The Tailor’s Wish Retold by Dorothy Leon
1 What is the main idea of the story? A. Greed leads to great riches. B. Tsars dress better than tailors. C. Guards often threaten tailors. D. Intelligence has its rewards. LC01: Demonstrate understanding of theme/message/main idea and supporting details (Reading GLE 2.1.3)
2 Any of these words could be used to describe the tailor in the story 2 Any of these words could be used to describe the tailor in the story. Choose the word you think best describes the tailor in the story. Devoted Determined Clever Provide two details from the story to support your choice. LA05: Demonstrate understanding of literary elements and devices (genres; story elements such as plot, character and setting; simile; metaphor; personification; problem/resolution) and graphic elements (Reading GLEs 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.3)
2 A 2-point response states or implies which word best describes the tailor in the story, and provides two text-based details to support the choice. Examples: Devoted: The tailor was so devoted to his wife what he wanted nothing more than to make her happy. He made his wife a fine coat and hat. OR Determined: The tailor was determined to show the coat and hat to the tsar himself. He spoke more sternly than he ever had before. Clever: The tailor was a clever person to be able to make the coat and the hat in the first place. He also thought of a clever way to trick the guards. He asked for 99 hours of labor to be split three ways among them as his reward. 1 A 1-point response states or implies which word best describes the tailor in the story, and provides one text-based detail to support the choice.
Text-based details may include, but are not limited to: He loved his wife and wanted nothing more than to make her happy. He toiled night and day making fine clothing to buy lovely gifts for his wife. He made a fine coat and hat and offered it to his wife. He followed his wife’s advice to take the coat and hat to the tsarina/ “I shall listen to your wisdom.” He offered to make his wife a fine coat and hat exactly to her bidding afterwards. He rode many miles. He got past the guards/ “I have to deliver it myself.” Was willing to make changes to the tsarina’s dress. He dared to speak sternly to the second guard. He spoke sternly to the chief guard. He tricked the guards by asking for a reward of labor. Always keeps his promises. Since you possess such intelligence as well as skill you shall be known as the tailor of the Tsar. He began composing the words to tell Svetlana of their good fortune.
The tailor is a clever person. He tricked the 2 2 Any of these words could be used to describe the tailor in the story. Choose the word you think best describes the tailor in the story. Devoted Determined Clever Provide two details from the story to support your choice. The tailor is a clever person. He tricked the gaurds by giving them 33 hours of hard labor. He is also clever by making a beutaful coat and hat. K. He tricked the gaurds by giving them 33 hours of hard labor. C. making a beutaful coat and hat.
I believe he is determined because he treked 2 2 Any of these words could be used to describe the tailor in the story. Choose the word you think best describes the tailor in the story. Devoted Determined Clever Provide two details from the story to support your choice. I believe he is determined because he treked across the land just to give a gift, and pushed on word past the guards to get to the palace. F. ...he treked across the land just to give a gift.... G. ...pushed on word past the guards to get to the palace.
1 2 Any of these words could be used to describe the tailor in the story. Choose the word you think best describes the tailor in the story. Devoted Determined Clever Provide two details from the story to support your choice. Clever, because of the guard‛s greed, he tricked them into hard work. Also, he sort of set the plan up along the way through the story K. ...he tricked them into hard work. Also, he sort of set the plan up along the way....
The tailor told the King that he was 1 2 Any of these words could be used to describe the tailor in the story. Choose the word you think best describes the tailor in the story. Devoted Determined Clever Provide two details from the story to support your choice. The tailor told the King that he was determined to keep his promis. And he also showed it. L. The tailor told the King that he was determined to keep his promis.
I think devoted is the best of the three 2 Any of these words could be used to describe the tailor in the story. Choose the word you think best describes the tailor in the story. Devoted Determined Clever Provide two details from the story to support your choice. I think devoted is the best of the three words to describe the tailor because he is devoted to his work and his wife. Though this response attempts to answer the question, it uses examples that are too vague and slightly inaccurate to be considered text-based details.
The dress was clever. The determined was normal. 2 Any of these words could be used to describe the tailor in the story. Choose the word you think best describes the tailor in the story. Devoted Determined Clever Provide two details from the story to support your choice. The dress was clever. The determined was normal. This response is considered too vague and receives no credit.
