Paleolithic- “Old Stone Age.” Mesolithic- “Middle Stone Age.” 2,000,000 BC – 10,000 BC- Hunter-Gatherers- Searching for food. Nomadic- Move around a lot. Men- Hunt & fish. Women- Gather fruits, nuts, roots.
Neo- Means “new.” Lithic- Means rock or stone). This is the New Stone Age- Stones are used for tools, weapons, etc. First Agricultural Revolution ever!
Advances in agriculture- Creates stable food supply. Permits development of society. Why is development of farming considered a “revolution”?
People are food gatherers- Not food producers. Nomadic- Roaming existence. Consume all food in area- Man moves on. Look for another food supply. Follow migration patterns of herds- Deer, elk, bison, mammoths, etc.
Nomads live on what environment can provide- Live in Caves. Cave + Man = Caveman! Or temporary shelters made of wood & hides.
Social Structure is based on family- A group of families is called a Clan. E.g.: McLean Clan
Drawings & art work - Have been found. Lascaux Cave Painting in France (17,000 years old!!!). Primitive weapons & tools. Sewing needles. Use of fire.
Subsistence lifestyle- Supporting oneself at a minimum level. Bare essentials. Number 1 priority- Find food. Whole family (clan).
Verbal communication used. Symbols used to mark places of importance.
BAM!!! Man learns to farm- Able to settle in one place! Able to acquire more things! Changes occur independently- All over the world! Takes several thousand years.
Start food producing- Plant. Tend. Harvest. Store crops. Domesticate animals- Used for food. Beasts of burden. Hunting supplements the food supply.
Mud bricks- Building material. Eventually stones are used- Leads to rock being quarried & cut for building. Villages located near fields- Other reliable food sources (rivers/sea).
Complex social structures develop- Many clans began living in close proximity. Gender separation- Men- Farm. Herd. Hunt. Women- Work near home. Child-rearing Food preparation.
Religion develops- Explain the forces of nature. Governments develop- Organize activities.
Carving & statuary. Complex tools & advances- Weapons. Plows pulled by animals. Building techniques. Cloth making & weaving. Architecture/building- Religious or common use.
People specialize in various tasks- Tool maker. Stone cutter. Potter. Basket weaving. Early metallurgy Regional resources are gathered & traded- Beginnings of economics!
Development of pictographic languages- Egyptian Hieroglyphics Written language (alphabet). Develop to keep records- Food storage. Trade.
Cities Specialized skills Division of labor Written language
Cities Civilizatio n
Civilization– An advanced state- Intellectual development. Cultural development. Material development. Progress in- Arts. Sciences. Extensive use of record-keeping- Writing!!! Complex political & social institutions.
Government – Range from very basic to very complex. Student council is considered a form of governing body. Serve as central authority or makes decisions for group. Individual or group. Some form of written language- Record keeping became necessary. Why?
Division of labor- Specialization in jobs. Breakdown of work into tasks or parts. Assigned to various people or groups for purposes of efficiency. Social classes or social hierarchy – Determined by different things- Wealth. Power. Ethnicity.
Advanced technical skills- Inventions. Art & Architecture. An appreciation of something that is more than just basic. Religion or belief system– People who share similar beliefs. May vary somewhat among people. There is a core belief- Reflected in religious beliefs as well.