Business Statistics Seminar Programme- 11th November :30 Registration 14:00 Opening remarks - Richard McMahon, CSO 14:20 Using administrative data to estimate vehicle-kilometres for the national vehicle fleet - Ken Moore, CSO 14:40 Moving the Irish Economy around the Globe: An overview of Irish Shipping and Port Statistics - Glenn Murphy, Irish Maritime Development Organsiation 15:00 Linking data to calculate air passenger-kilometres and emissions - Sheona Gilsenan, CSO 15:20 Break 15:50 Developments in vehicle licensing & registration statistics - Gregg Patrick, CSO 16:10 Freight Transport on the Island of Ireland - Dr. Eoin Maginnis, InterTrade Ireland 16:30 Discussion and closing remarks
Using administrative data to estimate vehicle-kilometres for the national vehicle fleet Ken Moore, Transport Statistics, CSO CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, 2009
Background Statistician in area of Transport for 5 years Main responsibilities: Aviation Statistics Maritime Statistics Rail Statistics Transport Omnibus Road Vehicle Kilometres – working on this project for last six months CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, 2009
Overview – What will be covered Drivers – Uses of Vehicle Kilometres data Data Sources Results Future Developments and Considerations CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, 2009
Vehicle Kilometres – Definition: Standard Unit of measurement representing the movement of a vehicle over 1km Drivers - Why data on Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) is needed? Transport Policy and Planning Fuel Consumption Emissions from Road Transport Road Safety Policy Eurostat requirement – harmonised data collection CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, 2009
Main Methods used internationally for calculation of VKT Traffic Counts – automatic and manual Household Surveys Fuel Consumption Odometer Readings (Method adopted by Ireland) Odometer readings provide the distance travelled by a tested vehicle in a specific period which is converted into kilometres travelled per day CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, 2009
7 Example of calculating the VKT using odometer readings Vehicle Inspection 06 March May ,158 km66,337 km 807 days 28,179 km VKT km per day 12,746 km per year
CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, National Vehicle File (Dept. of Transport) NCT Data Commercial Vehicle Test Data Private Database - Vehicle Registration Data (Revenue) Dataset of Irish Registered Vehicles by: * Vehicle Type * Odometer Reading * Fuel Type * Date of Reading * Vehicle Size * Unit of Measurement * County of First Licensing * Country of last registration ( (If imported vehicle)
Total Vehicle Kilometres Travelled by National Fleet, 2008 VKT Travelled Average Fleet Size Average Annual KM Travelled % of Vehicle Kilometres Taxation Class million Private cars31,173.21,903,59116, % up to 1000cc1, ,87211, % 1001 to 1200cc1, ,76513, % 1201 to 1400cc9, ,43514, % 1401 to 1600cc6, ,35717, % 1601 to 1800cc2, ,02418, % 1801 to 2000cc7, ,41521, % 2001cc +2, ,72520, % Goods vehicles7, ,59122, % Up to 1016kg ulw127.97,10717, % 1017kg to 2032kg ulw5, ,21720, % 2033kg to 10160kg ulw1, ,48824, % 10161kg ,77944, % Motorcycles ,29419, % Tractors and Machinery1, ,92621, % Public Service Vehicles1, ,85440, % Buses and Coaches275.98,68131, % Exempt vehicles ,60116, % Other Vehicle Classes ,03014, % Total43,790.42,469, % CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Results Data available for period 2000 – 2008 Results published in Transport Omnibus, 2008 Also available on CSO’s Database Direct facility in near future Estimates for 2009 available in mid 2010
