Golf Swing Robot EE 486 Project Presentation College of Engineering and Technology Presented by Nasser Almarri
EE Subdivision Coordinator John Boring John Boring Leader Nasser Almarri Nasser Almarri Editor Charlie Siko Charlie Siko Faculty Advisors: Prof. Jerry Hatfield Dr. Walter Hopkins Outside Project Advisor Eng. Art Mittendorf Eng. Art Mittendorf Presented by Nasser Almarri
Outline Project Overview System Block Diagram Design Changes VISUAL BASIC GUI Prototype Testing Encoder Cost Schedule Tasks Launch Monitor GUI Integration Presented By Nasser Almarri
Project’s Sponsor Presented by Nasser Almarri
Project Overview Design, Implement, and Assemble an EE subsystem of the Golf Swing Robot. Read From the Launch Monitor Read /Write to and from the controller Controller is monitoring the encoder Design Visual Basic GUI between Controller and computer. Design Visual Basic GUI between the Launch Monitor and computer. Presented by Nasser Almarri
Encoder Launch Monitor Controller PC System Block Diagram Presented by Nasser Almarri ETHERNET Serial Port Drive Digital Torque Amplifier To Servo Motor
Design Changes We will not assemble a complete ROBOT ME Team Switched to a PAPER design We designed the EE subsystem We are building and testing the EE subsystem only Presented By Nasser Almarri
Visual basic GUI Presented By Nasser Almarri
Prototype Testing PC Interface w/ Controller VB GUI Text file - Yterm2000 Encoder Position Data Collection Direct w/ Controller PC Interface w/ Launch Monitor VB GUI Raw data files Presented by John Boring
Launch Monitor Works with Golf Achiever software Connects with computer by serial port cable Outputs velocity and launch angle Used to optimize a golfer’s clubs Presented by John Boring
Software Interfacing Visual Basic GUI Two separate software Yterm2000 Golf Achiever One PC will be used Multiple Connections Shared GUI Presented by John Boring
Potential Problem & Solution Multiple Hardware Port / connection problem Controller Ethernet connection Launch Monitor Serial port connection Presented by John Boring
Integrating the Monitor & the GUI Methods to use Golf Achiever Software Capitalize on Raw Data functions Open Raw Data File Save Raw Data File Open those files from inside VB GUI Presented by John Boring
Monitoring Elbow Position Presented by Charles Siko
Background on Encoders Used to determine position Many types Linear/Rotary Absolute: each position is unique Incremental: position is relative Magnetic: durable, lower resolution Optical: high resolution, high speed Presented by Charles Siko
Absolute Encoders Singleturn- 360° is divided into digital values Multiturn-in addition to the coded disk this includes an integrated gear which can count multiple revolutions Typical Outputs Presented by Charles Siko
Choice 1: BEI optical absolute encoder $680.00
Choice 2: Netzerprecision electrical absolute encoder Presented by Charles Siko $75.00**
Cost - electrical subdivision $7000 limit Item ~ Price Supplier Purchase Date Launch Monitor providedSponsorN/A Motor Controller $569Yaskawa3/3/03 Motor Drive $3680Yaskawa3/3/03 Encoder$700 Netzerprecision/ BEI 3/3/03 Accessories$250 Domestic products As needed Software$500Yaskawa Presented by Charles Siko
Schedule Important Dates 3/3-3/4 Finishing up Draft Status Report 3/3-3/4 Finishing up Draft Status Report 3/5 Draft Status Report Due 3/5 Draft Status Report Due 3/5-2/9 Work on Final Status Report 3/9-4/1 Work on Website 3/9-4/1 Work on Website 4/1Final Presentation Day Presented by Charles Siko
Tasks This week: Charlie - Write up of encoder system including all specifications, diagrams, and possible mounting configurations. Nasser - Explanations of how controller/motor/GUI is integrated with any possible specifications. John - Write up of how to communicate with launch monitor with diagram of how it is set up w/computer. Specific code included if possible Next week: All parts ordered, continue working on reports Week of 3/15: Receiving Parts Week of 3/22: Assembly, troubleshooting Week of 3/29: Completing Final Documentation Presented by Charles Siko
Questions ? John BoringNasser AlmarriCharlie Siko Presented by Charles Siko