Extra Lesson: How Development of the Senses influences Learning With Ingun Schneider of Rudolf Steiner College Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
What is Extra Lesson? *series of exercises to fill gaps in sensory and movement development *started in 1 st or 2 nd grade *catching up on incomplete development Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Extra Lesson Exercises address *left-right coordination *above-below coordination *forward-backward coordination *dominance-same side *fine and gross motor coordination *visual & auditory development *memory *breathing Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Foundation of learning with ease… Based on the sensory and motor development of the first 7 years Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Goals of 7+ year old *Spatial Orientation- *Dominance *Body Geography Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
These 3 Capacities allow child to: *Sit comfortably & still *Listen to a series of instructions *Follow through on instructions *Hold pencil comfortably *Perform practical activities (dressing, grooming) Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
In a classroom *have the eyes follow a line of text or copy forms/text/numbers from the board *remember visually presented material *remember orally presented material *organize the page when writing *solving written math problems *sit still and comfortably in the chair *keep track of a schedule of daily events Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
These capacities develop with the help of the senses Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Steiner’s 12 Senses Touch=tactile--gives one a sense of one’s own boundaries in relation to environment, including others Life=organic well-being--digestion, circulation, breathing Self-movement=proprioception--fine & gross motor development, gauging amount of effort needed for a task Balance/equilibrium=vestibular--static (vs dynamic) balance- >internal awareness of 3D, independent of gravity, freeing of arms & hands for tasks out of gravity, postural security Smell=olfactory Taste=gustatory Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Steiner’s 12 Senses Sight=vision Warmth=temperature Hearing=auditory Language=word, speech—recognition of language sounds, grammatical structure Concept=thought of the other person as conveyed through speech or text Ego=self of other person—an awareness that others have feelings, thoughts, ambitions, actions like one’s own Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
First Four Senses relate one to one’s own body and are the foundation for development of the “higher”=social senses Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Sense of Touch foundation for experiencing the self of the other person (necessary for developing empathy) Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers gentle firmness when touching and in approach to child (“no” is always a “no”); clear boundaries; cocoon wrap; pressure massage
Sense of Life foundation for sense of concept/thought of other person (necessary for grasping what others are saying/ explaining verbally or via text) Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers rhythm, time, harmony, sleep, nutritional foods (incl. Healthy fats necessary for development of myelin sheath around nerves)
Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Sense of Movement foundational for development of sense of language/speech (necessary for grasping grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc) Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers fine & gross movements that challenge child to develop next level of ability- -in daily tasks at home, in garden, shop (incl. crafts, play, exercise using bean bags/balls/rods)
Sense of Balance foundation for development of hearing/auditory processing (needed for connecting speech sounds with letters, hearing the difference between speech sounds, being able to follow a series of instructions.) Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers stand still feet together & on one foot (eyes closed, too); head upside-down, slow rolls, slow walk forward & back on beam/line—static balance means balance in stillness (or slow moving)
Observation Age appropriate watch movement and add exercises if necessary support while going on Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Resources *For good information about the first year’s development Ingun suggests: Baby Moves by Marianne Hermsen-vanWanrooy—website: “See How They Move”—DVD from RIE=Resources for Infant Educaters— The Incarnating Child by Joan Salter – Dr. Susan Johnson *For further info about Extra Lesson approach to learning differences: The Extra Lesson by Audrey McAllen Taking Time: Jean Hunt Learning Difficulties: A Guide for Teachers edited by Mary Ellen Wily —Other good & relevant books by Audrey McAllen: Sleep: An Unobserved Element in Education Teaching Children Handwriting Reading Children’s Drawings The Listening Ear Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Ingun is working on a book w/ accompanying dvd: Extra lesson in practice Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers