Vertebrates: Part II Reptiles & Birds
Reptiles Dry body covering Scaly skin made of keratin Heart has 3 chambers Well-developed lungs for breathing Toes have claws Cold Blooded
Reptile Reproduction Amniote Egg developed: –Hard shell prevents water loss and protects the embryo Internal fertilization
Homeostasis Modern reptiles = cold blooded Dinosaurs may have been warm blooded
Special Senses Jacobson’s organ Visual range Heat-sensing pits
Classes of Reptiles Testudo- turtles Squamata-lizards, snakes Crocodilia- alligators, crocs
Lizards and Snakes LIZARDS: –Slender bodies –Movable eyelids –Long tails –Four legs –Clawed toes
Lizards and Snakes LIZARDS: –Some can change color to match their surroundings for protection Ex. Chameleons –Some shed their tail to confuse a predator so they can get away
Lizards and Snakes SNAKES: –Moves by wiggling its body –Scales on belly help to grip the ground –Eat small animals like rats and mice –Some are poisonous –They are deaf and have poor eyesight –Use their tongue as a sense organ
TURTLES Body enclosed in a shell No teeth, they have a beak to get food Lay their eggs on the same beach where they were born
ALLIGATORS & CROCODILES Meat eating Spend most of time in water Build nests of mud and plants to lay eggs in Gators: broad rounded snouts –Teeth don’t show Crocs: narrow pointed snouts –Teeth show
Birds Body covered by feathers Warm blooded Bones have air sacs Toothless beak
Bird Adaptations Feet differ by lifestyle Bill based on food type Forelimbs = wings
Feather Types Down: for insulation Filoplumes: hairlike to detect pressure and vibrations Contour: give shape and color to bird Flight: used to fly
Homeostasis Warm blooded 4-chamber heart High metabolism Rapid heartbeat
Other Systems Nervous: highly developed Excretory: reduced Digestive –Crop – stores food for later –Gizzard – grinds food
Bird Reproduction System Reduced Produce Amniote Egg Internal Fertilization
BIRD BEHAVIOR Sing to mark their territory Build nest to protect their eggs Migrate: move to warmer climates during the winter
TYPES OF BIRDS Song Birds: beautiful feathers and sing often –cardinals, sparrows, and robins Hunting Birds: fast, sharp eyesight –Hawks, eagles, falcons and owls Water Fowl: swim in lakes and ponds –Swans and ducks Flightless Birds: fast runners or good swimmers –Penguins, emu, ostrich and rhea