A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Lin Gao, Xinbing Wang Institute of Wireless Communication Technology (IWCT) Shanghai Jiao Tong University
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 2 Outline Introduction Motivations Related works Objectives System Model and Problem Formulation Analysis of The Two-tier Game Convergence Algorithm and Simulation Conclusions
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 3 Motivation The appearance of heterogeneous OFDMA-based wireless access networks, such as WiMAX, LTE, Wi-Fi, etc. Optimizing the cell selection and resource allocation (CS-RA) processes is an important step towards maximizing the utilization of current and future heterogeneous wireless networks. Distributed algorithm shows potential ability in CS-RA problem due to the lacking of global central node in wireless networks. An example of a cellular system with 3 heterogeneous base stations and 6 mobile users.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 4 Related works The goal of cell selection (CS) procedures is to determine a base user to camp on. In [5], Hanly et al. propose a cell selection algorithm to determine power allocation among different users so as to satisfy per-user SINR constraints. In [6], Wang et al. study an HSPA based handoff/cell-site selection technique to maximize the number of connected mobile stations, and propose a new scheduling algorithm to achieve this objective. In [7], Mathar et al. provide an integrated design of optimal cell-site selection and frequency allocation, which maximizes the number of connected MSs and meanwhile maintains quasi-independence of radio based technology. In [8], Amzallag et al. formulate cell selection as an optimization problem called all-or-nothing demand maximization, and propose two algorithms to achieve approximate optimal solution.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 5 Related works The goal of resource allocation (RA) is to determine the radio resource (including time, frequency and power etc) in a particular cell to a mobile user. In OFDMA-based system: Subchannel-and-power allocation algorithms for multiuser OFDM have been investigated in [9]-[10] to maximize the overall data rate or minimize the total transmit power. In [9], Wong et al. investigate margin-adaptive resource allocation problem and propose an iterative subcarrier and power allocation algorithm to minimize total transmit power given fixed data rates and bit error rate (BER).. In [10], Jang et al. investigate rate-adaptive problem and propose a mechanism to maximize total data rate over all users subjected to power and BER constraints.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 6 Objectives In this paper, we formulate the CS-RA problem as a two- tier game, namely inter-cell game and intra-cell game, respectively. In inter-cell game, mobile users select the best cell according to optimal cell selection strategy derived from expected payoff. In intra-cell game, mobile users choose the proper time-frequency resource in the serving cell to achieve maximum payoff. An illustration of the inter-cell game and intra-cell game. Inter-cell Game Intra-cell Game
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 7 Outline Introduction System Model and Problem Formulation System Model Problem Formulation Analysis of The Two-tier Game Convergence Algorithm and Simulation Conclusions
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 8 System Model A cellular system G = (M, N) with is the set of base stations (BSs) and is the set of mobile users (MSs). Besides, is the set of sub- channels in cell j. 1 Each MS decides which cell it should camp on and which sub-channels (of the serving cell) it should occupy. 1 Note : we assume that the cell number in each BS is 1 and thus the meaning of cell is equivalent to BS in this paper. An example of the strategy of MS s 1 -- selecting cell a 2 and sub-channels set {c 1,c 2,c 3,c 4,c 7,c 8 }.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 9 System Model We assume that each sub-channel in a cell can be used by multiple MSs without interference by means of orthogonal signals, e.g., separating the MSs in the time-dimension. We assume that the total available bandwidth on each sub-channel is equally shared among the players selecting this sub-channel. The bandwidth of c 8 is equally shared by s 1 and s 2. Accordingly, the power consumption by s 1 ( or s 2 ) in c 8 reduces to one half if s 1 and s 2 use the time orthogonal signals.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 10 System Model Game Model Players : the MSs set U = {1,2,…,N }. Strategies (or actions) of player u : (i) selecting a cell, i.e.,, (ii) selecting a set of sub-channels in the serving cell, i.e.,. Payoff function: defined in latter slide.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 11 Problem Formulation Key Notations
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 12 Problem Formulation The exclusive-payoff of player u in sub-channel c of cell i is defined as following: As T c players occupying sub-channel c, the bandwidth of c is equally shared by T c players. Accordingly, the power consumption of player u reduce to P u,c /T c. Hence, the achieved payoff of player u in sub-channel c of cell i is :
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 13 The overall-payoff of player u in cell i can be written as: where Problem Formulation
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 14 Problem Formulation The optimization problem for each player u : where
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 15 Outline Introduction System Model and Problem Formulation Analysis of The Two-tier Game Optimal Power Allocation Analysis of Intra-Cell Game Analysis of Inter-Cell Game Convergence Algorithm and Simulation Conclusions
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 16 Analysis of The Two-tier Game We decouple the optimization problem as three sub- problems: power optimization problem, intra-cell game and inter-cell game.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 17 Optimal Power Allocation
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 18 Optimal Power Allocation Recall the equation of achieved payoff of player u in sub- channel c : The information player u needed for the calculation of optimal power allocation.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 19 Optimal Power Allocation Lemma 2 : The optimal power allocation for player u in sub-channel c is: Lagrange Equation
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 20 Optimal Power Allocation The illustration of optimal power allocation and the optimal absolute payoff in sub-channels. Note that the optimal power is independent to T c from Lemma 2.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 21 Optimal Power Allocation The illustration of the optimal achieved payoff in sub- channels.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 22 Intra-Cell Game
