General Characteristics Vertebrate Body covered in feathers Endothermic- meaning Warm-blooded Can regulate by increasing breathing rate
Body Traits and Adaptations Small heads Flexible necks Bills & Beaks Heavy sternum Scales on legs Claws on toes
Advanced Systems Advanced respiratory system Advanced nervous system
Reproduction Sexual; between separate sexes Internal fertilization Lay eggs Incubate eggs at 38°C Parents care for young until they can care for themselves
Bird Behavior Establish territory using song Courtship- Attracting a mate –Singing –Show off Bright Feathers –Build Large Nests –Give gifts (penguins give pebbles to show interest)
Behavior continued Build nests Imprinting- –well developed birds mimic first moving object they see
Five Groups or Orders of Birds How would your group/classify birds into five orders?
Perching Birds
Water Birds
Birds of Prey
Flightless Birds
Nonperching Birds