Sheena MacArthur Gillian Roberts Linda Creanor
900 students over 2 semesters
MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS 900 students over 2 semesters ASSESSMENT 60% Course work 40% Multiple choice exam
MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS 900 students over 2 semesters ASSESSMENT 60% Course work 40% Multiple choice exam Exam on paper and manually marked
MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS January students 259 (60%) online 176 (40%) paper
MARKETING FUNDAMENTALS January students 259 (60%) online 176 (40%) paper Preparation IT staff, Exam office staff, Academic staff Security issues, Special procedures, Special invigilators instructions
AIM - To identify student’s views of online assessment
EVALUATION AIM - To identify student’s views of online assessment Short questionnaire 212 responses (49% of those who took the exam)
EVALUATION AIM - To identify student’s views of online assessment Short questionnaire 212 responses (49% of those who took the exam) 96 students who had taken exam on paper 116 students who had taken exam online Two focus groups - 10 Online, 11 Paper
I value the ability to get immediate feedback on my performance
Answering MCQs online is more stressful for me than answering them on paper
REASONS GIVEN FOR ANSWER DISAGREED Easier to answer online and to change answers More relaxed atmosphere Comfortable with either “I think everyone feels an affinity with computers ‘cos we’re all so used to using them, so it does ease you in a bit”
REASONS GIVEN FOR ANSWER NEITHER AGREED NOR DISAGREED Comfortable with either Each was equally stressful “I was dreading that exam’cos it was online… once I got going it was just easy… panic over! I wouldn’t have a problem doing it in future”
REASONS GIVEN FOR ANSWER AGREED Possibility of technical difficulties Do not like computers Like to see questions on paper or write notes on paper “There’s still something in the back of your mind saying, Where is it going? How is it being marked?”
Assuming the technical difficulties experienced by everyone at the start of the exam were resolved, I’d prefer to undertake MC exams online
REASONS FOR ANSWERS AGREED Instant marks Easier to answer online “I would be glad to hear that we were doing more exams like this” “I feel as if you trust the computer better to give you right marks”
REASONS FOR ANSWERS NEITHER AGREED NOR DISAGREED Comfortable with either Miscellaneous “An exam is an exam …. Doesn’t matter how you take it”
REASONS FOR ANSWERS DISAGREED Potential for technical difficulties “ If they could iron out these little mistakes…. Then online examinations would be a really positive thing”
LESSONS LEARNED Technically possible How to secure the online environment Accommodation solutions available Positive response from Students Staff development (Dundee online assessment course and experiential learning)
STUDENT PERFORMANCE No difference in mean mark between those who took exam online and paper No difference in failure rates No difference in mean mark compared with previous years
THE WAY FORWARD May 2006 Two separate exams (150 students each) Fewer Labs Fewer Invigilators Next session Saltire Centre?