Total Vehicle Kilometres Travelled by National Fleet, 2008 VKT Travelled Average Fleet Size Average Annual KM Travelled % of Vehicle Kilometres Taxation Class million Private cars31,173.21,903,59116, % up to 1000cc1, ,87211, % 1001 to 1200cc1, ,76513, % 1201 to 1400cc9, ,43514, % 1401 to 1600cc6, ,35717, % 1601 to 1800cc2, ,02418, % 1801 to 2000cc7, ,41521, % 2001cc +2, ,72520, % Goods vehicles7, ,59122, % Up to 1016kg ulw127.97,10717, % 1017kg to 2032kg ulw5, ,21720, % 2033kg to 10160kg ulw1, ,48824, % 10161kg ,77944, % Motorcycles ,29419, % Tractors and Machinery1, ,92621, % Public Service Vehicles1, ,85440, % Buses and Coaches275.98,68131, % Exempt vehicles ,60116, % Other Vehicle Classes ,03014, % Total43,790.42,469, % CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Total VKT by National Fleet by Vehicle Type, YearTotal Of Which Private Cars Goods Vehicles PSV (Small)Others ,88223,5324, , ,71924,6644, , ,84425,1425, , ,48826,0375, , ,12926,9136, , ,89227,9726, , ,91529,0157, , ,05330,3497, , ,79031,1737,7451,1353,738 VKT Million
Total Vehicle Kilometres Travelled by National Fleet, 2008 VKT Travelled Average Fleet Size Average Annual KM Travelled % of Vehicle Kilometres Taxation Class million Private cars31,173.21,903,59116, % up to 1000cc1, ,87211, % 1001 to 1200cc1, ,76513, % 1201 to 1400cc9, ,43514, % 1401 to 1600cc6, ,35717, % 1601 to 1800cc2, ,02418, % 1801 to 2000cc7, ,41521, % 2001cc +2, ,72520, % Goods vehicles7, ,59122, % Up to 1016kg ulw127.97,10717, % 1017kg to 2032kg ulw5, ,21720, % 2033kg to 10160kg ulw1, ,48824, % 10161kg ,77944, % Motorcycles ,29419, % Tractors and Machinery1, ,92621, % Public Service Vehicles1, ,85440, % Buses and Coaches275.98,68131, % Exempt vehicles ,60116, % Other Vehicle Classes ,03014, % Total43,790.42,469, % CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Total VKT by National Fleet by Vehicle Type, VKT Million
Total Vehicle Kilometres Travelled by National Fleet, 2008 VKT Travelled Average Fleet Size Average Annual KM Travelled % of Vehicle Kilometres Taxation Class million Private cars31,173.21,903,59116, % up to 1000cc1, ,87211, % 1001 to 1200cc1, ,76513, % 1201 to 1400cc9, ,43514, % 1401 to 1600cc6, ,35717, % 1601 to 1800cc2, ,02418, % 1801 to 2000cc7, ,41521, % 2001cc +2, ,72520, % Goods vehicles7, ,59122, % Up to 1016kg ulw127.97,10717, % 1017kg to 2032kg ulw5, ,21720, % 2033kg to 10160kg ulw1, ,48824, % 10161kg ,77944, % Motorcycles ,29419, % Tractors and Machinery1, ,92621, % Public Service Vehicles1, ,85440, % Buses and Coaches275.98,68131, % Exempt vehicles ,60116, % Other Vehicle Classes ,03014, % Total43,790.42,469, % CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Annual Average VKT for Private Cars by Fuel, VKT
Total Vehicle Kilometres Travelled by National Fleet, 2008 VKT Travelled Average Fleet Size Average Annual KM Travelled % of Vehicle Kilometres Taxation Class million Private cars31,173.21,903,59116, % up to 1000cc1, ,87211, % 1001 to 1200cc1, ,76513, % 1201 to 1400cc9, ,43514, % 1401 to 1600cc6, ,35717, % 1601 to 1800cc2, ,02418, % 1801 to 2000cc7, ,41521, % 2001cc +2, ,72520, % Goods vehicles7, ,59122, % Up to 1016kg ulw127.97,10717, % 1017kg to 2032kg ulw5, ,21720, % 2033kg to 10160kg ulw1, ,48824, % 10161kg ,77944, % Motorcycles ,29419, % Tractors and Machinery1, ,92621, % Public Service Vehicles1, ,85440, % Buses and Coaches275.98,68131, % Exempt vehicles ,60116, % Other Vehicle Classes ,03014, % Total43,790.42,469, % CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Annual Average VKT for Goods Vehicles by Size, VKT
Total Vehicle Kilometres Travelled by National Fleet, 2008 VKT Travelled Average Fleet Size Average Annual KM Travelled % of Vehicle Kilometres Taxation Class million Private cars31,173.21,903,59116, % up to 1000cc1, ,87211, % 1001 to 1200cc1, ,76513, % 1201 to 1400cc9, ,43514, % 1401 to 1600cc6, ,35717, % 1601 to 1800cc2, ,02418, % 1801 to 2000cc7, ,41521, % 2001cc +2, ,72520, % Goods vehicles7, ,59122, % Up to 1016kg ulw127.97,10717, % 1017kg to 2032kg ulw5, ,21720, % 2033kg to 10160kg ulw1, ,48824, % 10161kg ,77944, % Motorcycles ,29419, % Tractors and Machinery1, ,92621, % Public Service Vehicles1, ,85440, % Buses and Coaches275.98,68131, % Exempt vehicles ,60116, % Other Vehicle Classes ,03014, % Total43,790.42,469, % CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, % change in total VKT, fleet size and annual VKT for Private Cars and Goods Vehicles,
CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Percentage of VKT by Vehicle Type, 2008
Total Vehicle Kilometres Travelled by National Fleet, 2008 VKT Travelled Average Fleet Size Average Annual KM Travelled % of Vehicle Kilometres Taxation Class million Private cars31,173.21,903,59116, % up to 1000cc1, ,87211, % 1001 to 1200cc1, ,76513, % 1201 to 1400cc9, ,43514, % 1401 to 1600cc6, ,35717, % 1601 to 1800cc2, ,02418, % 1801 to 2000cc7, ,41521, % 2001cc +2, ,72520, % Goods vehicles7, ,59122, % Up to 1016kg ulw127.97,10717, % 1017kg to 2032kg ulw5, ,21720, % 2033kg to 10160kg ulw1, ,48824, % 10161kg ,77944, % Motorcycles ,29419, % Tractors and Machinery1, ,92621, % Public Service Vehicles1, ,85440, % Buses and Coaches275.98,68131, % Exempt vehicles ,60116, % Other Vehicle Classes ,03014, % Total43,790.42,469, % CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Total VKT by National Fleet by Vehicle Type, 2008 Vehicle TypeVKT Travelled (million) Average Fleet Size Average Annual KM Travelled Private Cars31,1731,903,59116,376 Goods Vehicles7,745348,95122,217 Motorcycles76438,29419,940 Tractors and Machinery 1,72479,92624,567 PSV (Small)1,13527,85440,744 Buses and Coaches 2768,68131,779 Exempt Vehicles43325,60116,911 Other classes54237,03014,625 Total43,7902,469,566
CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, VKT by Private Car by Year of Registration, 2008
CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Average VKT by Private Car by Region, 2008 VKT
CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Average VKT by Private Car by County of Licensing, 2008 National Average
CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Issues Encountered No unit of measurement recorded prior to 2007 for NCT data - had to determine if miles or km Number of records exist where odometer reading has dropped since last inspection Limited data available for new vehicles which fall within remit of NCT (less than 4 years of age) and for certain vehicle types (e.g. motorcycles)
CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Future Considerations No data on VKT for foreign registered vehicles travelling in Ireland Unsure of what proportion of VKT is attributable to travel within or outside Ireland Possible use of results from pilot Household Travel Survey to determine VKT by age, gender, time of day, purpose of journey etc. while also estimating passenger kilometres for Private Car Fleet using data on car occupancy rates Harmonised data available in future from Eurostat for international comparisons Greater coverage needed for vehicle classes not falling within remit of NCT and CVT programmes
1 CSO Business Statistics Seminar - 11 November, Contact Details Ken Moore, Transport Statistics, CSO