Building More Effective and Inclusive Partnerships for Development 45 partners (38 Governments and 7 International Organisations) 21 donors Global partnerships for donor coordination
UN-WB Partnership Framework for Crises and Post Crises (2008). Joint Declaration for Post Crises Assessments with UN and EU (2008). Addressing regional and trans-boundary risks to obtain economies of scale with tools like risk assessment, early warning systems, risk financing… Facilitating knowledge exchange through regional bodies, South-South cooperation, technical institutions and civil society organizations… UN and EU Regional Organizations Technical and Academic Institutions Civil Society & Private Sector Partnerships for regional and technical cooperation
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management and Climate Adaptation Ex-ante technical and financial assistance, under a country- owned programmatic framework; Alignment of activities with national priorities and international frameworks (e.g. Hyogo Framework); Corporate review of country assistance and partnership strategies; Support to global DRM knowledge and innovation through small, impact-oriented grants. Promoting effectiveness through country-led interventions
Post Disaster Needs Assessments (PDNAs) County led, multi-stakeholder (EU-UN-WB + +) needs assessments; Donor coordination and harmonization through country systems; Alignment with national sustainable recovery & development priorities; Mutual accountability for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. Promoting effectiveness through country-led interventions
Enhancing effectiveness through aid transparency Beta version at
Open data platforms For assessing, monitoring and insuring disaster risks; and for informed decision- making
Mainstreaming DRM in Country Development Strategies