Susan Badger, MBA Finalist School Assistant Principal
Professional Vision statement as an Educator To create a collaborative learning environment for my staff, students, and community that creates a considerate and respectful reflection of different ideas, success ownership and individual structure of learning.
Position Assumptions Newly appointed assistant principal will have the following top objectives: ◦ Evaluate the Math department ◦ Recruit new teachers ◦ Lead and observe the 8 th grade faculty and staff ◦ Other duties include but not limited to communicating with parents and staff, discipline of students, and monitoring after school activities.
Current Characteristics of the School The middle school is in jeopardy of losing academic accreditation The middle school has not met AYP The middle school is a school of choice Staff turnover was 65% The school is 75% economical disadvantaged.
Teaching Success Member of the School Improvement Plan Committee for WFHS to assist the state of VA and Administration, Faculty, Staff & Students with how to improve student achievement (ISLLC 1&3) Attended Capturing Kids’ Hearts workshop in Texas as representative of WFHS to improve relationships and student success. (ISLLC 2)
Teaching Success Appointed by Principal on the Oversight committee to represent the Math Dept to the State of VA regarding how school improvement is working, time lines, and instructional plans. (ISLLC 1, 2, 5) Member of Small Learning Communities (SLC) for the 9 th grade to collaborate with other faculty members to enhance school curriculum and increase student achievement. (ISLLC 2)
Teaching Success Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) Board member – volunteer liaison between students and PTSA to encourage activities to involve churches, businesses, parents and students to increase student achievement. (ISLLC 4, 5, 6) 84% passing rate of the SOL 1 st administration across the subgroups in Algebra 1
Teaching Success Participated in Power Saturdays for student remediation to increase student achievement (ILSSC 2 &3) Participated in after school tutoring program to increase student achievement (ILSSC 2 &3)
Other attributes Student Government Association (SGA) Sponsor (ISLLC 2, 3, 4, 6) Assistant Softball Coach (ISLLC 1, 2, 3, 5,6) Three roles in the school play Hairspray (ISLLC 1,2,3,5) Open communication with all parents (ISLLC 4,5) Proficient use of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, Eschool Plus, and Promethean ActiveBoard. (ISLLC 1,5)
Thank you