Student Performance Overview of State Performance Plan Indicators 3 – State Assessment Performance, 7 – Early Childhood Outcomes
This power point includes: 1. A description of each indicator; 2. The SPP targets for each year and whether our State met the targets; 3. Any additional pertinent information related to the indicator (if applicable); 4. A list of some of the improvement activities included in the States SPP/APR for the indicator;
5. A description of how the indicator might impact a districts determination level (as described in WAC A ); and 6. Contact information for questions about the indicator.
State Assessment Performance Indicator 3: Participation and performance of children with IEPs on statewide assessments: A.Percent of districts with a disability subgroup that meets the States minimum n size that meet the States AYP targets for the disability subgroup. B.Participation rate for children with IEPs. C.Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade level, modified, and alternate academic achievement standards. (20 U.S.C (a)(3)(A)) Data for this indicator are collected through our States assessment system.
State Targets – Indicator 3A YearTargetActualMet Target? Different calculation used this year, thus data are not comparable Grade bands created, thus data are again not comparable *9.4%2.0% No* *n size calculations changed in 07-08, thus data are considered baseline %2.1% No %TBD %TBD Note: Since this is a Results Indicator, States are permitted to set their own targets.
State Targets – Indicator 3B YearTargetActualMet Target? %95.8% Yes %100% Yes %100% Yes %100% Yes %TBD %TBD Note: Since this is a Results Indicator, States are permitted to set their own targets (our State uses the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) participation requirements).
State Targets – Indicator 3C YearTargetActualMet Target? Different calculation used this year, thus data are not comparable Grade bands created, data not comparable – this year is considered baseline rdg=76.1%, math=64.9% 6-8 rdg=65.1%, math=58.7% 10 rdg=74.3%, math=62.4% 3-5 rdg=34.3%, math=29.0% 6-8 rdg=18.2%, math=11.0% 10 rdg=37.3%, math=8.8% No rdg=76.1%, math=64.9% 6-8 rdg=65.1%, math=58.7% 10 rdg=74.3%, math=62.4% 3-5 rdg=35.5%, math=30.1% 6-8 rdg=21.4%, math=13.9% 10 rdg=38.7%, math=10.8% No rdg=76.1%, math=64.9% 6-8 rdg=65.1%, math=58.7% 10 rdg=74.3%, math=62.4% TBD rdg=88.1%, math=82.4% 6-8 rdg=82.5%, math=79.3% 10 rdg=87.2%, math=81.2% TBD Note: Since this is a Results Indicator, States are permitted to set their own targets. Our State uses the same proficiency rates for indicator 3C that it uses for NCLBs calculation of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
Early Childhood Outcomes Indicator 7: Percent of preschool children aged 3 through 5 with IEPs who demonstrate improved: A.Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); B.Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and C.Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. (20 U.S.C (a)(3)(A)) Data for this indicator are submitted by districts through the annual Preschool Outcomes report (due July 15 th ).
State Targets – Indicator 7 Note: Since this is a Results Indicator, States are permitted to set their own targets. Official reporting on this indicator was not required by OSEP (the federal Office of Special Education Programs) until the school year, which was considered the baseline year.
Summary Statements Baseline (% of children) 7A: Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships) 1.Of those children who entered or exited the program below age expectations in Outcome A, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they exited the program 82.7% 2. The percent of children who were functioning within age expectations in Outcome A by the time they exited the program 49.4% 7B: Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy) 1. Of those children who entered or exited the program below age expectations in Outcome B, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they turned 6 years of age or exited the program 81.1% 2. The percent of children who were functioning within age expectations in Outcome B by the time they exited the program 50.2% 7C: Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs 1. Of those children who entered or exited the program below age expectations in Outcome C, the percent who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they exited the program 80.8% 2. The percent of children who were functioning within age expectations in Outcome C by the time they exited the program 64.3% Indicator 7 – Baseline Data
State Targets – Indicator 7 YearTargetActualMet Target? A. 1 = 82.7% 7A.2 = 49.4% 7B. 1 = 81.1% 7B.2 = 50.2% 7C. 1 = 80.8 % 7C.2 = 64.3% TBD A. 1 = 83.0% 7A.2 = 50.0% 7B. 1 = 82.0% 7B.2 = 51.0% 7C. 1 = 81.0 % 7C.2 = 65.0% TBD Note: Since this is a Results Indicator, States are permitted to set their own targets.
SPP/APR Improvement Activities Here are some of the improvement activities included in our SPP/APR to address these two indicators: Regional area workshops are presented by the Reading Assessment Leadership Team (RALT), Special Education Assessment Leadership Team (SEALT) and the Mathematics Assessment Leadership Team (MALT); Targeted technical assistance is provided to districts identified as at risk in these indicators through the regional Educational Service Districts (ESDs);
Improvement Activities (cont.) The States website provides information about State assessments. Educators have access to released items, sample tests, lesson learned, and test/item specifications; Develop and make available a variety of web-based resources organized under content area (e.g. reading, mathematics, etc.) and/or assessment type (state assessment, alternate assessment, reading assessment, etc.); Ongoing training to districts regarding the reporting of child outcomes summary data; Partner with the ECO Center to develop and distribute two COSF surveys to provide feedback to OSPI related to current COSF practices;
Improvement Activities (cont.) Offer mini grants to pilot districts for the purchase of research-based early childhood curriculum and training in use of the district-selected curriculum; Provide disaggregated COSF data to regional early childhood coordinators for comparison with Statewide data in order to identify regional trends and inform professional development needs Development and dissemination of Early Childhood Outcomes technical assistance documents and guidance have been posted to the early childhood section of the OSPI Special Education website; AND MORE…
Impact on Determinations Indicators 3 and 7 are both results indicators. A districts performance on these two indicators does not currently impact a districts determination level. However, late submission of the annual indicator 7 data report (Preschool Outcomes) can impact criteria 3 (timely and accurate data). See the next slide for more information…
Determination Criteria 3 – Timely and Accurate Data If a district does not submit the annual Preschool Outcomes data report for indicator 7 on or before the required deadline (July 15 th ), it will impact the districts determination with regard to criteria 3 – Timely and Accurate Data. This is 1 of the 7 required data reports for criteria 3. All of the required reports were on time and accurate. 1 (Meets Requirements) 4, 5, or 6 of the 7 reports were on time and accurate. 2 (Needs Assistance) 1, 2, or 3 of the 7 reports were on time and accurate. 3 (Needs Intervention) None of the reports were on time and accurate. 4 (Needs Substantial Intervention)
Contact Information For questions about indicator 3, contact Judy Kraft at: For questions about indicator 7, contact Sheila Ammons at: For more information about our states assessment system visit: