci University: Assessment of practice-sharing course & project work (evaluative feedback from the company) University of Bremen: Assessment on the basis of the Praktikum report (no feedback from the company) University of Limerick: Different arrangements (???) Aalborg University: Assessment on the basis of the Praktik report (no feedback from the company) Akershus University College: Assessment on the basis of the Praxis report (no feedback from the company)
6. Reflective commentary 1(2) What has been achieved so far: Case descriptions (micro cases): cases and few student interviews, no interviews of company representatives Programme descriptions (system cases) – mostly missing; Bremen and partly Sabanci available Where does this information bring us: Preliminary overview on the role of practice-based learning in the higher education structures and curricula Some insights into the role of university-enterprise cooperation (to be completed with further information)
6. Reflective commentary 2(2) What is to be achieved in the next phase: Completion of the interviews with enterprises Completion of the programme descriptions (system cases) with closer attention to commonalities and European guidelines Where can this enrichment bring us: Identification of common developmental prospects Identification of domain-specific perspectives Identification of ’local’ developmental options
Thank you for your attention! For more information Our website: Our Google-group: The Euronet-PBL Project is funded by Erasmus/ Multilateral projects