CMPT771 Introduction 1 Introduction Jiangchuan Liu Spring 2015 CMPT 771 Internet Architecture and Protocols
CMPT771 Introduction 2 CMPT 771 Internet Architecture and Protocols r Jiangchuan (JC) Liu Professor School of Computing Science TASC r Class Period and Venue: m Mon/Wed/Fri 12:30-1:20pm AQ4150 r Office Hours: 10:45-11:45am, Wed You can always send me to ask questions or schedule a meeting r Course Web:
CMPT771 Introduction 3 Q: What is Network? r Telephone network r Dialup r Local area network (e.g., home network) r Internet r Mobile phone r … Nodes -- Interconnected
CMPT771 Introduction 4 Motivation: Communication r Need some common interface to communicate network protocol r A->B: Hi r B->A: Hi r A->B: What time is it ? r B->A: 1:00pm r What if no protocol… r Woi kx ioa nio ? r … r …
CMPT771 Introduction 5 An Example: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) r Scenario m client: Outlook, TheBat, Netscap … m server: in Unix, Windows … r Messages from a client to a mail server m HELO m MAIL FROM: m RCPT TO: m DATA m QUIT r Messages from a mail server to a client m status code –1xx - Informative message –2xx - Command ok –3xx - Command ok so far, send the rest of it. –4xx - Command was correct, but couldn't be performed for some reason. –5xx - Command unimplemented, or incorrect, or a serious program error occurred. m mail body user mailbox outgoing message queue mail server user agent user agent user agent mail server user agent user agent mail server user agent SMTP POP3, IMAP SMTP
CMPT771 Introduction 6 Why Internet ? r The most successful network m Open m Heterogeneous Interconnects different networks m Simple network, complex end-terminals Computer based End-to-end argument r How about other networks? m Telephone m Mobile phone m Wireless LAN m Cable TV r IP convergence…
CMPT771 Introduction 7 Questions (not a test) r Briefly explain the “end-to-end” argument. r What’s the key difference between the Internet and telephone networks ? r What’s the difference between congestion control and flow control ? r What’s the difference between interior gateway routing and border gateway routing ? r What’s the basic functionality of UDP ? r Why cloud ?
CMPT771 Introduction 8 A Brief History of the Internet r 1957 m USSR launches Sputnik, US formed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) as a response r 1968 m Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN) was awarded Packet Switch contract to build Interface Message Processors (IMPs) for ARPANET
CMPT771 Introduction 9 r 1969 m ARPANET commissioned: 4 nodes, 50kbps A Brief History of the Internet
CMPT771 Introduction 10 Initial Expansion of the ARPANET Dec. 1969March 1971July 1970 Apr Sep. 1972
CMPT771 Introduction 11 Multiple Networks r 1974: Initial design of TCP to connect multiple networks r 1986: NSF builds NSFNET as backbone, links 6 supercomputer centers, 56 kbps; this allows an explosion of connections, especially from universities r 1987: 10,000 hosts r 1989: 100,000 hosts WELCOME by Leonard Kleinrock …
CMPT771 Introduction 12 Web and Commercialization of the Internet r 1991: NSF lifts restrictions on the commercial use of the Net; World Wide Web released r 1992: 1 million hosts r Today: backbones run at 10Gbps, 100s millions computers in 150 countries m an estimated quarter of Earth's population uses the services of the Internet r Internet history and Timeline m
CMPT771 Introduction 13
CMPT771 Introduction 14 Growth of the Internet in Terms of Number of Hosts (early time) Number of Hosts on the Internet: Aug Oct ,024 Dec ,174 Oct ,000 Jul ,776,000 Jul ,540,000 Jul ,047,000 Jul ,128,493
CMPT771 Introduction 15 The Internet was not known as "The Internet" until January 1984, at which time there were 1000 hosts that were all converted over to using TCP/IP. Chart by William F. Slater, III Sept. 1, 2002 Dot-Com Bust Begins Copyright 2002, William F. Slater, III, Chicago, IL, USA
CMPT771 Introduction 16
CMPT771 Introduction 17 Backbone: National ISP Local/Regional ISP Local/Regional ISP Internet Physical Infrastructure r Residential Access m Modem m DSL m Cable modem r Access to ISP, Backbone transmission m T1/T3, OC-3, OC-12 m ATM, SONET, WDM r Internet Service Providers m Local/Regional/National m They exchange packets at Point of Presence (POP) r Campus network access m Ethernet m FDDI m Wireless
CMPT771 Introduction 18 Local Access: ADSL r Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) r Telephone company’s solution to “last mile problem”
CMPT771 Introduction 19 Local Access: Cable Modems r Fiber node: K homes r Distribution hub: 20K - 40 K homes r Regional headend: 200 K K homes
CMPT771 Introduction 20 AT&T Telus
CMPT771 Introduction 21 ATT Global Backbone IP Network From
CMPT771 Introduction 22 Web and Commercialization of the Internet
CMPT771 Introduction 23 Internet Pioneers Vannevar Bush (APARNet) Claude Shannon (Information theory) Paul Baran (Packet switching) Leonard Kleinrock (Pakcet switching) Ted Nelson (Hypertext) Lawrence Roberts (APARNet) Vinton Cerf (TCP/IP) Robert Kahn (TCP/IP) Tim Berners-Lee (WWW) Mark Andreesen (Mosaic/Netscape) Microsoft, Google, BitTorrent, YouTube …
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications -
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications - FTP
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications – WWW 1990-
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications- what’s next ?
