Augusta Health Forum 2015
Specialty Providers Home Health Parks Economic Development Colleges Employers Nursing Homes Mental Health Drug Treatment Civic Groups CHCs Laboratory Facilities Hospitals EMS Community Centers Doctors Health Department Local Public Health System Churches Philanthropist Elected Officials Child Care Providers Schools Police Fire Corrections Environmental Health
The Community Health Forum empowers the greater Augusta region to achieve its optimal state of health.
Role of Augusta Health Forum “Capacity Building” Shared goals: Improved communication and partnership between agencies Coordinated Strategies: Decrease duplication of services and fill gaps in services Improved impact on community Measurable outcomes
Conditions of Collective Success Common Agenda (CHIP) Shared Measurement Systems (CHIP) Mutually Reinforcing Activities Continuous Communication Backbone Support Organizations (Augusta Health Forum)
coordinated, efficient, cost-effective
The Community Health Forum is a catalyst for promoting collaborative, active partnerships to sustain a healthy community in the Augusta region.
Local Success Broad Participation Multiple coordinated grants Productive networking Agencies feeding agencies
Lessons Learned from Bergen County Measurable outcomes and evaluation methods are key to larger funding opportunities 501C-3 for donated and raised funding Maximize public-private partnerships (sponsorships, staff sharing) Continuity of leadership