Animal Adaptations Quiz By:Julia Leonard
The Fennec Fox -How fast does the Fennec Fox move? - On all four of its legs, the Fennec Fox can move very fast. -Where does the Fennec Fox live? - The Fennec Fox lives in the desert in Africa. -How fast does the Fennec Fox move? - On all four of its legs, the Fennec Fox can move very fast. -Where does the Fennec Fox live? - The Fennec Fox lives in the desert in Africa.
The Brown Bear - Does the brown bear live in the Grasslands? -Yes. The brown bear lives in the Grasslands. -Do brown bears hibernate? -Yes. Brown bears hibernate.
The Poison Dart Frog -Does the Poison Dart Frog have bright colors? If so, why? - The Poison Dart Frog has bright colors to tell its predator that it is poisonous. - How does the Poison Dart Frog kill its prey? - The Poison Dart Frog kills its prey by poisoning it. -Does the Poison Dart Frog have bright colors? If so, why? - The Poison Dart Frog has bright colors to tell its predator that it is poisonous. - How does the Poison Dart Frog kill its prey? - The Poison Dart Frog kills its prey by poisoning it.
The Koala Bear -Does the Koala bear jump from tree to tree? -Yes. The Koala bear jumps from tree to tree. -How big is a Koala bear when it is born? - When a koala bear is born, it is the size of a jelly bean.
Atlantic Puffin -How long is the Atlantic Puffin’s beak? -Its beak is 10 inches long. -What ocean does the Atlantic puffin swim in? -The Atlantic puffin swims in the Atlantic Ocean. -How long is the Atlantic Puffin’s beak? -Its beak is 10 inches long. -What ocean does the Atlantic puffin swim in? -The Atlantic puffin swims in the Atlantic Ocean.
Bactrian Camel -How many humps does the Bactrian Camel have? -The Bactrian Camel has two humps. -How tall is the Bactrian Camel? -The Bactrian Camel is 6 feet tall. -How many humps does the Bactrian Camel have? -The Bactrian Camel has two humps. -How tall is the Bactrian Camel? -The Bactrian Camel is 6 feet tall.
Adelie Penguin -Can the Adelie Penguin fly? -Yes, the Adelie Penguin can fly. A few penguins can fly. -What does the Adelie Penguin eat? -The Adelie Penguin eats krill,tiny shrimp, fish and squid. -Can the Adelie Penguin fly? -Yes, the Adelie Penguin can fly. A few penguins can fly. -What does the Adelie Penguin eat? -The Adelie Penguin eats krill,tiny shrimp, fish and squid.
Thank You For Watching! »I hope that you enjoyed my Power Point about the animals in my report. By: Julia Leonard »I hope that you enjoyed my Power Point about the animals in my report. By: Julia Leonard