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications – P2P 2000-
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications- what’s next ? r Web2.0/Media streaming (Internet TV) m YouTube, Pandora, Netflix, Hulu r E-commerce m Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, Groupon r Online game m PS3, XBOX 360, Wii m App r…r… r Social networking (2004-) m Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp…
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications- what’s next ? r Cloud computing/Data center (2006-) m Microsoft, Google, Amazon … m Total cost of building a large data center: $100 to $200 million m Total cost of powering data center servers: about 0.6% of total electrical use within US 1.2% with additional costs of cooling and other usage 14% annual growth in electrical use m EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) report: power consumption is on track to double by 2011 to more than 100 billion kWh, for a total energy bill of $7.4 billion annually.
CMPT771 Introduction 31 31
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications- what’s next ? r Green Internet r Smart power grid
CMPT771 Introduction 33 33
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications- what’s next ? r Mobile Internet r iPhone/Android/Windows 8 r End of PC ? r Pervasive/ubiquitous r Anywhere, any time, any person, any device r 1G/2G/3G/4G/5G …
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications- what’s next ? r Wireless sensor networking
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications- what’s next ? r Machine to Human r Machine to Machine (M2M)
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications- what’s next ? r Cyber Physical System (CPS)/Internet of Things ( 物联网 )
CMPT771 Introduction Killer applications- what’s next ?
CMPT771 Introduction 39 Killer applications- what’s next ? Crowdsourcing
CMPT771 Introduction 40 Killer applications- what’s next ? Twitch TV (2011 -) start from thousands of live channels, particularly live gaming, from users of PCs, PS3/Xbox … 44+ million visitors per month, and 4 th largest source of US Internet traffic Twitch Plays Pokémon (Feb 2014) a crowdsourced attempt to play Pokémon Red system translating chat commands into game controls 6.5+ million total views (5 days) 70K+ online viewers, 10%+ participating
CMPT771 Introduction 41 Technologies/Applications change fast, but The fundamental design philosophy of data communication networks, in particular, the Internet, has no significant change, nor will change in the near future - dramatic change in the application/user level - slow change in the network access level - little change in the network core level (except for bandwidth increase) - difficulty in change ? - should not change ? - are we studying old stuff ? No. It’s the state-of-the-art and the (at least, near) future Then what’s the “real” old stuff ?
CMPT771 Introduction 42 Internet Evolution r Architecture/Infrastructure m Layers (ISO 7 layer, Internet 4 layer) : Cross layer m State : stateless m End-to-end : hop-by-hop m Core : Edge m Centralized : distributed m Client/server : P2P -> Cloud m Wired : wireless m Static : mobile m Throughput : energy m …
CMPT771 Introduction 43 Internet Evolution cont’d r Application m Killer application Telnet, FTP, , WWW, P2P, UGC Video, Social networking, Cloud … r Media m Byte – Text – Hypertext m Audio (VoIP) m Video (Live, on-demand) m 3D Video m Social media (hyper media) Application/media driven design (top-down approach)
CMPT771 Introduction 44 Case study: Multimedia Networking Key issue: Media Streaming: r Media (audio/video) at source r transmitted to client r streaming: client playout begins before all data has arrived
CMPT771 Introduction 45 Streaming Multimedia: What’s it ? Cumulative data streaming: at this time, client playing out early part of video, while server still sending later part of video time
CMPT771 Introduction 46 MM Networking Applications Fundamental characteristics: r Typically delay sensitive m end-to-end delay m delay jitter r But loss tolerant: infrequent losses cause minor glitches r Opposite to data, which are loss intolerant but delay tolerant. Classes of MM applications: 1) Streaming stored audio and video (YouTube, GoogleVideo …) 2) Streaming live audio and video (IPTV, P2PTV) 3) Real-time interactive audio and video (Online game, distance learning) Jitter is the variability of packet delays within the same packet stream
CMPT771 Introduction 47 (1) Streaming Stored Multimedia 1. video recorded 2. video sent 3. video received, played out at client Cumulative data streaming: at this time, client playing out early part of video, while server still sending later part of video network delay time
CMPT771 Introduction 48 (1) Streaming Stored Multimedia: Interactivity r VCR-like functionality: client can pause, rewind, FF, push slider bar m 10 sec initial delay OK m 1-2 sec until command effect OK m RTSP often used (more later) r timing constraint for still-to-be transmitted data: in time for playout
CMPT771 Introduction 49 (2) Streaming Live Multimedia Examples: r Internet radio talk show r Live sporting event Streaming r playback buffer r playback can lag tens of seconds after transmission r still have timing constraint Interactivity r fast forward impossible r rewind, pause possible!
CMPT771 Introduction 50 (3) Interactive, Real-Time Multimedia r end-end delay requirements: m audio: < 150 msec good, < 400 msec OK includes application-level (packetization) and network delays higher delays noticeable, impair interactivity r session initialization m how does callee advertise its IP address, port number, encoding algorithms? r applications: IP telephony, video conference, distributed interactive worlds
CMPT771 Introduction 51 When media meet Internet … Multimedia applications: network audio and video (“continuous media”) network provides application with Quality- of-Service needed for application to function. QoS
CMPT771 Introduction 52 Internet: Vehicle for Media Distribution r Heterogeneous network m Protocols, routing, links, network technologies, end-hosts, bandwidth, delay, etc r Best effort service m Available BW is unknown and variable m Loss rate and loss pattern are unknown and variable r Resources are shared m TCP/IP is the dominating protocol stack
CMPT771 Introduction 53 Multimedia Over Today’s Internet TCP/UDP/IP: “best-effort service” r no guarantees on delay, loss But you said multimedia apps requires them to be effective! ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
CMPT771 Introduction 54 The Reality r Rapid growth of multimedia streaming m Popularity of the Web and the Internet m High-bandwidth access (Cable, DSL, LAN) r High overhead imposed on the Internet m Long, high-bandwidth streams m Unfriendly to traditional TCP traffic r Poor and inconsistent quality of streams m Small picture size m Low frame rate m Fluctuation in quality
CMPT771 Introduction 55 How should the Internet evolve to better support multimedia? 1. Laissez-faire r no major changes r more bandwidth when needed 2. Integrated services philosophy: r Fundamental changes in Internet so that apps can reserve end-to-end bandwidth 3. Differentiated services philosophy: r Fewer changes to Internet infrastructure, yet provide 1st and 2nd class service. What’s your opinion?
CMPT771 Introduction 56 Alternatively… Media adaptation r Can media (audio/video) adapt to network ? r How to do ? m Network monitoring m Adaptive coding m … r Where to do ? m Source m Enroute m …
CMPT771 Introduction 57 Architecture: Client-Server? r Limited scalability r Single point of failure r Limited & unstable quality r Asynchronous access could be inefficient r Increasing network capacity doesn’t solve these problems? m Multicasting ? Server Client Internet
CMPT771 Introduction 58 New Distribution Architectures r Extending client-server architecture m Proxy Caching m Content Distribution Networks (CDN) r Replacing client-server architecture m Peer-to-Peer Networks
CMPT771 Introduction 59 Proxy Caching for Streaming Media Client Server1 Internet Server2 Client Proxy ISP Campus
CMPT771 Introduction 60 CDN for Streaming Media Client Server1 Internet Server2 Client Server1 ISP Campus
CMPT771 Introduction 61 Peer-to-peer Streaming Client Server1 Internet Client ISP Server2
CMPT771 Introduction 62 Social Media ?
CMPT771 Introduction 63 Cloud Media ? r PS4: November 15, 2013
CMPT771 Introduction 64 What will be covered in this course ? r Transport layer issues m UDP/TCP protocol m TCP fairness/TCP modeling/TCP friendly rate control m ITU/IETF media streaming protocols H.323 video conferencing Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP)/RTCP/RTSP, SAP/SDP r Digital media background m Digitization m Transform coding and entropy coding m Motion estimation and compensation m Video/audio standards MPEG-1,2,4,7, H.261/263/264, JPEG, MP3 r Network layer issues m Current and next-generation Internet m Best-effort model m Integrated Service (IntServ) model: RSVP m Differential Service (DiffServ) model m Multicasting: routing and scalable video multicast
CMPT771 Introduction 65 What will be covered in this course ? r Application layer issues m Proxy caching m Peer-to-peer networks r Wireless Basics m Wireless basics TDMA/FDMA/CDMA m From 1G to 4G wireless networks m Media over wireless r Advanced topics m Wireless mesh/sensor networking m Data center/Cloud/Social networking r Research in the general networking area m How to select a topic ? m Important journals/conferences
CMPT771 Introduction 66 Class Information r Class structure m Lectures (midterm exam) m Paper presentation and summary (survey) m Project r Goals: m To become familiar with fundamental and advanced issues, design and evaluation methodologies of Internet architecture and protocols m To evaluate previous work and identify interesting open research problems in this area
CMPT771 Introduction 67 Grading Scheme Course participation25% Midterm30% Survey, presentation/Summary/Project45% Most important: what you have learnt in this course?
CMPT771 Introduction 68 Grading Scheme Course participation25% Midterm30% Survey, presentation/Summary/Project45% Plagiarism is absolutely unacceptable ! Violators will have FD score (failed for academic dishonesty) ! A simple rule: Every single sentence in your report/homework must be written by yourself ! Check: