Population Age Structure Ch. 6
Population Age Structure Age Structure The proportion of the population (or of each gender) at each age level. Age Categories Pre-reproduction – Ages Reproduction – Ages Post-reproduction – Ages 45+
Fig. 6-12, p. 136 MaleFemaleMaleFemaleMaleFemaleMaleFemale Expanding Rapidly Guatemala Nigeria Saudi Arabia Expanding Slowly United States Australia China Stable Japan Italy Greece Declining Germany Bulgaria Russia Prereproductive ages 0–14 Reproductive ages 15–44 Postreproductive ages 45–85+ Generalized Population Age-Structure Diagrams
Fig. 6-13, p. 136 Population Structure by Age and Sex in Developing and Developed Countries
Uses of Age Structure Diagrams Predict Economic Projections –Jobs, social security, delayed retirement, health care, labor shortages Predict Ecological Projections –Resource use and demand, habitat fragmentation, health of ecosystem
Year Age Distribution (%) Under age 15 Age 60 or overAge 80 or over Global Aging Rapid population decline can lead to severe economic and social problems.