Source MonthTarget MonthSource ValueTarget ValueEnr. Type Grade | Age | Column MarchFebruary Categorical and Enhancements Programs HeadcountBilingual StudentsCAT Error Message:EXCEEDS COUNT AND PERCENT VARIANCE Example 1: Edit that is ok and I can tell that it is Bilingual (I didnt have to run a report before contacting the ESD to verify this edit).
Example 2: Zero-to-zero edits that are ok due to comparing zeros to prior month blanks. Source MonthTarget MonthSource ValueTarget ValueEnr. Type Grade | Age | Column MarchFebruary K-122 Error Message:NO DATA ENTERED MarchFebruary K-124 Error Message:NO DATA ENTERED Run a 1251 and a 1251H report to verify.
Source MonthTarget Month Source ValueTarget ValueEnr. Type Grade | Age | Column MarchFebruary Special Education Error Message:NO TOTAL DATA ENTERED MarchFebruary Special Education 0-2 Error Message:NO DATA ENTERED MarchFebruary Special Education 3-5 Error Message:NO DATA ENTERED MarchFebruary Special Education K-21 Error Message:NO DATA ENTERED Example 3: Zero-to-zero edits that are ok due to 2 new K-21 students started in March compared to prior month blanks. Run a 1735 report to verify.
Source MonthTarget MonthSource ValueTarget ValueEnr. Type Grade | Age | Column MarchFebruary Categorical and Enhancements Programs Error Message:NO TOTAL DATA ENTERED MarchFebruary Categorical and Enhancements Programs Error Message:NO DATA ENTERED Example 4: Zero-to-zero edits that are ok due to comparing zeros to prior month blanks for Voc-Secondary, Voc 7-8, and Bilingual. Run a 1251 and a 1251H report to verify.
Source MonthTarget MonthSource ValueTarget ValueEnr. Type Grade | Age | Column MarchFebruary00Running Start Error Message:NO TOTAL DATA ENTERED MarchFebruary00Running Start Error Message:NO DATA ENTERED Example 5: Zero to zero edits that are ok due to comparing zeros to prior month blanks.
Run a 1251 and a 1251H report to verify. Source MonthTarget MonthSource ValueTarget ValueEnr. Type Grade | Age | Column MarchFebruary Running Start HeadcountCollege StudentsRS Error Message:EXCEEDS COUNT AND PERCENT VARIANCE Example 6: Running Start edit that is ok. I knew it was a headcount edit, so I ran a 1251H report to verify whether it was Total RS or RS Only students.
80 Enrollment Tips When running edits: Click on the Run Edit button from your main page – it takes you to the Run Edits Screen. Click on Run Edit. Click on Refresh – you may have to click on Refresh several times until you see the Complete status. Click on the View button at the far right-hand side to see if you have any edits.
81 Enrollment Tips When running special education edits from the Master Run Edits screen, you will need to change the Headcount variance from 5 to 3 so that it matches the default variance on the Run Edit Screen (where you submit your file). The basic education variances match in both places.
82 Enrollment Tips Run your reports and review them before submitting to your ESD. This is another way to catch errors: For basic education, run Report 1251 for FTE, 1251H for headcount, 1251SR (FTE) and 1251HSR (headcount) if you have resident districts. For special education, run the 1735T or the 1735 if you have resident districts.
83 Enrollment Tips K–2 is Half-Day Kindergarten and K–3 is Full-Day State- Funded Kindergarten (there is no K–1 for enrollment purposes).
84 Enrollment Tips The EDS system compares the source month to the last previously Accepted by OSPI record. We accept revisions throughout the month so that edits can be run on the latest information. If you need us to accept a file so you can have the most current edits, please call or us.
85 Enrollment Tips Use the Go Back button within EDS rather than the back arrow in the browser. YesNo