Alberta: Profile Population 3.5 million (2007 estimate) 600,000 students (2116 schools) 62 public, separate and Francophone school boards School councils One provincial governance board and 9 health regions
Healthy Kids Alberta! A provincial cross-ministerial child and youth wellness framework that includes an action plan to address: Healthy birth outcomes: Improving the health of babies born to low-income women Child and Youth Mental Health Plan (Positive Futures): Building resiliency or the ability to respond positively to life’s challenges Healthy Alberta School Communities Strategic Plan
Joint initiative between Alberta Education and Alberta Health and Wellness with a School Health and Wellness Manager reporting to both Ministries. Five strategic directions: Leadership, Partnership, Review and Research, Shared Learning, and Innovation Priority wellness issues: Healthy eating/Physical activity, Positive social environment/School connectedness, and Healthy choices. Intended result:: Improved health and learning outcomes for school-aged children and youth in healthy school communities.
Benefits of JCSH membership Knowledge generation specific to: Healthy eating / active living Positive social environments / Social connectedness Healthy Choices Knowledge exchange and resource sharing to: promote healthy school communities Knowledge translation to support: Partnerships between health and education Health literacy in school communities