The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus School of Computer Science Faculty of Science
Induction - 2 Course & Module Information Assessments: Progression & Classification Policy on Plagiarism Student Support & Resources Problems, Issues and Suggestions Recommendations
Course & Module Information UG Course Structure –G400, GN42, G601, G4G7 (1 st & 2 nd year only) –3-years BSc Honours, 120 credits/year –Ordinary Degrees, 100 credits/year –All descriptions of course structures available at: Module Information –CS modules (G5Lxxx), e.g. G51PRG –Most modules worth 10 credits each (with minor exceptions) –Compulsory and optional modules –Compensatable and non-compensatable –Pre or co-requisites –Range of module activities (lectures, labs, tutorials, courseworks & examinations) found individual course web site OR at:
Course & Module Information PG Course Structure –G402, G507, G565 –1 full year MSc, 180 credits –Postgraduate Diploma, 120 credits –All descriptions of course structures available at: Module Information –CS modules (G64xxx), e.g. G64ADS; (G5Lxxx), mostly L=4 –Most modules worth 10 credits each (with minor exceptions) –Compulsory and optional modules –Compensatable and non-compensatable –Pre or co-requisites –Range of module activities (lectures, labs, tutorials, courseworks & examinations) found individual course web site OR at:
Enrolment/Registration of Modules Module Entry Form –Attend lectures according to given timetables and understand module contents –Selection of modules based on: interests balancing of workloads - 60:60 credits splits normally; 50:70 credits splits in special cases meeting planned module’s pre-requisites –Must be vetted and approved by assigned personal tutor
UG Assessments Grading –Pass (≥40), Distinction (≥70) –Fails: Hard (<30) & Soft (≥30) Progression Rule –Using arithmetic mean and based on flow chart at nts/qmdocuments/ug-regs-flow-chart.pdf
PG Assessments Grading –Pass (≥50), Distinction (≥70) –Hard (<40) & Soft (≥40) Fails Progression Rule –Using arithmetic mean and based on flow chart at qmdocuments/pgt-flow-chart---masters-from-2012.pdf plus supplementary regulations
Assessment Policies Courseworks –Penalty of 5% per normal working day for late submission Resits –A right to one re-assessment in each failed module –Re-assessment marks used for progression purposes only
Award Classification Degree Classes –Based on weighted numerical averages –UG weightage: 40% for year 2 and 60% for year 3 1 st (≥70), 2 nd Upper (≥60), 2 nd Lower (≥50), 3 rd (≥40) borderlines (≥68, 59, 49 & 39) <40 will be considered for PASS degree –PG pass with Distinction (≥70) pass with Merit (≥60) borderlines (≥68, 59 & 49) <50 will be considered for postgraduate DIPLOMA degree
Plagiarism The following actions are considered to be plagiarism (list not exhaustive): –copying paragraphs or programs from a textbook or web page (or anywhere else); –copying another person’s work either with or without their knowledge; –working together in groups of two or more to produce a single program or essay and then each member of the group submitting a copy of this as their own work; –getting someone else to do some or all of the work and then submitting it as your own work (whether you pay them or not)
Study Support and Resources Tutors Open Door Policy University Counseling Service Learning Community Forum SET/SEM Disability Support Careers Advisory Service
Problems, Issues & Suggestions Changing Course –Must be done early –Talk to your tutor & course director Illness & Other Issues –Let your tutor and module convenors know –Discuss with trained counselor available in campus –File written notice [ECF] with evidence to the School Coursework and Examination Feedback
Week 1 & 2 –Complete registration & familiarise with University’s services –Attend all compulsory and elective modules before deciding on final selections –Meet the tutors and set up schedules for individual tutorials –Digest the information provided as handouts & Current Students’ page at: Semester Time –Attend lectures regularly –Behave professionally & responsibly –Participate in university clubs & societies Recommendations