ALTERNATIVE AGENT UPDATE Louise C. Speitel Fire Safety Branch AAR-440 FAA W.J. Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City International Airport, NJ 08405
OUTLINE Task Group Report on Halon Options Agents Under SNAP Internal Review New Agents NFPA 2001 Standard: Proposed Update for 2003 CF 3 I Discharge Testing at –40º C in Cold Aircraft Engine Nacelle Simulator ________________________________________________ _
TASK GROUP REPORT ON HALON OPTIONS “Options to the Use of Halons for Aircraft Fire Suppression Systems Update” Published February 2002, Update of 1995 and 1996 reports Summarizes all aspects of aircraft fire suppression technologies relating to halon replacement for : engine nacelles lavatory trash receptacles cargo compartments hand-held extinguishers Topics include: Chemical, physical, toxicological and environmental properties and considerations, alternative technologies, FAA requirements, current regulatory status, test results, agents and manufacturers ________________________________________________ _
AGENTS UNDER SNAP INTERNAL REVIEW ________________________________________________ _ NOVEC C6 Perfluoroketone- (3M) C 2 F 5 C(O)CF(CF 3 ) 2 - Streaming (nonresidential) & Flooding H Galden Hydrofluoropolyethers- (Ausimont) Mixture of polymeric and oligomeric hydrofluoropolyethers- streaming -(nonresidential) HFC-227-BC: FM200 with NaHCO 3 - (Kidde Dual Spectrum – for army)- total flooding- interim armored vehicles-separate cylinders- come out together Goodrich 244- powdered aerosol-pyrotechnically generated- contains bromide salt EPA anticipates publishing final decisions in early 2003
NEW AGENTS ________________________________________________ _ Bromotrifluoropropene (BTP): CH 2 CBrCF 3 Contains bromine, chemically acting Similar efficiency to Halon 1211 and Halon 1301 by mass Toxicity similar to Halon 1211: NOAEL=0.5% for both Drop-in replacement for Halon 1211-handhelds Total flooding in non occupied areas Kidde Research & Advanced Agent Working Group Further toxicity testing is required BTP is currently only available via laboratory-scale custom synthesis
ENVIRONMENTAL DATA AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ________________________________________________ _ Name Halon 1301 Halon 1211 BTPNovec 1230 Chemical FormulaCF 3 BrCF 2 BrClCH 2 CBrCF 3 C 2 F 5 C(O)CF(CF 3 ) 2 ODP10/123/ Atmospheric Lifetime (Years) Molecular Weight GWP (100 year) ____1 Boiling Point (ºC) Vapor Pressure (bar (a) at 25ºC) Liquid Density at 25 ºC At 20 ºC
NFPA 2001: NORMALLY OCCUPIED SPACES As of Jan 2002, the EPA does not set use conditions - Deferred to latest version of NFPA 2001 PBPK modeling translates 5 minute dog LOAEL cardiotoxic concentrations to LOAEL SafeHuman concentration-time response curves with a built-in safety factor (2 standard deviations) The current standard allows the system designer to use LOAEL SafeHuman concentrations up to the LOAEL. Means must be provided to limit the exposure to the corresponding time. Proposed update to standard: Vote in Allows only 5 minute LOAEL SafeHuman concentrations of agent (with exceptions). LOAEL can be exceeded. More conservative and scientifically based than current standard ________________________________________________ _
NFPA 2001 NORMALLY UNOCCUPIED SPACES The current standard allows the system designer to use LOAEL SafeHuman concentrations. Means must be provided to limit the exposure to the corresponding time. Concentrations can exceed the LOAEL Proposed Update to Standard: Vote in No change in wording. ________________________________________________ _
NFPA 2001 (2003) STANDARD: TOXICITY _________________________________________________________ Permitted in Occupied Areas for n-Heptane = Cup Burner Conc. X 1.3
CF 3 I DISCHARGE TESTING AT –40º C ________________________________________________ _ Testing in a cold aircraft engine nacelle simulator Entire facility housed in environmental test chamber The temperature of the agent and the airflow temperature have a significant effect on agent dispersion Dispersion of CF 3 I was not very effective: Peak concentrations as much as 4x lower This research was conducted under DOD’s Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program Program Manager: Dr. Richard Gann (NIST)