The Keys to Speed
File Extensions Definition A tag of three or four letters, preceded by a period, which identifies a data file's format or the application used to create the file. File extensions can streamline the process of locating data. For example, if one is looking for incriminating pictures stored on a computer, one might begin with the.gif and.jpg files.
Video Examples.avi = PC video.wmv = Windows Media Video.wma = Windows Media = Quicktime video (mostly for Mac).ram = Real video.mpg = Mpeg video.mp3 = Compressed audio file.ppj = Adobe Premiere File
Examples.fla = Macromedia Flash file.swf = Flash movie file.max = 3D Studio Max file
Imaging Examples.jpg = compressed photograph.gif = computer graphic.png = computer graphic w/transparent layer.bmp = bitmap.tiff = Uncompressed image.psd = Adobe Photoshop File
Web Examples.htm &.html = web page.asp = Active Server Page.php = Web page that uses PHP scripting.pdf = Adobe Acrobat file.jpg = compressed photograph.gif = computer graphic
Microsoft Office Examples.doc = Word.ppt = PowerPoint.xls = = Publisher.mdb = Access