IAB Town Hall Meeting 6/7/10 Industry Deb
IAB Town Hall Agenda Who we are…(10 min) What is the IAB? Leadership Introductions Where we’ve been…(5 Min) 2009/2010 accomplishments Ongoing activities Monthly Calls Where we’re going…(25 Min) New Award(s) Enterprise Transformation Next Great Idea – Marketing the IE Profession (Bill) Q&A Deb
What is the IAB? IIE Winning & Growing Industrial Engineering Profession Winning & Growing IIE Practitioners Winning and Growing You can succeed best and quickest by helping others succeed… Deb
IAB Leadership Team Deb Laudenslager Deb Laudenslager 2008/2009 Chair Past Chair2008/2009 Chair Past Chair Kazuo Takeda Kazuo Takeda 2009/2010 Chair2009/2010 Chair Bill Tolo Bill Tolo Chair ElectChair Elect Deb
Organizational Movement Position Manufacturing Education B.S. IE (Penn State University) Director Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Manufacturing Manager Corp IEPart Time Business Analyst Production Manager Front Line Supervisor Corporate IE Co-OP Plant IE Deb Laudenslager The Hershey Company Industrial Engineering FinanceManufacturing Professional / Community IIE: Industry Advisory Board, VP Technical Networking, SEMS Board Member IE: External Advisory Board, Penn State WISE Junior Achievement Classroom Teacher, Young Women’s Symposium Facilitator Mentor: Hershey Women’s Council, Mentornet Deb
Organizational Movement Position Disneyland Education Bachelors (Long Beach State Univ.) MBA (Univ. Redlands) Prgm Mgr (IE) United Parcel Service Manager (FOS IE) Pln Mgr (IE) Mgt Srvr (Air IE) Supervisor (Pkg IE) A. Producer (Animation) Mgr H-STV (US/Asia) Manager (Westinghouse) Auditor (CATV) Technician (Electronic) Mechanic (Exotic Cars) Technician (Electronic) Kazuo Takeda Disney TechnicalAnimation Non Broadcast TV Professional / Community IIE: Industry Advisory Board, National Leadership Council, Sr. Board Member IE: Industry Advisor; USC, Cal Poly Pomona Special Effects Director; FCRT Director of Team Managers; Cal Wave Hockey Kaz
Kazuo ‘Kaz’ Takeda IAB Chair 2010 Manager Industrial Engineering Anaheim, CA Work: Education University of Redlands: MBA 2011 Cal State Long Beach: BA 1981 Recent Work Experience Interests/Fun Facts 7 United Parcel Service: Program Manager; Pacific Region Planning Manager; Pacific Regi9on Management Supervisor; S.Cal District Telescreen Inc.: Manager, A. Producer Starspur Inc.: Manager; Home Satellite Antenna Positioners Westinghouse / Storer CATV: Manager; CATV Sales Auditing Misc: ~ 1982 Electronic Technician Exotic Car Electrical Mechanic Paper Boy Motorcycle rider, hockey, two kids in college, home improvement projects IIE Experience Industry Advisory Board: 2006 – Present National Leadership Committee: Present ASVP: 2008 – Present Chapter Development Fund Chair: Present Western Region VP: Local Chapter: Present Secretary/Treasurer : 2004 – Present Sr. Board Member: 2001 – Present Past Chapter President: 1996 Community Industry Advisory Board USC Cal Poly Pomona California Wave Hockey Club Director of Managers Fullerton Children’s Repertory Theatre Special Effects Director
Organizational Movement Position Education Bachelors (University of Missouri) MA - Leadership (Augsburg College) Sr.(IE) Logistics Marshall Field’s Target/Macy’s Principal (LLC) Merch. Flow Manager Distribution (IE) Principal IE (Printed Circuits) Sr. IE (Asset Refurb) IE (Mainframes) Mfg. IE (IBM PCJr) Mfg. Engineer (Video Disc) Bill Tolo PF&D RCAUnisysTeledyne IIE Experience IIE Industry Advisory Board IIE Board of Trustees / SVP Chapters IIE Annual Conference Solutions Co- Chair IIE SWS Board IIE Twin Cities Chapter 38 President Best Buy PF&D Services Mfg. Engineer (Television) Retail/Store (IE) PIC (Finance)
Where have we been? IIE Winning & Growing: “PRACTITIONERS HELPING IIE” Conference Input/Support: IAB Track, Moderator for Executive Roundtable, Panelists, Speakers Awards: Nominate Award Candidates Misc. Support/Input Advertising on a National Level Strategic Partnerships with Organizations Strengthening Chapter Connections Helping Sr. IIE Chapters How can IIE affect successful networking? Kaz
Where have we been? IE Profession Winning & Growing: “IAB HELPING TO GROW THE PROFESSION” YouTube Video Contest (2007 and 2010) – raise awareness to kids on the IE profession using current social mediaYouTube Video Contest (2007 and 2010) – raise awareness to kids on the IE profession using current social media “What is an IE” Presentation – created to raise awareness on the IE profession to students“What is an IE” Presentation – created to raise awareness on the IE profession to students Marketing the IE Profession – Under ConstructionMarketing the IE Profession – Under Construction Kaz
