I need… How much should we charge a student that has lost their Friday Night Lights book for English? Office Secretary
Day 5 Completed and in your Portfolio Collaboration Implementation Plan
Learning Targets 1.0 Instructional Leadership Improve student learning by providing leadership within the educational community. 2.0 Library Media Program Management Develop, implement & evaluate the school library media program & manage personnel, informational systems, resources & facilities. 4.0 Information Literacy Use a variety of resources to teach students and staff to develop independence in the informational problem-solving process. 5.0 Instructional Methodology Demonstrate teaching skills in literacy, collaboration & integrating informational literacy with content curriculum. 7.0 Collaboration With informational standards & school goals & objectives in mind, develop collaborative relationships within the school & community to deliver integrated instruction, reading advocacy & information services. 8.0 Information and Communication Technology Provide access to & provide leadership for the management & use of information & communications technology tools. 9.0 Assessment and Evaluation Gather & analyze data to guide program decisions, assess student & staff knowledge & enable self-reflection in order to evaluate the library media program & its impact on teaching & learning.
Technology Requirements State Tech plans for each District State Requirements for:Requirements Students Teachers Administrators National (ISTE NETS) Profiles (ISTE NETS)Profiles AASL Standards Pamphlet Standards Standards Word Standards Scope & Sequence? District Library Standards?
How Big is the Internet? Amount of stored digital content reaches 487 billion gigabytes: That's 475 million terabytes or 453 exabytes World's digital content equivalent to stack of books stretching from Earth to Pluto 10 times It would take 30 million years to download all of that over a T1 line
Web 2.0Web 2.0Reforms Classroom 2.0 Library 2.0 Twitter Blogs Scrapblog Mash-ups Nings Cloud Computing If we are the key element in the education of ALL 21 stALL 21 st Century students Century students – How are we going to achieve that standard?standard This month Is activitiesactivities
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Search Strategies Boolean Keyword Tracking down plagiarism Evaluating resources Evaluating Web Content Web and You Boolean Search Operators The Boolean search operator AND is equal to the "+" symbol. The Boolean search operator NOT is equal to the "-" symbol. The Boolean search operator OR is the default setting of any search engine; meaning, all search engines will return all the words you type in, automatically. The Boolean search operator NEAR is equal to putting a search query in quotes, i.e., "sponge bob squarepants". You're essentially telling the search engine that you want all of these words, in this specific order, or this specific phrase.
2009 Top Web 2.0 Applications Glogster VoiceThread SlideShare Google Even More iGoogle Scholar Wonder Wheel Writeboard Delicious Wikispaces PB Works Jing ZamZar Audacity Animoto Twitter Fliggo Watch for the article "Top Ten" list for School Library Journal's August issue. Head turning technology
Praxis Practice? 0.pdf 0.pdf axisHintsMore.html axisHintsMore.html thread.cfm?threadid=95 thread.cfm?threadid=95
Learning Targets 1.0 Instructional Leadership Improve student learning by providing leadership within the educational community. 2.0 Library Media Program Management Develop, implement & evaluate the school library media program & manage personnel, informational systems, resources & facilities. 4.0 Information Literacy Use a variety of resources to teach students and staff to develop independence in the informational problem-solving process. 5.0 Instructional Methodology Demonstrate teaching skills in literacy, collaboration & integrating informational literacy with content curriculum. 7.0 Collaboration With informational standards & school goals & objectives in mind, develop collaborative relationships within the school & community to deliver integrated instruction, reading advocacy & information services. 8.0 Information and Communication Technology Provide access to & provide leadership for the management & use of information & communications technology tools. 9.0 Assessment and Evaluation Gather & analyze data to guide program decisions, assess student & staff knowledge & enable self-reflection in order to evaluate the library media program & its impact on teaching & learning.
Day 6 Assignments Read for tomorrow: School Library Handbook Chapter 10 Copyright for Schools 9 & 10 Articles Due Day 6: Report to Administrator Good Websites: hartsforms.html