Why is it important? PDHPE is vital for the education of children. It is an underlying factor in each component of child development, and indeed adulthood Without it, children would not develop the fundamental understanding of healthy choices, personal growth, nutrition, safety and relationship skills.
Healthy, Active Kids In a society where obesity is continually growing, PDHPE is vital in informing children of the dangers of an unhealthy lifestyle. Without this education, students may indulge in a lifestyle that will prohibit their mental and social development.
Safety PDHPE also teachers children how to live a safe lifestyle. With this type of teaching prevalent, children are prevented from entering dangerous situations. As well as this, children must develop a sense of right and wrong in order to live within their communities.
Growth and Development Children in primary school undergo significant changes in their physical and mental development. It is important that they are guided and educated about this time in their lives so that they understand what to expect.