Where have we been? IE Practitioners Winning & Growing: “IIE HELPING TO PRACTITIONER’S”Awards Nominate Award Candidates IAB Middle Career Leadership Award (New) Enterprise Transformation Award (New) Provide Input to IIE: (to ensure that IIE is meeting industry members needs in the following areas) Conference Content, Website Content, Training Offerings Kaz
New Conference Enterprise Transformation Enterprise Transformation Donna
IAB the Next Great Idea “Marketing the IE Profession” What is the task? Get the message out of what IE’s do to Non-IIE members.Get the message out of what IE’s do to Non-IIE members. Not one single message, but many messages based upon the audience.Not one single message, but many messages based upon the audience. Focus on execution, getting the word out not on honing the message.Focus on execution, getting the word out not on honing the message. Bill
IAB the Next Great Idea “Marketing the IE Profession” Why should we do this? IEs are not well known to the general population about who we are and what we do.IEs are not well known to the general population about who we are and what we do. IEs are critical to the survival & revival of American industry in the global economy.IEs are critical to the survival & revival of American industry in the global economy. IEs should be recognized as subject matter experts outside our IE community.IEs should be recognized as subject matter experts outside our IE community. Bill
IAB the Next Great Idea “Marketing the IE Profession” What is the Opportunity? Market within industry about IEMarket within industry about IE Market to other engineering disciplines about IEMarket to other engineering disciplines about IE Market to Re-engineered IEs (Lean, Six Sigma, etc.) about IEMarket to Re-engineered IEs (Lean, Six Sigma, etc.) about IE Market within the academic community (grade school, high school, college) about IEMarket within the academic community (grade school, high school, college) about IE Bill
IAB the Next Great Idea “Marketing the IE Profession” What are the Goals? Baseline is zero. Start where we are now. Baseline is zero. Start where we are now. 5oo followers on IIE IAB social networking site by 2011 (LinkedIn).5oo followers on IIE IAB social networking site by 2011 (LinkedIn). Begin with current Yahoo IAB membershipBegin with current Yahoo IAB membership Recruit at IIE Annual Conference (Town Hall)Recruit at IIE Annual Conference (Town Hall) Generate hits, touches, impressions, comments, or event attendees.Generate hits, touches, impressions, comments, or event attendees. 2,500 in 2010; 5,000 in 2011; 10,000 in 20122,500 in 2010; 5,000 in 2011; 10,000 in 2012 Bill
IAB the Next Great Idea “Marketing the IE Profession” Project Scope: Market to non-IIE members Maintain the IIE BrandMaintain the IIE Brand Hippocratic Oath: “Do No Harm”Hippocratic Oath: “Do No Harm” Supported by IIE HQ but independentSupported by IIE HQ but independent Do not compete with IIE but complementDo not compete with IIE but complement Ideally convert “followers” to IIE membersIdeally convert “followers” to IIE members Bill
IAB the Next Great Idea “Marketing the IE Profession” Project Plan Develop IIE IAB social networking identityDevelop IIE IAB social networking identity Name, Logo, WebsiteName, Logo, Website Poll of IE stakeholders to for a baseline metric.Poll of IE stakeholders to for a baseline metric. What do they know about IEs and what we do?What do they know about IEs and what we do? Develop a tool kit of marketing materialsDevelop a tool kit of marketing materials Specific initiatives based upon member interestSpecific initiatives based upon member interest Bring other IIE groups w/ common goalsBring other IIE groups w/ common goals Ask for specific help to implement “The Plan”Ask for specific help to implement “The Plan” Bill
IAB the Next Great Idea “Marketing the IE Profession” Team: All IAB members All IAB members Advisory Committee: Lisa ClausenLisa Clausen Hans DemmelHans Demmel Tom MeadersTom Meaders Steve SnellingSteve Snelling Kaz TakedaKaz Takeda Bill
IAB the Next Great Idea “Marketing the IE Profession” Next Steps Name LinkedIn GroupName LinkedIn Group Include IE in group name?Include IE in group name? Straw PollStraw Poll Generate Group Discussion Topics?Generate Group Discussion Topics? Take AwayTake Away Join the IAB LinkedIn groupJoin the IAB LinkedIn group Participate in the Group DiscussionsParticipate in the Group Discussions Show Status Updates on LinkedInShow Status Updates on LinkedIn Bill
IAB the Next Great Idea “Marketing the IE Profession” Name our LinkedIn Group Leading name “IE Industry Network”Leading name “IE Industry Network” “Improving your Industry”“Improving your Industry” “Better Business through Engineering”“Better Business through Engineering” IE Practitioner COI (Community of Interest)IE Practitioner COI (Community of Interest) IE Practitioner NetworkIE Practitioner Network Practitioner Community of IEPractitioner Community of IE Other names?Other names? Bill