兒英二 109614008 黃如惠 玩遊所 9434019 蘇子斌 兒英二 109614018 潘鈺涵 兒英二 109614004 王香勻 兒英二 109614022 陳怡安.


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Presentation transcript:

兒英二 黃如惠 玩遊所 蘇子斌 兒英二 潘鈺涵 兒英二 王香勻 兒英二 陳怡安

Desuggestopedia Desuggestopedia has been called an affective-humanistic approach. Ruby 黃如惠 Ibrahim S. M. AlFallay(2008), English Course Suggestopedia

The originator of Desuggestopedia Georgi Lozanov. A Bulgarian psychiatrist and educator. ” Learning is a matter of attitude, not aptitude.” Georgi Lozanov(1988),Foreign Language Teacher's Suggestopedic Manual

Main idea Key Elements of De-Suggestopedia : 1.Rich sensory learning environment 2.Positive expectation of success 3.Varied range of methods Georgi Lozanov(1988),Foreign Language Teacher's Suggestopedic Manual

Main idea Four Stages of De-Suggestopedia : 1.Presentation 2.First Concert - "Active Concert“ 3.Second Concert - "Passive Review“ 4.Practices Georgi Lozanov(1988),Foreign Language Teacher's Suggestopedic Manual

The main principles of Desuggestopedia 1)In an atmosphere of play, the conscious attention of the learner does not focus on linguistic forms, but rather on using the language. 2)Students can learn from what is present in the environment. (Peripheral learning) Ibrahim S. M. AlFallay(2008), English Course Suggestopedia

3)Fine art provides positive suggestions for students. 4)Errors are corrected gently and indirectly. The main principles of Desuggestopedia Ibrahim S. M. AlFallay(2008), English Course Suggestopedia

5)T he teacher should integrate indirect positive suggestions into the learning situation. The main principles of Desuggestopedia Diane Larsen-Freeman /著、毛佩琦╱譯、周中天教授╱編審, 英語教學法大全, 台北, 師德文教股份有限公司

Literature Review about De-Suggestopedia 國立台北教育大學 玩具與遊戲設計研究所 蘇子斌

Goals and role What are the goals of teachers who use Desuggestopedia? What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students? Ibrahim S. M. AlFallay(2008), English Course Suggestopedia

Para-conscious “The most efficient way to bring learners’ potentiality into full play is eliminate negative suggestions in learners’ mind and also establish “Para-conscious” teaching system.” What is “Para-conscious”? Chastain.K(1988), Developing School Language Skill: Theory and Practice, Florida: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 詹餘靜 (1999), 從教學法的沿革談有效的國小英語教學. 教師之友第 40 卷第 2,3 期

Extend Divide the course into three parts, reading explain, listening oral reading, listening and speaking with music. Having conservations in relaxed atmosphere and with background music. Less assignments, put emphasis on oral reading, and correcting students’ fault is not involved. 林壽華 (1996), 外語教學概論, 台北市 : 書林

Relaxation StudyMajor independent variables Control group Random allocation Results Biggers & Stricherz, 1976 Relaxationyes Negative effect Martin & Schuster, 1977 Relaxation and tension induction yes No significant difference Alexander, 1982Relaxation, musicno No significant difference Gamble et al., 1982Relaxation, musicyes Limited support Johnson, l982Relaxationyes Positive effect Wagner & Tilney, 1983 Relaxation, music, "mind-calming" yes No significant effect Render, Hall & Moon, 1984 Relaxation, musicyes No significant effect Zeiss, 1984Relaxation, music oral intonation yes Limited support Table 1:The results of studies utilising relaxation as a major independent variable B. Dipamo and R. F. S. Job(1991), Australian Journal of Educational Technology 1991, 7(2), University of Sydney

Music StudyMajor independent variables Control group Random allocation Results Bordon & Schuster, 1976Music, breathing, suggestion positive atmosphere yes Positive effect Schuster & Vincent, 1980Musicno Positive effect Alexander, 1982Music, relaxationno No significant effect Gamble et al., 1982Music, relaxationyes No significant effect Schuster & Mouzon, 1982Music, suggestionyes Positive effect Stein et al., 1982Music, imageryyes No significant effect Wagner & Tilney, 1983Music, relaxationyes No significant effect Render et al., 1984Music, relaxationyes No significant effect Zeiss, 1984Music, relaxation, oral intonation yes No significant effect B. Dipamo and R. F. S. Job(1991), Australian Journal of Educational Technology 1991, 7(2), University of Sydney Table 2: The results of studies utilising music as a major independent variable

Concluding Comments Good atmosphere. Trust and Respect. Build up confidence.


The coordination of brain Using variety suggestions MBA 智庫百科 : 「暗示教學法的基本原則」。網址 : Process

Methods Bright and cheerful environment Art strategy 英語教學法大全。 Diane Larsen-Freeman/ 著、毛佩琦 / 譯、周中天教授 / 編著、台北、師德文教股份有限公司。

Teacher: * Be confident and trustable * Afford cheerful atmosphere Student: * Be relaxed * Following instructions easily 論 江蘇省常熟市虞山園區小學 陸芳 Role of Teachers and Students


Advantage Learning Environment Thinking highly of students ’ feeling Can arouse students ’ interests and potential to memorize 英語教學法大全。 Diane Larsen-Freeman/ 著、毛佩琦 / 譯、周中天教授 / 編著、台北、師德文教股份有限公司。

Advantage The emphasis of interaction The treatments to students ’ mistakes 英語教學法大全。 Diane Larsen-Freeman/ 著、毛佩琦 / 譯、周中天教授 / 編著、台北、師德文教股份有限公司。

Disadvantage Lack of flexibility Lack trust to teachers Over-emphasized of language use 英語教學法大全。 Diane Larsen-Freeman/ 著、毛佩琦 / 譯、周中天教授 / 編著、台北、師德文教股份有限公司。

Disadvantage Absence of tests Differences characteristics between students 英語教學法大全。 Diane Larsen-Freeman/ 著、毛佩琦 / 譯、周中天教授 / 編著、台北、師德文教股份有限公司。

Comment Have a positive effects on English Learning Open a new page for English teaching 1. Suggestopedia and Language Acquisition 。 W. Jane Bancroft 。 Gordon and Breach Publishers 。 2.The Effects of Suggestopedia in Increasing Foreign Language AchievementElizabeth Robinett 。

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