Definitions: El Niño - Unusually warm surface water temperatures in the Pacific ocean caused by weak or reversed direction trade winds. La Niña - Unusually cold surface water temperatures in the Pacific ocean caused by strong easterly trade winds.
Strange phenomenon occur during an El Niño and La Niña like...
Brush fires caused by drought in Texas (La Niña)
Increased Tropical Storms (La Niña)
Hurricane Floyd was HUGE! ( La Niña)
Causing devastating floods in Australia ( La Niña)
Peruvian anchovy populations declined (El Niño)
Surface Ocean Currents zCurrents that are controlled by the wind. ~¼ mile depth, 10%
Normal Condition Equatorial winds gather warm water pool toward the west. Cold water upwells along the coast of Peru.
Strong upwelling
El Nino Surface current reversed, pushing warm water toward the coast of Peru. The absence of cold upwelling increases warming.
La Nina Warm water is farther west than usual, causing a strong upwelling of cold water in the Eastern Pacific
NOAA drifting buoys Measures... ztemperature zcurrents zwinds
Satellites Instruments on satellites measure wind, waves, temperature of the sea surface, ocean color, ocean surface currents, and tides.
Where they monitor…
Videos zhttp:// El Nino explanation video 3minhttp:// z zhttp:// La Nina explanation video 3.5minhttp:// z zhttp:// Austin newscast in January talking about Australia flooding 2minhttp:// z zhttp:// Texas weatherman predictions for this year from July about 3minhttp:// z z a.html All three animations a.html