A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. American Chemical Society Dean Smith, Vice President, Sales and Marketing Adam Chesler, Assistant Director, Sales and Library Relations ICOLC Spring Meeting Philadelphia, PA March 28, 2006
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. Agenda u The ACS Publications Program u Value Metrics for ACS Journals u Working with Consortia u Pricing Plans
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. The ACS Publications Program u Currently 33 Journals, 1 magazine u Some facts and figures Submissions in 2005: ~52,000, +20% Pages published in 2005: ~226,000, +13% Articles published in 2005: ~29,000, +12% Price/page in 2005: -4% Prices overall: 40% less than competition’s Price per page $.25 Price per article $1.78
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. ACS Journal Rejection Rates Have Tightened As Submissions Have Accelerated
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. ACS Journals Continue to Be Priced Lower than Other Chemistry Titles Library Journal Pricing Study, 2005 ACS Journals All Chemistry Titles Subscription Prices
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. We Continue to Invest in the Future of Peer Reviewed Publishing u New manuscript submission system u New digital end-to-end workflow u New editorial offices around the world u New fulfillment system u New web presence u New preservation initiatives u New pricing model
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. Comparative Article Share, Citation Share, and Market Influence: ACS and Six Top Publishers Data Based on ISI, Journal Citation Reports, 2004, for 24 chemistry categories in which ACS journals are included. ACS Publisher A Publisher B Publisher C Publisher D Publisher E Publisher F
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. ACS Publisher A Publisher B Publisher C Publisher D Publisher E Publisher F
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. ACS Publications and Consortia u We work with 100 consortia with users in 80 countries u Consortia represent 80% of usage 70% of revenues u Institutions in consortia pay ~10% less than unaffiliated institutions for ACS content
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. Global Expansion of ACS Web Editions 1998
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. Global Expansion of ACS Web Editions 2005
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. ACS Web Editions Now in 80 Countries 2006 New countries in 2006 include Lithuania, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Indonesia, Kenya, and Iraq.
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. Addressing Customer Concerns u No one-time payment option for Archives 2006: Introduced one-time payment option u Paying for same content multiple times 2006: Removed rolling access model u No content archiving plan : Participating in CLOCKSS project; discussions with Portico u E-pricing based on historical print purchases, including duplicates : Planned introduction of new pricing model
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. u Broaden access to ACS content u Enhance customer satisfaction u Support editorial initiatives u Ensure the long-term viability of the ACS Journals program Goals for a New Pricing Model
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. Towards a New Model u Tier-based models have been introduced by Societies and not-for-profit publishers u New model must include a new way of calculating journal prices Value-based metrics (usage, impact factors, citations) Account for different types of institutions u Discuss with customers in advance u Plan to introduce to US and Canadian customers in 2007; other countries to follow in 2008 and 2009 u Transition plan necessary to migrate, over time, institutions which will experience significant change (up or down)
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. ACS 2007 Pricing Model (under development) u Create tiers based on Carnegie classifications u Include usage percentiles within tiers to account for different types of institutions within tiers (eg, some offer more chemistry courses than others) u Differentiate between types of institutions (eg, academic, corporate, government) with different requirements
A C S P U B L I C A T I O N S H I G H Q U A L I T Y. H I G H I M P A C T. Contact Information American Chemical Society th Street NW Washington, DC (202) (202)