3 Based on the information in the story, what conclusion can be drawn about the guards? A. The guards make the king happy. B. The guards keep the tsarina safe. C. The guards love coats and hats. D. The guards abuse their power. LT10: Extend information beyond text, (make generalizations beyond the text to a broader idea or concept, or apply information to other texts and situations, and support the generalization with details from the text) (Reading GLEs 2.4.1, 2.4.5)
4 What is the meaning of the word jubilant in paragraph 6? A. Aware B. Weary C. Delighted D. Displeased LC04: Understand and apply content vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text (Reading GLE 1.3.2)
LC02: Summarize with evidence from the text (Reading GLE 2.1.7) 5 Write a summary of the story. Include three main events from the selection in your summary. LC02: Summarize with evidence from the text (Reading GLE 2.1.7)
2 A 2-point response accurately summarizes the story by including three main events from the story. Example: The tailor made a fine coat and hat for his wife who thought they were good enough to give to the tsarina. At the palace, the tailor had to promise three guards that he met a third of his reward in exchange for being allowed to enter. Then the tailor asked the tsar for 99 hours of labor so he could split it three ways among those guards. 1 A 1-point response partially summarizes the story by including one or two main events from the story.
Text-based main events may include, but are not limited to: The tailor made a fine coat and hat (clothing) / his wife said it was fit for a tsarina. The tailor took the clothing and traveled to the palace. The tailor met three guards / each guard demanded a third of whatever the tsar gave the tailor in exchange for permission to pass a checkpoint / the tailor promised the guards a third. The tsar was pleased with the coat and hat / the tailor got a wish / the tailor gave the tsarina her gift. The tailor tricks the guards / he asked for 99 hours of labor to be split three ways among the guards. The tsar thought the tailor was so clever and so skilled that he made him the official tailor for the tsar.
2 5 Write a summary of the story. Include three main events from the selection in your summary. In the beginning, a tailor made a fine coat and hat for his wife. She refused and told him to take the clothes to the tsar‛s wife. He did this and each guard he passed ordered that they shall receive one-third of the tailor‛s wish that he shall get for giving the tsar‛s wife a gift, and he passed three guards. But all he asked for was hard work, and that is what the guards got. The tailor was known as the Tailor of the Tsar after the tsar realized how clever and skilled the tailor was. A. ...a tailor made a fine coat and hat for his wife. B. ...take the clothes to the tsar’s wife. He did this.... C. ...each guard he passed ordered that they shall recieve one-third.... E. But all he asked for was hard work.... F. The tailor was known as the Tailor of the Tsar after the tsar realized how clever...the tailor was.
The tailor was someone who just wanted to 2 5 Write a summary of the story. Include three main events from the selection in your summary. The tailor was someone who just wanted to please his wife. One day the tailor made a coat & matching hat. His wife said it was fit for the tsar‛s wife. So the tailor took it to the tsar‛s wife & got a wish which he gave 1/3 of to 3 guards. A. ...the tailor made a coat & matching hat. B. ...the tailor took it to the tsar’s wife.... D. a wish.... E. ...he gave 1/3 of to 3 guards.
The story is about a Clever yet determined 1 5 Write a summary of the story. Include three main events from the selection in your summary. The story is about a Clever yet determined tailor who would do any thing for his wife like give up A wish to please her. Also the three guards got to greedy and asked for 1/3 of his wish so he wishs that he had 99 hours of labor for all three guards. Then he gos home and makes a coat for his wife Svetlana. C. ...the three guards...asked for 1/3 of his wish.... E. ...he wishs that he had 99 hours of labor for all three guards.
1 5 Write a summary of the story. Include three main events from the selection in your summary. Josef made a coat. Next Josef took the coat to his wife then Svetlana said “it is to fine for me”. Then Josef took it to the tsariana who loved them. A. Josef made a coat. D. Then Josef took it to the tsariana who loved them.
One mane events is that he rode over there 5 Write a summary of the story. Include three main events from the selection in your summary. One mane events is that he rode over there to give the hat to her. Second one is he trick all the guard. Theer one is they all had to work only the guard. She love the hat and coat. This response does not provide a main event from the story. The summary is too vague. It fails to identify any of the characters in the story.
This story is truly most likely about a King 5 Write a summary of the story. Include three main events from the selection in your summary. This story is truly most likely about a King that‛s rulling a very good village & that he is a not good person to be one of the Kings. There were better peop to be one of the true Kings. This response does not provide a main event from the story.