(AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION).  Paleolithic-  “Old Stone Age.”  Mesolithic-  “Middle Stone Age.”  2,000,000 BC – 10,000 BC-  Hunter-Gatherers-  Searching.


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Presentation transcript:


 Paleolithic-  “Old Stone Age.”  Mesolithic-  “Middle Stone Age.”  2,000,000 BC – 10,000 BC-  Hunter-Gatherers-  Searching for food.  Nomadic-  Move around a lot.  Men-  Hunt & fish.  Women-  Gather fruits, nuts, roots.

 Neo-  Means “new.”  Lithic-  Means rock or stone).  This is the New Stone Age-  Stones are used for tools, weapons, etc.  First Agricultural Revolution ever!

 Advances in agriculture-  Creates stable food supply.  Permits development of society.  Why is development of farming considered a “revolution”?

 People are food gatherers-  Not food producers.  Nomadic-  Roaming existence.  Consume all food in area-  Man moves on.  Look for another food supply.  Follow migration patterns of herds-  Deer, elk, bison, mammoths, etc.

 Nomads live on what environment can provide-  Live in Caves.  Cave + Man = Caveman!  Or temporary shelters made of wood & hides.

 Social Structure is based on family-  A group of families is called a Clan.  E.g.: McLean Clan

 Drawings & art work -  Have been found.  Lascaux Cave Painting in France (17,000 years old!!!).  Primitive weapons & tools.  Sewing needles.  Use of fire.

 Subsistence lifestyle-  Supporting oneself at a minimum level.  Bare essentials.  Number 1 priority-  Find food.  Whole family (clan).

 Verbal communication used.  Symbols used to mark places of importance.

 BAM!!!  Man learns to farm-  Able to settle in one place!  Able to acquire more things!  Changes occur independently-  All over the world!  Takes several thousand years.

 Start food producing-  Plant.  Tend.  Harvest.  Store crops.  Domesticate animals-  Used for food.  Beasts of burden.  Hunting supplements the food supply.

 Mud bricks-  Building material.  Eventually stones are used-  Leads to rock being quarried & cut for building.  Villages located near fields-  Other reliable food sources (rivers/sea).

 Complex social structures develop-  Many clans began living in close proximity.  Gender separation-  Men-  Farm.  Herd.  Hunt.  Women-  Work near home.  Child-rearing  Food preparation.

 Religion develops-  Explain the forces of nature.  Governments develop-  Organize activities.

 Carving & statuary.  Complex tools & advances-  Weapons.  Plows pulled by animals.  Building techniques.  Cloth making & weaving.  Architecture/building-  Religious or common use.

 People specialize in various tasks-  Tool maker.  Stone cutter.  Potter.  Basket weaving.  Early metallurgy  Regional resources are gathered & traded-  Beginnings of economics!

 Development of pictographic languages-  Egyptian Hieroglyphics  Written language (alphabet).  Develop to keep records-  Food storage.  Trade.

Cities Specialized skills Division of labor Written language

Cities Civilizatio n

 Civilization–  An advanced state-  Intellectual development.  Cultural development.  Material development.  Progress in-  Arts.  Sciences.  Extensive use of record-keeping-  Writing!!!  Complex political & social institutions.

 Government –  Range from very basic to very complex.  Student council is considered a form of governing body.  Serve as central authority or makes decisions for group.  Individual or group.  Some form of written language-  Record keeping became necessary. Why?

 Division of labor-  Specialization in jobs.  Breakdown of work into tasks or parts.  Assigned to various people or groups for purposes of efficiency.  Social classes or social hierarchy –  Determined by different things-  Wealth.  Power.  Ethnicity.

 Advanced technical skills-  Inventions.  Art & Architecture.  An appreciation of something that is more than just basic.  Religion or belief system–  People who share similar beliefs.  May vary somewhat among people.  There is a core belief-  Reflected in religious beliefs as well.