Chapter 8 Marine Reptiles, Birds, & Mammals
Tetrapods Four footed animals
Terrapods Land animals
Amphibians Class: Amphibia Frogs, toads, & salamanders
Characteristics Soft delicate eggs must remain moist, born in water, move to land, porous skin, cold blooded
Reptiles Class: Reptilia Snakes, lizards, alligators, & crocodiles
Characteristics Leathery eggs on land, born on land, scales, cold blooded, air breathing, internal fertilization
Unusual Examples Iguanas, Turtles, Crocs
Homing Behavior Returning to the identical island where the organism was born
Birds Class: Aves puffins, penguins, etc
Characteristics Hard shelled eggs, beaks, adaptations for flight, warm blooded
Sea Birds Mate on land but feed at sea at least some of the time
Types of Sea Birds Penguins Gulls Tubenoses Shorebirds Pelicans Duck & G
Penguins Swimming birds
Tubenoses Only come to shore to mate Albatross
Pelicans & Allies Nest on shore & feed at sea Pelicans, etc.
Gulls Garbage bird Lives on land & feeds near shore Sea Gull
Shore Birds Those birds that wade along the shoreline & feed
Ducks & Geese Nest in Estuaries Migrating birds
Unusual Examples Penguins
Marine Mammals Class: Mammalia Seals, Whales, etc.
Characteristics Mammary Glands Hair Blubber Live birth
Blubber Thick layer of fat just below the skin that insulates the mammals from the cold water
Order: Carnivora: Examples: Polar bears & sea otters Tearing teeth, ripping claws,carnivorous
Order: Pinnipedia: Examples: Seals, sea lions, walruses Tearing teeth, fins carnivorous
Order: Sirenia: Examples: Manatees, sea cows Herbivore; docile, almost completely adapted to the sea
Order: Cetacea: Whales, dolphin, etc Completely adapted to sea, fluke, blowhole, echolocation, live birth in the sea
Fluke Horizontal tail of whales & dolphins
Echolocation Using sound waves to locate objects Like SONAR
Blowhole Single or double opening on the dorsal side of a whale used for breathing
Convergent Evolution When different species living under the same environmental conditions develop similar characteristics
Divergent Evolution When similar species living under different environmental conditions develop different characteristics
Whale Groups Toothed whales: have teeth Non-toothed whales: have baleen instead of teeth
Baleen Fibrous, fingernail like material hanging from the upper jaw used to strain food in non- toothed whales
Toothed Whales Dolphin, Porpoise, Killer whale, Beluga, narwal, & Sperm whale
Non-Toothed Whales Baleen whales Blue, gray, fin, humpback, right
Spermaceti Gland full of oil (also called spermaceti) in the head of a sperm whale
Ambergris Partially digested debris in the stomach & intestines of sperm whales Used for perfume
Rorquals Grooves on the underside of baleen whales to increase the capacity of their mouths Refers to group as well
Adaptations for Diving Collapsible rib cage, large lung capacity, high hemoglobin & myoglobin 90 % oxygen exchange, organ shut-down
Helps in Diving Blow hole Blubber
Whale Behavior
Pods Groups of whales Many species of whales travel in pods
Vocalization Making noises Whales communicate by vocalization
Breaching Jumping out of the water Many whales breach Reasons not known
Beaching Swimming aground Many whales beach Reasons not known New study suspects sonar
Migration Moving from place to place Many whales migrate