THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Adding integers Subtracting integers multiplying integers Dividing integers Word problems Mixed bag.


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Presentation transcript:


With Host... Your

Adding integers Subtracting integers multiplying integers Dividing integers Word problems Mixed bag

(+7)+(+8) A 100

+15 A 100

(-17)+(-28) A 200

-45 A 200

(-45)+(+17) A 300

-28 A 300

(+56)+(-56) A 400


(-67)+(+56)+(-7) A 500

-18 A 500

(+47)-(+36) B 100

+11 B 100

(-17)-(-24) B 200

+7 B 200

(-11)-(-11) B 300


(+17)-(-10) B 400

+27 B 400

(-76)-(+67) B 500

-143 B 500

(+23)*(+2) C 100


(-2)*(-6) C 200

+12 C 200

(-7)*0 C 300



(-17)*(+4) C 400

-68 C 400

(+505)*(-37) C 500

C 500

(+60)÷(+6) D 100

+10 D 100

(-28) ÷ (-7) D 200

+4 D 200

(-76) ÷ (+2) D 300

-38 D 300

(+81) ÷ (-9) D 400

-9 D 400

(+0) ÷ ( ) D 500


If Myles Chase has $57 and then he buys a kangaroo for $1000 how much money will Myles have left? E 100

-$934 E 100

If graham runs 27km in 21/2 hours how long would it take him to run twice the distance? E 200

5 hours E 200

if Brynn went to the store with her TWIN Kathryn and they each had $27.62 as their allowance and they decided to buy skates and the skates were $50 how much money would the TWINS have left? E 300

$5.24 E 300

If Elspeth went to Wendy's and bought two triple baconators with cheese and they cost $6.25 each and Elspeth only had $5 so her friend paid for the rest how much would she owe her friend E 400

$7.50 E 400

If Teaghan texts Ben from the round square conference and texts him 47 time and it is 60 cents for a long distance text how much more money will Teaghan pay on top of her plan. E 500

$28.20 E 500

The classification of Mammals with pouches F 100

What are Maruspials? F 100

This second largest bird in the world is native to Australia F 200

What is the ostrich? F 200

Australia’s wild dogs F 300

What are dingos? F 300

This Australian island is the home of a devil and a wolf F 400

What is Tasmania? F 400

Although the National Bird of New Zealand, it is also indigenous to Australia F 500

What is the Kiwi? F 500

The Final Jeopardy Category is: Multiplication Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

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