B ASIC F OOD E DUCATION O UTREACH F ORUM WSU Extension Food $ense SNAP-Ed Program Anna Kitchin-Adult and Family Outreach Coordinator Jen Hey, RD-Program Manager
WSU E XTENSION Provides non-credit education and degree opportunities to individuals throughout the state, empowering them to pursue their interests, develop their talents, support their families, and improve their communities.
E XTENSION H ISTORY WSU is the state Land Grant University established by the Morrill Act of 1862 The agricultural college, experiment station, and school of science of the State of Washington was established as a result of the Hatch Act of 1887 The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 created the Cooperative Extension Service
SNAP-E D Goal is to improve the likelihood that SNAP eligible individuals will use benefits to make healthy choices related to nutrition and physical activity Provided in the places low-income individuals and families live, eat, work, learn, play, and shop Delivered through direct education programming as well as environmental supports and policy actions
F OOD $ ENSE P ROGRAM Operates across Washington since 1991 SNAP-Ed funded through the USDA Interventions are tailored to meet the needs of a diverse audience Collaborate with community partners to improve health outcomes
K ING C OUNTY F OOD $ ENSE Established in 2001 Focused on south King County Dedicated to increasing equity and reducing health disparities through direct education and support of policies and practices that promote healthy lifestyles for low-income individuals and families.
Y OUTH P ROGRAMMING Youth and parent programming in Auburn, Highline, and Kent school districts Series lessons, school-wide campaigns, Smarter Lunchrooms, family nights, promotion of healthy school environments
A DULT & S ENIOR P ROGRAMMING Adult and senior programming in food banks, affordable housing sites, medical clinics, ECEAP and Head Start, farmers markets, and other community service delivery sites Series education, one-time events, recipe demonstrations, promoting healthy environments
F REE R ESOURCES Eating Well for Less Brochure- (English and Spanish) Includes recipes and tips for meal planning and shopping on a budget Order from DSHS Fresh from the Farm Brochures Shopping, storage, and preparation tips and recipes Print from DSHS website
W EBSITES Grow Happy Kids Choose My Plate King County Food $ense
T HANK YOU ! Please contact us for more information: Anna Kitchin Jen Hey