How Glaciers Move ___________________ ____________ ______ __________ _____________________ ________________________ ________________________ ____________________________________________________
How Glaciers Move Where snow melts or evaporates Cirque Where Snow Accumulates Glacial till Or milk in river Mountain Side Rock plucking & grinding Rock & Silt pile Terminal Moraine ______________________________________________________
Glacial & Stream Erosion Glaciers erode a mountain side and create a “U” shaped valley Streams the flow down a steep gradient or slope create a “V” shaped valley
Stream Erosion- Young ____________ _____________ _______________ ____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___________________
Stream Erosion - Youth/Mature _________________________________
Stream Erosion - Mature/Old age __________________ ___________________ ____________________ ________________ ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Stream Erosion - Old Age _____________________ __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
More Stream Erosion Rivers __________ because the landscape is flat. Some Landscapes are flat because they are extremely ___________. Other Landscapes are flat for other reasons, like recent sediment _____________.
Rejuvenation of a stream _________ of Land (Lowering of Sea Level, sometimes greater stream flow) causes stream to speed up and cut deeper. Stream valley takes on youthful characteristics but retains features of older stages as well. Can happen at any point in the _______.