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 23 Analysis of Intra-Cell Game The optimal sub-channels state vector for player u, i.e.,, can be derived as following : An example of the optimal sub-channels state vector for player u with k u,i =2.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 24 Analysis of Intra-Cell Game Lemma 3 : 2 The best response function for player u is: where 2 Note : we assume that the average channel gains of different sub-channels are approximately the same. We use this assumption to facilitate the description of Nash equilibrium state.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 25 Analysis of Intra-Cell Game The meaning of Lemma 3 is that each player will choose the sub-channels with least other players occupied. An example of the optimal sub-channels state vector for player u with k u,i =2.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 26 Theorem 1 : A strategy profile is a Nash equilibrium of the intra-cell game (in cell i ) iff the following conditions hold: Analysis of Intra-Cell Game An example of the Nash Equilibrium in a cell with 9 sub-channels.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 27 Analysis of Intra-Cell Game Property : all Nash equilibria sub-channel allocations achieve load balancing over the sub-channels in a cell. The average of the maximal achieved payoff of player u in cell i :
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 28 Inter-Cell Game
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 29 Analysis of Inter-Cell Game The optimal cell for player u, i.e.,, can be derived as following :
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 30 Analysis of Inter-Cell Game An example of the optimal cell for player i.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 31 Analysis of Inter-Cell Game can be obtained only when the intra-cell game in cell i achieves Nash equilibria, which implies that the player u has connected with cell i. However, the serving cell i is indirectly determined by. This leads to a non-causal problem. Thus we introduce the mixed strategy of player u as follows: where
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 32 Analysis of Inter-Cell Game Lemma 4 : The mixed-strategy matrix is a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium if for each player u, the following conditions hold: where An example of the mixed strategy for player u.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 33 For simplicity, we consider an example with 2 BSs and 2 MSs. We assume that for all players. The payoff of two players : where Analysis of Inter-Cell Game
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 34 Analysis of Inter-Cell Game We denote the mixed strategy of players by The expected payoff of player 1 can be written as: The optimal p 1, p 2 and the mixed-strategy Nash equilibria are shown as following :
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 35 Analysis of Inter-Cell Game The optimal p 1, p 2, p 3 and the mixed-strategy Nash equilibria for the cellular system with 2 BSs and 3 MSs are shown as following:
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 36 Outline Introduction System Model and Problem Formulation Analysis of The Two-tier Game Convergence Algorithm and Simulation Convergence algorithm Simulation Results Conclusions
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 37 Convergence algorithm To apply the algorithm in practical system, the following three essential assumptions are necessary. First, we assume that each MS has ability to initiate inter-frequency measurement, from which each MS can measure the average sub- channels gain. Second, we assume that each cell periodically broadcasts the number of MSs connecting with this cell. Third, we assume that each cell counts the load on each sub- channel and multicast to all MSs connecting with him. CS-Algorithm : converge to the inter-cell game Nash equilibrium. RA-Algorithm : converge to the intra-cell game Nash equilibrium.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 38 CS-Algorithm The basic idea of the CS-algorithm : Problem 1: mixed strategy of one player can not be observed by other players, which makes the calculation of expected payoff impractical. Problem 2: the mixed strategy z u will degenerate to the pure strategy due to the non-smooth characteristic of best response functions. Convergence algorithm
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 39 Convergence algorithm Solution of problem 1 Lemma 5 : The expected payoff of player u is equivalent to Qu defining as follows: where
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 40 Solution of problem 2 To overcome the degeneration problem, we introduce the smoothed best response functions : Convergence algorithm The illustration of standard best response and smoothed best response functions.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 41 Convergence algorithm The detail pseudo-code of CS-Algorithm
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 42 Convergence algorithm RA-Algorithm The basic idea of the RA-algorithm : Greedy occupation Problem 1: the unstable sub-channel allocations caused by simultaneously moving of different players, Solution of Problem 1: the technique of backoff mechanism.
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 43 Convergence algorithm The detail pseudo-code of RA-Algorithm
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 44 Simulation results The cell selection interval: The minimal scheduling interval: The number of cells: The number of MSs: The number of sub-channels in each cell i: Channel model: free-space propagation
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 45 Simulation results Convergence of RA-algorithm (in a given cell) Variance Ratio always equals to 1 for any Nash Equilibrium
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 46 Simulation results Expectation of maximum acquired-subchannel-number of players 1 to 15 Red: estimation results according to Eq. (27) Blue: simulation results
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 47 Simulation results CLPDF learned by player 1 Dash: analytical results Bar: learning results
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 48 Simulation results Convergence of CS-algorithm
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 49 Simulation results Impacts of Price and DCR on Mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in the inter-cell game Fig. 2: Increasing price of BS2 Reduce the load of BS 2 Fig. 3: Increasing bandwidth of BS3 Increase the load of BS 3
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 50 Outline Introduction System Model and Problem Formulation Analysis of The Two-tier Game Convergence Algorithm and Simulation Conclusions Conclusions
A Game Approach for Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 51 Conclusions In this paper, We propose a distributed cell selection and resource allocation mechanism, in which the CS-RA processes are performed by the mobile user independently. We formulate the problem as a two-tier game named as inter-cell game and intra-cell game, respectively. We study the two-tier game in details and analyze the existence and property of the Nash equilibria of the proposed games. We analyze the structure of Nash equilibria and find some interesting properties: load balance, load regulating, connecting directing etc.
Thank you !
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