Practical and Effective: High Quality Resources for Nutrition Instruction, Assessment, and Impact Evaluation
The California Healthy Kids Resource Center
Practical and Effective: High Quality Resources for Nutrition Instruction,Assessment, and Impact Evaluation Introducing the Panel Moderator: Deborah Wood, California Healthy Kids Resource Center Panelists: Jackie Russum, California Healthy Kids Resource Center Chris Boynton, Hayward Unified School District Robin Sinks, Long Beach Unified School District Dorothy Tule, Santa Clara Department of Public Health
Nutrition Network LIAs - Assessment of PreK through Grade 12 Nutrition Instructional Material Use, Development, and Needs Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute - Nancy Brown, Ph.D. Target sample LIAs 62 returned (76.5%) Representing each of the 12 regions
Demographics Latino47% Caucasian16% Asian American15% African American10% Native American25% Other5% Low-Income78% English L.L.34% Special Needs14% Immigrant7% Migrant18% Pregnant Teens5%
PreK - 12th Grade Instruction Nutrition Learning Objectives % Percent of students PreK 59% K % % % % Teams Selected and Developed Nutrition Education Materials Classes Taught by % Classroom Teacher % Dietician % Health Teacher % School Food Service % P.E. Teacher
PreK - 12th Grade Instruction Material Selection and Use: 76% Used Criteria 78% Nutrition Network Guidelines 42% Nutrition Competencies 40% Health Framework 15% National Standards 68 different nutrition instructional materials Top three published materials used for instruction - 5 a Day Power Play, Healthy Choices, Healthy Me!, JumpStart Teens >50% used materials for other grade levels than designed 52% were satisfied with materials
Instructional Materials Developed by Network LIAs 25 Materials were developed and submitted by LIAs Reasons for development: - Not topic specific - Did not include appropriate teaching methods - Not engaging 72% Developed by Teams 76% Used criteria for development 92% Satisfied
Materials and Resources Needed Instructional: 76% Parent and home linked lessons 74% Lessons integrating nutrition education with other subjects 74% Materials to assess student learning Technical Assistance and Training: 57% Integrating nutrition education with other subjects 43% Linking to standards 43% Creating cafeteria- linked lessons
Evaluation of Nutrition Instruction Assessment 77% Evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition instruction 83% Knowledge 73%Behavior 67% Attitude 39% Skill
Participation in Standardized Health-Related Surveys 42% Participate in health-related surveys 30% Participate in the CHKS 17% FitnessGram
Recommendations Advisory Committee 9 Recommendations Training on integration of nutrition education and links to standards Training on assessing student skill acquisition Create processes to develop and modify materials to meet LIAs’ needs based on criteria Strategies to evaluate program impact
Integration of Nutrition Education with Other Subjects Chris Boynton Hayward Unified School District
Assessment of Student Learning Robin Sinks Long Beach Unified School District
Impact Evaluation Dorothy Tule Santa Clara Public Health Department
Thank you! California Healthy Kids Resource Center 313 W. Winton Ave., Room 176 Hayward, CA